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And Cometh Forward Another Christina...

It's got to be a Christina thing, I'm sure LuLaRoe will tell us. It will be addressed in a conference call full of useless rhetoric about not letting the negative weigh you down. Separate yourself from the nay-sayers, and do what you want! You want to succeed! You want to buy ALL the LuLaRoe. All this drama and negativity is just the devil trying to get in your way to total and utter emancipation from debt, from despair. And these Christinas... they are the vessels that deliver the devil's deeds... ...or some ridiculous shit like that. I don't know about you, but I signed up for leggings. I had no idea I'd be in cahoots with Satan. So now another Christina comes forth. Christina who, doesn't really matter I suppose. She's not really interested in anything more happening to her. She was comfortable using her first name in telling me what happened to her, so I'm just going to go with it. What I post below is her story, as she wrote it. I just spaced and punctuated. Two years ago, I noticed these wonderful soft pants and fell in love. I had to have them in every design. I NEEDED them all. Through purchasing I stumbled upon a group that I thought was another shopping group. It wasn't that at all. It was a group geared for the purpose of informing potential consultants of opportunities associated with selling these wonderful pants.

I was sucked into the hype of being able to be a SAHM (Stay at home mom) to my special needs toddler. Here they were showing us their monthly income in excess of $18,000. They cruise qualified many times over according to what the stipulations were. One person even showed us multiple times what their bonus checks were. WHAT??? OMG, what was I seeing? Bonus checks of $60,000 and $92,000!!

It makes you start to imagine "What can I do with checks like that?". I mean, my child has had numerous surgeries and still needs more, I can pay off credit card debt and fix my car which desperately needed tires. This is my chance. So, when I was approached by someone who said they were a coach for the company (wtf did this even mean?) I read all the information she emailed me. This sounded like my kind of thing. I would be able to do this in my extra time and make a nice paycheck all while still being able to care for my children. WRONG!! Nowhere did anyone ever say that I would need to work more hours than when I was working 14 hour days as an auditor for the government. Nowhere did anyone ever say that I would need to put myself so far in debt that it could cripple my family financially. Actually, it was quite the opposite. What they promised was riches that would make a leprechaun jealous. They made it all out to seem like everyone was farting glitter and shitting rainbows. Little did I know I would be getting told to basically ignore the needs of my family and to feed my kids spaghetti-o's. I had no idea I would be entering into a cult that could be second only to The People's Temple Jim Jones and his kool aid drinking followers of Jonestown. I am waiting for the day for the leaders to require potentials to live in Stidhamtown passing out packets of kool aid.

So, here's how it went down for me. I filled out my paperwork and my anxiety got the better of me. I started thinking that maybe it was too good to be true. I was assured numerous times to "Just make the leap".

The morning after I finished all the details of my paperwork, I had gotten a phone call telling me my father died. I was not besties with this man, but he was my father and the grandfather to my children. I was hurting for me and for my children. My youngest adored her pop pop. It was breaking my heart seeing my youngest grieving and missing him. A few days shy of two weeks and my potential sponsor messages me and asked what day I submitted my papers. I reminded her that my father passed away a few days earlier and the response I received was "you can't allow that to affect your future. You need to pick yourself up and submit your papers if you want a chance at being successful". Really? My father hadn't even been dead two weeks and this is what I am being told? I told her that I would not be signing up under her and I took a few months off before signing up under someone else. Fast forward a year. I gave birth prematurely to a baby boy who struggled from day one in the NICU. One evening we are called back to the hospital because he just couldn't fight any longer. He had suffered a stroke and was being kept alive by artificial machines until we got there. We had the heart wrenching choice to shut down the machines and donate his heart to a baby that would otherwise not survive. Three days later, my original sponsor adds me to a group message with her sponsor (a mentor in this company) where they ask if I'd like to participate in a multi retail event. I explained what happened with my son and then I thanked them for thinking of me but I had to decline. I was not met with sympathy, but again I was told to "stop being a victim." I was told to "pick myself up and move on because it was time". I was told that I had "grieved enough". How does someone tell a mother who just lost her baby THREE DAYS ago that they have grieved enough?

You see videos of trainings, tours, retreats where everyone is in the dark waiving candles and chanting... I am half expecting to hear on the news one day how everyone boarded a cruise ship, drank the cyanide drink and floated around on the sea for days. And this is Christina's account of what she experienced. What I can add to this is the mentality that you need to get over it and move on is strong in this company. I also lost a son, and when we were worrying about paying the remaining medical bills, a LuLaRoe consultant tried to recruit me on my son's memorial page. Keep it classy, LuLaHo.

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