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You know you're raising attention to something when you've got an inbox full of messages and comments ranging from supportive to the ever amusing hate mail. So, in the last few days, I have been accused of trying to harm the every day LuLa "Retailer", and I've been accused of using this blog to "get my 15 minutes of fame". I've already had it. Actually, I probably had about 32 minutes of fame. I didn't much like it. I didn't like being in the spotlight (however dim it was) because of things like the above. I wasn't much for public scrutiny, I didn't handle bullies well at the time. I was always very concerned that everyone liked me. Maybe I'm drying out in my older age, but I'm at the point where I'm not so inclined to take it personally anymore. Yesterday, I recorded a video that was a short recap of the process of interviewing with Inside Edition, covering the legging hole issue. As a lot of you are aware, I'm relatively active in several anti-LLR facebook sites. When participants in those sites hear you're doing a show, they are interested to know how it went. Not everyone reads comments... I posted a video addressing the questions I was being asked: "How was it?", "What did you talk about?", "Did you get to plug your blog?", etc. Plugging my blog wasn't much of a focus for me, if I'm being honest. I don't write this blog to gain money. Anyone that reads can see the blog isn't inundated with ads or pop ups. I make money from referral sources on products I endorse. Anyone that follows can see I do not always endorse a product, though I may have reviewed it. An endorsement doesn't equate to "it's making her money". I do not accept paid endorsements as of this time. And why would I? I'm just a mom who talks about things that she finds important. That's all. If I endorse it, it's because I like it. Products get shipped to me almost daily hoping for a MommyGyver stamp of approval. Admittedly, I dropped the ball a little on that portion of my blog- because of how important this LuLaRoe topic is to me. People I know and care about are being hurt here. So, I talk about it. I accept that LuLaRoe has improved some people's lives. But my question is and was always- "At what cost, and to whom?" I will not participate in a program that knowingly produces faulty clothing and puts the burden of return on the consultant who feverishly and vehemently defends it. If she chooses to participate, I'm ok with that. I'm not here to hurt her. I'm here when she's ready to leave. The blog is here. The stories and screen shots are here- ever growing in number. But when someone makes a bullshit claim that this is all about 15 minutes for me- keep it. Give me your name, and I'll write about you for your 15 minutes. I'm not interested in spotlight. I understand and appreciate that with the tenacity of my words, there is attention drawn to them. I understand the manner in which I write. It's provocative, and someone who isn't familiar with me on a personal level would assume I am horribly dramatic. I wouldn't say she was wrong! I'm a storyteller. When I speak, I tend to wave and throw my voice louder, I gesture and make facial expressions. I am not Ben Stein. But the reason you're reading right now... is because of that. It's interesting. I'm interesting. That, I will take and own it- because it's done that way on purpose. Look at the news. Your beloved reality television. You watch it for the trainwreck level of unbelievable drama. It fascinates you. Good God, I am no Kim Kardashian. I don't aspire to be that- on any level. But yes, a lot of what I write is theatrical and sarcastic by design. It doesn't withdraw from the truthfulness of it one bit. But that's why I rely so heavily on those screen shots and videos. I'm atypical for a "journalist". I'm cocky, opinionated, and snarky to the nth degree. If I didn't have evidence of what I posted, as entertaining as you may think it is, this blog would hold no weight to anyone, would it? I digress, but when I posted my video about Inside Edition, it was in no way horn tooting. I'm proud that I said the company needs to be held responsible. I'm amused that my earpiece came flying out. I'm not a braggart. I get scores of comments on every post I make- from physical compliments to cheering and thankfulness. I have never, not once been smug in my reply to any of it. Normally, I say "thank you", or I click "like", or I'll crack a joke. I don't present myself as anything more than what I am- an opinionated writer that has zero fear of internet bullies and legging mobsters. Behold the field in which I grow my fucks to give! Witnesseth that it is indeed barren. So, no. I didn't give IE the name of my blog, because it was irrelevant to my purpose there. You don't see me shamelessly self promoting this page. I blog, I post a link. You all do a good enough job of sharing the articles, and for that, I am humbled and grateful. Truly, truly grateful. This isn't about fame. I don't think I could handle the constant scrutiny of it. Always watching my 12 and 6 to make sure no one is watching if I reach around and scratch my butt. I'm just going to go ahead and scratch the itch... But I went on IE because I had SOMETHING to say. I spoke for the customers who are getting sub-par product, and I spoke for the consultants that have to clean up the mess of it all. I held LuLaRoe accountable FOR WHATEVER the weight of my words may hold. And that could be absolutely nothing. I know this blog makes an impact because I get messages daily about it. Thanking me for it. You can never know how odd it is to me to have someone thank me for this. It doesn't feel right to be thanked for doing what you think is right. But I do appreciate knowing that it is positively impacting those that I'm trying to help. Someone called me a "cult hero" last night. That made me chuckle. I am my own hero. I strive to be nothing of the sort to anyone else. Again, if you know me personally, you know I don't boast about this...I say what I have to say, I back it up with a strong argument, and I walk away. The difference between the LuLaRoe topic and any other is simply that I'm not done arguing. If you're here with me after the LuLaDrama- you will be welcomed, and appreciated. But this isn't about leading anyone anywhere. This blog is about someone has to put this shit out there and I just happen to have a blog. That's it. That's how it happened. I have many friends that are celebrities. Media types as well. I have never contacted a single one of them for gain related to this topic. I've been quoted in media- and I have given information and not been quoted. Generally, I prefer to not be quoted, however, that's extremely difficult to argue when your words and thoughts are self-published! If any media type is interested in speaking to me on this topic, I can assure you, oh drama sayers, that it's sheerly because I am in the unique position of having a lot of information entrusted to me- and I lack the emotional competence to care if it chafes Meagan Parker's ass to share it. We all make mistakes. LuLaRoe was one of mine. This blog is dedicated to the prevention of deceit and false information by LuLaRoe- whether malicious in nature or just because the mentors are so inept that they for whatever reason still choose to play this insanely inbred form of the telephone game to relay information to their downlines. Curious... I wonder when they are going to ask why the info isn't coming from home office directly. Why they are the messengers. Why nothing they say is backed up with official email. Why a cattle call for a social media takeover, or a comment about a fictitious gag order can travel so far, so fast with them, just to be recalled hours later- with no official company statement. Just a whole lot of apology for confusion. I want accountability. For all of it. For the bullshit directions, the "this is against the law, but do it privately", for the pick up a sewing kit and get creative direction, for the absolute bullshit push to order order order to sell sell sell. People are losing their fucking houses, Kim Roylance. What should they do? Fashion a fucking tent for their three kids with their scores of holey leggings and Mark-approved sewing kit? Are you mental? Yet LuLaRoe says- "Ignorance is bliss"... so turn an ignorant eye to your "sister" while she goes $20k in debt and ends up in a shelter? Here. I'll say it- Fuck you. Maybe my language will take weight away from my argument for some. Maybe it will empower others. This is NOT about personal fame. This is simply fuck you, LuLaRoe. Fuck you for the husband who messages me about wanting his wife out. Fuck you for the lady whose ass was blasted on social media because she dared report a hole. Fuck you for "Anna" who is bankrupt. For Christina who joined to gain some support and freedom while she battled illness and disability. For my upline who thought it would just be some fun, never thinking she'd be hounded about how she or her "renegade" handle themselves. I'm a grown woman. I joined this shit because I like hedgehogs and bears and isn't it cute to put that crap on some fabric and have some fun? Fun. Not fame. Keep the fame, I want our money back. All of it.

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