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Meagan, I'm Right Here

I heard you're looking for me. Hi. I'm right here. You don't need to threaten to look up my IP or my address. I am right here. And I'd like to respond to your post and the subsequent comments. And the "person" that gave me screenshots, Janelle, are actually people. Many of them. I'm no hater. But I don't like lying. Baiting. Coercion. Asking-nay... TELLING people who are struggling in sales to "scrape together all the money they can find" to buy more inventory is not a sound way to build business. If you aren't selling, you do NOT spend your last dollars buying more- before you get rid of what you already have. Stacy N. I was a consultant. Briefly. I left because I did not like the non-disclosure of the correct terms and conditions of the merchant agreement. I was coerced and told I would be "fired" if I didn't sign it. I was told that this was mandatory to continue with LLR. And I think that's pretty bad business- considering none of this was disclosed when I onboarded. I CHOSE to end this relationship because of the shortcomings in disclosure (ie: no credit check, vs. soft, vs. JUST KIDDING! Totally hard inquiry), I chose to leave because of a lack of faith in the product, and my feeling like I was lying to customers. I also didn't feel like taking the financial burden of having to return and credit damage after damage. I sold my friend her first LLR. And they tore the first time she wore them. I can't endorse that. Sorry. Tiffany- I have time for this crap because I don't have to photograph inventory. Meagan... my facebook has an email option. You can reach me there if you want to talk to me. It's a little less threatening sounding than "someone message me who this chick is." Lizzy, see my response to Stacy. Maile- You wouldn't need to pull my IP. I'm RIGHT HERE. Meagan, Momma Bear, no one posted screenshots. They emailed them to me. And they still are. And I'm still going to publish them. Now you listen to ME. Intimidation and threats don't work. You can't spin a screenshot. It can't be taken out of context. Your posts tell people to buy more to sell more- and this thread I just read reiterated it. Encouraging people to go broke is reckless. Do you know what a whistleblower is? Do you know that a person has the right to express their opinion? My opinion based on the screenshots and videos that flood my inbox every single day is- that you- if you know it or not, are behaving questionably. I can say that. I'm comfortable saying it because I'm reading stories of people going broke... daily. Did you know that the FTC has very strict rules on lotteries and raffles? Did you know that in order to give away those tags for onboarding, LLR would legally have to provide an odds in winning statement? Did you know that it's "no purchase necessary" and that phrase also includes measure that it is unethical to ask for a bank account or credit card number for a winner to claim their prize? If it's free onboarding- don't you need to provide banking info and a credit card to do so? You have to provide game pieces for anyone that requests them. I could go on and on. Why? Why am I doing this? Because where I am SURE several of you have all the best intentions, you are either wittingly or unwittingly potentially breaking several laws. I'm not the police... I'm a private citizen that was not given the correct and legally required information for ANYTHING I asked for... and I am not alone. I am one of many, many people. And you know that lawsuit that just happened... CMA? That gag order you're blabbing about in your group? A gag order would cover you too. Just FYI. So with eyes on you, maybe stop talking about it- because unwittingly- you're damaging LLR's case. Don't look for me, because this isn't about YOU Meagan. It's about holding LLR liable and accountable for the inconsistencies and half truths they have told from day 1, and the poor people- like you- that speak on their behalf that will be at the tip of the plank when all the days in court have been had. I don't think you're a bad person, Momma bear. (I'm a momma bear too) You want to protect your team? I dig it. I want to protect everyone else. Do your homework and you'll find out that there is way more to all of this than- "Mark says it's no big deal. Carry on." This stuff isn't laughable... it's not dismissable... and I'm telling you- double check the direction you give that downline of yours. Because if they question it- I get it. And if I get it, the public will too. I invite you, Meagan, to cordially email me and I will equally as cordially address your concerns. Privately, and confidentially. But the next time I hear you tell someone to find me...

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