Pet Plugs- Salmon Oil
As a mommy to 3 furbabies- Argos, 8, PitBull Terrier Duchess, 2, PitBull Terrier Bella, 6 months, med mixed breed (And 3 cats!) I hear a lot of info about the next best thing in caring for the health needs of my pups.
One item I can not live without is Salmon oil. (I also give them raw salmon and the skin as a supplement to their diet occasionally) There are many benefits to adding Omega (various) fatty acids to their diets. I copied the following benefits/cons of using salmon oil from below: Salmon Oil for Dogs Salmon oil is touted to be great for our dogs coats, skin allergies, and joint problems. Sounds great! Joe Craven, a fellow writer (, raises show dogs and took the time to enlighten me about the pros and cons of salmon oil. He regularly gives his dogs salmon oil, because there are so many health benefits. Together, we were able to find the benefits and downsides to salmon oil and being new to the product, I was pretty surprised by the downsides. Benefits of Salmon Oil for Dogs:
Improve the coat and skin condition of the dog, make it soft and shiny.
It helps in producing more collagenIt helps to prevent skin allergies
Dosage of about 1000 mg per 10 lbs of dog weight can prevent arthritis
Fish oil is useful in the treatment of kidney problems (frequent urination, loss of appetite)
Appearance of joint problems, like arthritis, is lessened.
Salmon oil helps alleviate inflammation, fights heart disease, and prevents renal disease.
It’s preventative against cancer.
Downsides of Salmon Oil for Dogs:
Weight gain; this can be managed with a healthy diet and regular exercise
Bad breath (it is salmon oil); this can be resolved by regularly cleaning their teeth
Stomach pain, dizziness and nausea; not all dogs have this reaction, but you should watch your dog to be sure that s/he is compatible with salmon oil
Loose stool and diarrhea; it’s not clear if this is lasting, but it could be a sign that your dog isn’t taking to the salmon oil well
Salmon oil can go bad and you want to pay attention to a use by date on the bottle to make sure that you’re not feeding your dog expired oil. I store our salmon oil in the fridge. The only negative I've experienced from this list is weight gain. But that's only when (as the blogger outlined above) when the dogs are not exercised regularly. Also, cut back the dosage a little bit. I really do notice a difference in Argos' issues (He's got bad back legs and skin problems) when he takes it regularly. None of these oils are cheap- and they shouldn't be. Look for human consumption grade. It costs more, but the oil is much more pure. Brands I've used: -TerraMax Pro