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How To Categorize a Mother

When I was planning to publish this blog and all the ideas we will contain here, I really wanted a good focus on products. Deals for my readers, and real life mom reviews of all types of products. Potential partners contact me repeatedly and ask me to narrow down my scope to a category or two of products I'm interested in looking at. I refuse. Because I'm a mom, a wife, a chef, a chauffeur, a personal shopper, a nurse, a psychologist, Santa Claus, a handyman, a secretary, a zookeeper, etc etc, tell me how I categorize myself. Where is the "I'm MommyGyver" category? And then I think a little deeper about it. A mother, to any company-should equal a potential dollar sign. ANY company. So when I'm asked to target my focus to one or two categories, I just can't. Because besides being a woman, a mother, a wife, all that other jazz I mentioned before- AND THEN SOME, a mother *IS* more. She is a person defined separately from her role in the home, to the children, and as a wife. She is beautiful. She is strong. She searches for energy daily. She enjoys her own interests outside of her family's. She enjoys fashion but relishes comfort. She wants to travel maybe. She may like wine. She has humanitarian interests. Maybe she eats organic. Maybe she doesn't. Maybe she reads in her rare quiet time. She enjoys a long, hot bath. Maybe she paints. Maybe she sings. Maybe she collects things. You see, to pigeonhole a woman because she's a mother, and limit her interests and what she's exposed to because an advertiser can't see past the word "mom" frustrates me. Many, many companies- even with as young as this blog is, are already able to see what I'm trying to do here. Many have reached out with offers and products for me to review and talk about. Some of them get it right away. Yesterday, I received my first product sent to me by a company eager to be talked about on this blog- because it fits a woman's skincare need in their eyes. I was then notified that another company is sending a digestive product for my review and hopeful endorsement. These two are just the beginning, I hope. But they seem to understand that you can't target a mother by the term mother alone. She is beyond category, beyond definition because she is so much to so many- and then she's herself aside from it all. To the mother that reads this blog- I see you. I understand what you are trying to be in that 5 minutes you get in the bathroom alone today. I get what it feels like to be whisked out for a surprise dinner because your husband also sees you and appreciates all you do. I get that moms are seen as baby machines and therefore are bombarded by baby, Baby, BABY all day, every day. Can I just get a lipstick to review?!?! And I chuckle. I won't name them by name- because eventually, they'll return to this blog and say- wow, we missed out- NOW we see what MommyGyver is doing, and we'd like to be a part of it. But to the companies that have spoken to me and said- "A mother is not our target end user." I'm going to laugh. No, maybe she isn't. But is she the one that tells the cousin who is? Is she the one that buys it for her husband who is? Putting a mother into a category other than the top of all lists, to me, is missing a huge market. Women are vocal creatures. We talk to each other about things we like, love, and despise. We talk to each other about what our kids love. What our husbands love. What we want more or less of. To the mother, woman, Wonder Woman that reads this blog- I've got your back. I'm not going to be categorized and I refuse for my readers to be either. I want what you want. More. I'm going to push to get it. Sure, doing crafts and activities with our children is fun. Learning how to make cool things with toilet paper rolls and macaroni noodles is fun. But you're more, so much more than that. When the kids go to bed, go off to school, grow up- are you not still a woman? Yes, you are. This blog is for you. It's for the do-it-all mom and for the woman who influences EVERYTHING around her. I challenge the company reading this to embrace the power she holds in and around her "demographic". She transcends targets, she breaks down walls, and she can NOT be categorized.

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