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Why is the truth so Goddamned hard to publish?

Since 2016, I've been talking about LuLaRoe. Not that I wanted or aimed to- but that's what happened. How it happened was accidental and expensive. It left me pretty jaded and angry overall- for everyone that got suckered into the billion dollar bullshit company that caused more LuLaWoes than LuLadough for the people that ran to sign up. When several companies approached me to be a part of a documentary they were planning, I listened to each one's pitch with maybe more skepticism than I should have. I turned down several because I wasn't convinced that they were going to bring the giant, swinging balls they represented to have- to tell the stories of these women with zero fear. They seemed tame, more interested in a documentarian style story telling than a "Look at what these bastards did to thousands of women". I was waiting for an expose that would fearlessly accuse this company of what I had been doing already for years. When Left/Right came forward, I thought this was the one. Everyone was really passionate about bringing the dirt to light. When we spoke over the last several months, I was pretty convinced they were going to piss all over this company and do so unapologetically. The team from start to finish was a joy to work with- and I'll go into details more in my podcast on, but they really seemed in shock at what they had filmed and heard prior to meeting with me, and after my filming was done. I gave them A LOT of information. Email exchanges, videos, text messages. Evidence to support the weight loss surgery smuggling allegations. Even, yes, Sam's infamous dick pics. (Yeah, I have them. Eew.) There was so much wrong with this company and the participants that roped you, the reader- or someone you know and love into the scheme- it really didn't matter to me anymore WHAT DeAnne and Marks said themselves. Because they never put a stop to any of it. THAT'S my biggest issue. They sat idly by while the mentors were showing people how to kite checks, waving their bonus checks around as recruitment fodder, and video after video of just straight up bullshit propaganda- and raked in the cash. Thus far they have been just BARELY held accountable for their actions, or inactions as they were. I have the utmost faith that their demons will come calling for their pound of flesh- but once again, this documentary didn't bring the fire. No doubt, the powers that be were afraid of a lawsuit. Production confirmed to me yesterday that much was nixed by the legal department. But again, LuLaRoe had every chance to sue me for publishing the crap to begin with- and they didn't- because you can't claim defamation when I'm sharing what YOU yourself are saying. You said it. I just repeated it. So why couldn't that happen again? But in a documentary...? I don't know. But it has driven thousands of you to my page again, and the stats show that you're looking through the old articles. Some of you are looking to learn more- and for that I'm grateful. If I can be so bold to speak on behalf of the tens of thousands of women that were damaged by this company and their downlines- Thank you. Thank you for digging into what I've spent years publishing. For looking for more truth, and for not writing these ladies off as just a bunch of mean girls picking on shitty ugly leggings. Women that don't know how to manage their money. These women were manipulated. Used. Lied to and then abused when they spoke up. When they questioned the narratives being fed to them. Thank you for digging deeper- for their sake. To know that they are more than what they've been portrayed as. These women are doctors, lawyers, teachers, mothers- all levels of education are represented here. All levels of career accomplishment. These are NOT failures that failed again. They are YOU. Me. Your mom, sister, neighbor- and they do not deserve to be dismissed as simple collateral in one of the biggest scams we will ever see. I'm hoping that the stories we've shared here do get told in a pure and un-watered down version at some point. In the meantime- for all of you that are just finding my blog- dig in. The posts are tagged, and you're able to filter by topic. (easier from a laptop than a phone) Click "LuLaRoe" and start from the beginning. These voices need to be heard. Thank you for listening to them. -Christina



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