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Baby allegedly dumps Scentsy Wax all over herself- sales rep. proclaims it to be "safe"

We all fear it. Something's hot- the pot on the stove, a candle on a desk, your Scentsy warmer on a counter. We don't want our kids to be burned, and most of us take a moment to make extra sure that our babies can't reach them. Sure, accidents can and do happen. But when they do, do you stop to take a picture for social media? And say your little one did get her sweet little baby fingers into your Scentsy warmer, dumps it all over her head and face- hand too... once you take this picture, your rep uses the photo as a tool to hawk the smelly wax- you know- cuz it's safe, hun.

#thankGoditwasScentsy I have so many questions, and they aren't the ones that start with "how did the baby..." but are more "what the hell is mom taking pictures for" and "is she eating that?", "is the wax in her EYE?" You know... the questions you ask yourself when you see a defenseless baby covered in wax... #thankGoditsScentsy or not. But the even more pressing question I have is- "Girl, how many nerves do you have to use this near miss as a tool to sell some wax?" But you know, it's excusable because it's "safe". So the warmer doesn't get hot enough to make wax hot enough to burn, you claim. Safe, she says. Should the baby be eating it? Should it be in her eye? Scentsy contains fragrance, fragrance is generally not safe for consumption. But hey, this baby probably won't die from that little wax flake she just stuck in her mouth. My issue is with the shameless use of an unfortunate accident (with a tiny baby) to promote and sell your wax. Also, Scentsy wax isn't why the baby didn't get burned. It wasn't hot enough to burn her- implying that the brand of wax is what saved the baby from a burn is irresponsible. But she's not hearing it- because, she claims, she shared this image before, and no one really responded to it:

And then, her buddy, the "Wax Boss" comes to the rescue, defending the wax, its quality, and again- the safety. This irritates me to no end because the "quality" of the wax has nothing to do with the melting point. The TYPE of wax does- and Scentsy is a paraffin blend, paraffin waxes melt at 125 degrees- just like a cosmetic wax does. (Which is also paraffin-based)

Ahem. *nowhere.

A heated (no pun intended) debate exists over the potentially dangerous fumes that come from melting or burning paraffin wax, which is a petroleum-based product. Claims that paraffin can release 11 or so toxic chemicals including toluene and other carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) is nothing to scoff at, and nothing to ignore as you scream from your Social media pedestal about how "safe" something is. Snopes has even left the jury out on the validity of these concerns simply because it needs to be evaluated by this wonderful thing called SCIENCE, and not your flipping upline... no matter how bossy his waxiness may be. But science does tell us that synthetic fragrances aren't safe or non-toxic- and Scentsy uses them. So why are we still saying "completely safe"?

Don't get me wrong, Smellerella- I like a scented wax like the next person. But I'm not fond of misrepresentation and shameless promotion at the expense of a wee one. But you pay those bills, girl. Run that "business". Again, poor little princess probably won't be hurt from eating a little bit of it, but damn the tacky shameless product promotion through misfortune... I'll be watching for this rep's inevitable "hurricane sales" to pop up next. Edited to add the following: Even that "safe" Scentsy warmer can cause first degree burns. The units melt wax at 125 degrees. This, from Wikipedia about the minimum temperature to cause a first degree burn. Super safe, she says.

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