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Show Me Yours...

My team. My team supports me. My team motivates me. My team pushes me forward. This is what you should be saying about your team. Want to know something? My team pushed everyone. Buy. Buy more sell more. Don't believe me? Don't make me post the screen shots, Kool-aid. I'll do it- Ohh Yeah! Graphic upon graphic of buy this and you will make this. Be all in. Reinvest! When the Chicago Bulls won championship after championship- it may have been Jordan scoring- but he needed Pippen and Kerr. He needed Grant. And when they won- THE WHOLE TEAM WON. It wasn't just Phil Jackson cashing the checks and dangling them in the Bulls' faces. If your "team" tells you that you should get over yourself when your child died- that's not a team. If your team tells you that you need to buy more to commit... buy more to make yourself work harder- THAT IS NOT A TEAM. That is pure sociopathic manipulation. In just the couple days that my LuLaNO posts have been live, I'm getting message upon message about manipulative, and abusive uplines suggesting- or worse- INSISTING that reps max out their credit cards, spend their tax returns, and (we know how much I love this phrase) "GO ALL IN!" Yeah, that's right. Risk your financial lives for a pie in the sky fairytale. #soundslegit #becauseoflularoe how many of you are considering bankruptcy? You need to speak up- LOUD. Do not be afraid, because compliance doesn't own you. YOU own you. Your team doesn't have to support your decision to leave. YOU DO. There's a superstar on every team- but the whole team gets a ring. If you're preaching to me about teams- show me every player's championship.

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