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Fetch Rewards

Raise your hand if you can reach into your purse and pull out a fistful of receipts right now. Raise your other hand if you habitually save them, but don't really know why. Guilty admission: I save mine, and I suck about doing anything with them. I keep every last receipt with the intention that I'll calculate all my sales tax paid, then write it off on my taxes at the end of the year. Do I? No. Have I? Yes. And I'm trying to be good about doing it again. In the meantime, how about making some cash back on those sheets of thermal paper gold? I've mentioned this app on my Facebook page a few times, but I can't even deal with how much I love it. It's simple: You download the app, scan a receipt. ANY receipt. They give you points that you can convert to gift cards. I personally LOVE getting Amazon gift cards with my points. There's a bonus too. Any receipt gives you at least 25 points (translates to about twenty five cents) but there are specific product incentives as well. For example, I've been getting an extra 10 points for every Rockstar energy drink I scan. We go through Rockstar energy drinks in this house like JLo goes through husbands. It's some lucrative shit... for me and JLo. And just like Jlo and Ben's on again/off again marriages- they run promotions all the time. So you get bonus on bonus points. It's a good time. In the last year, I've racked up over 90k points. What does Fetch do with the snapshots of receipts we send in? No clue. I *assume* it's data harvesting along the lines of: "40 year old woman buys vodka regularly, along with tomatoes, cucumbers, and dog kibble. She tends to hammer out all her major shopping in one day at multiple stores and what she can't get locally, she gets off Amazon." Well, the joke's on them because I scan receipts I find at the grocery store too. Ha HA, Fetch rewards! I don't really eat prepackaged dinners- so that two foot long receipt of Michelina's and Totino's I scanned? Found. No shame in my game. Someone's grocery store on the way out the door litter drop is MY bonus points. And yes, I take it home and recycle it. Because... the planet. But yeah, I'm sure they're selling shopping habits, using popular products scanned in receipts to solicit brands to join up on their program to advertise... whatever. I figure between my smartphone and Facebook, they already know which direction I wipe my ass in- so the app doesn't bother me. We pimp ourselves to Facebook for free, might as well have an app give you money for it. I freaking love the damn app. Love it. Use my link to get the app yourself, and when you scan your first receipt, you get 2k points free. (About $2) Click HERE to get it. Some key points and tips: -Receipts need to be under 14 days old. -They don't allow duplicate scans -They will throttle your scans if you scan more than 35 receipts in a week. (Yes, I tested this myself) They'll make you wait a few days before you scan more. -Watch the bonus point offers- there are a lot and frequently. -Receipts often mis-scan. You might have to verify dates and amounts occasionally. -There is an Amazon scan function. It only scans one account and only counts shipped orders. I have found it to be relatively unreliable and if you email customer service, they will generally give you the points, if not more for your trouble. -The email scan function is super unreliable, but again, if you reach out to customer service, they usually send you points for the trouble. -You can only scan one email account at a time, but they allow you to bounce between them with little hassle. -If you have an e-receipt, scan it with your phone like you would a paper receipt. It might need to be verified by Fetch, but it works just the same to get the minimum 25 points. (I do this with bills paid online, GrubHub, etc.) And that's it. I love it. They've paid for many an Amazon splurge, and then I get points for what I buy on Amazon with the gift cards I used. It's like cash-back inception! Enjoy!

*Page contains affiliate links


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