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Get Hair Dye Off Hardwood Floors

Often, I'll be blogging hacks as I discover them. Today as it were, I discovered that while touching up my gray hairs last night, I committed the ultimate in home ownership faux pas. I got black dye on my (albeit dated and needing a color update- but not this way!) honey oak hardwood floors. In my new house. It was dried on the wood. I somehow totally missed it. And while I was cursing everything in life, I was also REALLY grateful no one traipsed through it and onto the carpets. Phew! In spite of my positive outlook- "It could always be worse..." my husband still wanted my head on a stake.

I'm pretty sure if I ever disappear, it will be because I either brought home another homeless dog- OR I got hair dye on something that it should not be able to be removed from with ease.

Well, guess what? Today is not the day that I meet my demise. I didn't have to strip, sand, varnish, and seal it. Not at all. I figured out that Magic Eraser gets it out. I wouldn't call it easy. In fact, I sat there scrubbing that spot until the eraser went away. But... after about 25 minutes, so did the stains. I know that Magic Erasers are just sponges made out of melamine... they very well could be laced with virgin pixie blood or the tears of baby unicorns- because they really do work like magic. I have enclosed two links below- one is for a 4 pack of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, and the other is a 20 pack of a generic. I've used both with equally good results. The only difference is the generics are smaller- but you get a ton more for the price regardless. These things are always good to have around in quantity with kids, pets, husbands. Paint on walls, food on walls and floors, mud on this or that. These things have not failed me yet! Check them out if you haven't already. You'll thank me later.

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