Why is the truth so Goddamned hard to publish?
Since 2016, I've been talking about LuLaRoe. Not that I wanted or aimed to- but that's what happened. How it happened was accidental...

Consumer Fraud & Deceptive Business Practices
When you're looking for a plumber to fix a pipe issue, searching for a doctor, heading out to have a nice dinner or looking to buy a car,...
The Rise and Fall of LuLaRoe
Having to bite my tongue and play stupid isn’t a skill of mine. I’m the person that gets another person a surprise gift and then...

LuLaRich Episode 1: My Takeaway
I finally broke down tonight, found a ratty pair of October-themed period pants (aka LuLaRoe leggings) a bottle of cheap wine, a pen and...

CoVid19, for whatever school of thought you belong to on the topic, has played a huge part in exposing a topic that really needed to be...

Amazon Prime "Try Before You Buy" (Formerly Prime Wardrobe)
For those of us that proudly wear our Amazon addictions on our sleeves, this newest Amazon offering is going to tickle you in ways you've...

Fetch Rewards
Raise your hand if you can reach into your purse and pull out a fistful of receipts right now. Raise your other hand if you habitually...
The Bitch Is Back!
I took some time away. I was overwhelmed. Irritated. Defeated. I was just coming out of the LuLaRoe lawsuit against me that was meant...

Some Scentsy Reps are taking creative liberties with safety claims- Scentsy says some "go too f
UPDATES TO ARTICLE BELOW A few days ago, MommyGyver published an article about a post made by Mia Lockette, a Scentsy rep showing a...

Baby allegedly dumps Scentsy Wax all over herself- sales rep. proclaims it to be "safe"
We all fear it. Something's hot- the pot on the stove, a candle on a desk, your Scentsy warmer on a counter. We don't want our kids to...