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Anti LuLa? You Must Be KKK

I'm going to post a video that was sent to me by a member of this woman's downline. In her video, she begins to discuss the various anti-LuLa groups that have popped up all over social media as of late. She then goes on to point out the group that has been in the media frequently. LuLaRoe Defective is a facebook group created to allow those who have been burned by the buttery brand to air their dirty, holey laundry. Critics of the group call it a bunch of negative people looking for a drama filled bitch fest. As a moderator in the group, I can't always disagree with that statement. The place is designed to be a safe gripe zone, so I'm not entirely sure why anyone would join unless they had a gripe. The video creator expresses her distaste for the group- and likens it to being added to a white supremacy group. I don't know about the rest of you, but I wasn't aware that the KKK was handing out leggings with membership. Must have upgraded the robes and hoods for the 21st century flair.

I wonder if the print is burning cross patterned? Maybe I can tie my Carly with a hangman's noose instead of a hair tie... I digress. The creator of this video- in all of her 'ethnic Dorito print' top glory- a pattern so blatantly signature LuLaRoe goes on to tell her downline that they need to leave LLR Defective if they want to stay in her group. I flash back to the 6th grade. My best friend Jessica and I were the brainiacs. (I grew up to be an executive level manager and writer, Jessica is an eye surgeon) The 'cool kids' in our class were led by this mega-priss, Daniella. Daniella liked me for my no nonsense attitude and the fact that I took no crap from anyone. I was invited to sit with the cool kids at lunch- on the condition I ended my friendship with super nerd, Jessica. I picked Jessica. 25 years later, we're still friends. Daniella? No clue.

"You can't be in my group if you're in that one" reminds me of my own uplines telling me that I couldn't belong to a buy, sell, trade group whatsoever, and I was for sure not allowed to shop in them for LuLaRoe- even if it was for my own personal use. I have never, ever heard such nonsense before. ESPECIALLY not from grown women. When you signed your contracts, did you sign an indentured servitude agreement? Did you waive your right to freedom? And if not, who in their right mind would stand by while some woman in tacky neon frockery tells you what group you can or can not belong to? If people are sharing your posts in other groups, maybe think about the content in your post. And so here we are. We've arrived at how this video made its way to my inbox. I'm not going to slam this woman because I don't think I need to say much about it other than- "Really?" Also, I'm wondering about the state of every member of her group's backbones. Are they intact or have they been removed entirely? So let's recap. If you are a part of this club, you can't be in her club. And someone in the hall is going to pass you a really mean note to tell you so. Oh... and you're a racist. I hope there isn't a final exam on this one, because I'm lost.

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