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Enough With The Blame Game

I'm sitting here online, watching the groups I'm a part of for those ever-helpful screen shots. Most of my readers are fantastic about just sending them right to me. You all know I absolutely rely on those to get my message across without the scrutiny of truth doubters. Screen shots don't lie.

I take time to research everything I post. I'm more than certain there are several folks out there that are disgruntled that I have not shared their story. I simply won't post any bit of information because you say it's so. Where I'm not a fan of the way LLR operates, I will not engage in slinging mud that I can't validate IS actually mud. It's only the responsible thing to do for you, my reader. It also protects me from the liability of legal ramification. If it's public knowledge, posted, claimed, stated or otherwise- it is legally protected. My opinion is also legally protected... but there's only so long I can proclaim that LLR is a scam before someone asks me for some proof. A concerned blog reader messaged tonight, and I'm listening. She commented that she felt a couple of my posts lately took on the exact same tone of "mean girl" that I so vehemently denounce. She is absolutely right. They have. I don't deny it. In fact, I admit I did it entirely on purpose. I'm 36 years old. In my childhood, I read the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books. I relished every word of them. If you're familiar, you're smiling. If you're not- Mrs. Piggle Wiggle was that friendly old woman in the neighborhood that all the children flocked to. She baked cookies, let the children dig in the dirt in her yard, and she had a special house that was quite literally upside down. The chandeliers were on the floor, light switches were up high. It was my generation's Harry Potter. But there was something about that series I didn't appreciate until I became a parent. Once the children's parents realized that these kids were so drawn to her, they began to contact Mrs. Piggle Wiggle for parenting advice. One particular chapter that I recall almost verbatim was entitled- "The Answer Backer's Cure". Essentially, the subject of that chapter was a little girl who out of the blue- began to talk back to her mother and father. She was such the little brat that her parents had nowhere to turn. She was intolerable. They had heard that Mrs. Piggle Wiggle had entirely unusual recommendations and "cures" for the common childhood afflictions- ie: not wanting to bathe, not wanting to share, or not wanting to clean up their toys. This little girls' parents contacted Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, and her cure was to provide them with an exceptionally ill-tempered parrot for their daughter to bird-sit for a while. Well, you can imagine what took place. The girl spoke to the bird, and the bird talked back. In fact, he was even more rude than the snotty little girl. SO rude, that he began to offend her. She quickly learned how obnoxious she was being- all from being treated poorly by this lippy little bird. She felt regret and remorse for her behavior and immediately changed her attitude. Why am I sharing this with you? I'm a mom. Sometimes parenting requires a little more creativity than just punishing your children. A taste of their own medicine can absolutely resonate with a child that generally would expect kindness and compassion from a loving parent. I have responded rudely back to my children who have addressed me rudely. And when they look back at me with shock, I simply state- "Did you like how I spoke to you just then? No? Then why would you assume I like how you address me? Can we resolve to not do that to each other?" And that's that. Handling grown folks isn't much different. Especially when they are behaving like children. So, for the concerned reader who wondered why the sudden stoop to that level, this is your explanation.

I commented to you that sometimes, I feel it is justified to get a little dirty if you are wrestling with pigs. I do not like the Mean Girl behavior. Not one bit. BUT when there is a stinking, wretched epidemic of horrible elementary school recess style hair pulling and cheerleader versus drama club pushing and bullying of the "fat girl" be it assumed, fictitious, or factual fatness- it's obnoxious and my attitude is warranted. And so I reference the story above. Maybe a little answer-backer cure is in order. My general tone is to rise above, but I maintain that I'm honest. I speak in honesty and I honestly express my opinion- even if that requires me to call a bitch a bitch. My opinion doesn't have to suit everyone. My delivery doesn't either. My job is to deliver a message. Sometimes that message comes across with data. Sometimes it involves colorful use of the English language. Other times, it might feel right to dig right in there and push the bully down in the mud- the very same place she's knowingly or unknowingly putting every person that might not fit a size that SHE deems appropriate for a pair of stretch pants- which is simply not her call to make. I've been quoted for saying- "I'm a size 8. You don't get to use the fat argument with me. Bitch, I am NOT too fat for an OS- I've gotten holes." I've gone on to discuss my friend who is a size 2 who got holes in her first pair ever- that she bought from me. Are you going to say she was too fat...? Are you a textile expert? Good. Neither am I. But textile experts HAVE weighed in. And they report that there's something rotten in Denmark... and it's not coming from the endowed derrieres of your loyal and abused customer base. The constant feeding of misinformation into the ranks of LuLaRoe consultants is feeding the fat girl shaming. The product is faulty. I am in no way saying that some of the holes are not caused by misuse or inappropriate handling. But golly, Miss Molly, this isn't uranium we're handling. It's fabric. Remember, I'm not limited any longer to just my experience. I can state all day long that my defect rate was an unhealthy 27% in leggings. But I can back up my argument with the now thousands upon thousands of people I have personally interacted with. Photos I've seen. Product I hold IN MY OWN HANDS- to make my opinion sound. My argument doesn't point fault at the consultant. I feel she's just as much a victim as the end consumer. I think the documents released by the company accepting and admitting that the fabric has issues is more than enough evidence to debunk all debate about girls being too fat for one size or another. If that were the simple case, why does LuLaRoe not offer a more solid size selection? Size 1- 00-4, Size 2- 6-10, Size 3, 12-26, etc. You market an item as able to cater to a 00-12- then expect a 12 to wear them and EXPECT the same performance as the woman who is a 00- AND without having to wince in anticipation of a consultant blasting her bare ass all over the internet- or blogging about how she needs to size up? So, no, concerned reader- you will not see a constant "Mean Girl" approach in my blogs. But, sometimes- if the shoe fits, someone needs to stick it right...up...someone's... blog. Oh, and here's the link for anyone that wishes to order Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. (This is an affiliate link)

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