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5,000 pieces total...

LLR claims that each item is practically unique... with less than 5000 pieces TOTAL produced from each pattern in their stable. Yet, if you watch this video, look at the right side of the screen. The hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of identical Randy's...

The contributor that supplied MommyGyver this video claims that the smiley face signs you see in the video have to do with quality control. A green smiley face means that they are doing well and they produce good quality, where a yellow or red face would indicate poorer quality garments. The contributor comments that they felt that this wouldn't even be acceptable as correction for our kindergartners here in the US, let alone a grown adult person working in a factory. Imagine getting the job you really need to have to work under a sign that proclaims how inexperienced you are, or that you aren't doing well. Empowering? Uplifting?

Look at those thrilled faces...

How many of these shirts are there? If they only produce 5000 total pieces per pattern, how does this many of one item exist?

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