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Racist? Send Flowers!

I'm not going to doubt that Ms. Mooney had a pretty shitty day yesterday.

It isn't every day a LLR mentor makes a condescending and inappropriate video that likens being added to a defective legging group to joining the KKK...

Clearly, flowers were indeed in order.

From the posts shared earlier, I have no doubt that her downline does in fact "live on every word that comes from her mouth"

(God, that's creepy. Hello, Sting and The Police called. They want their stalker song back)

No, that's not what's chafing my floral stretch bottoms on this chilly morning...

It's that her behavior is celebrated while LLR continues to chastise the little guy who advertises in a garage sale page.

Suspend two women because they said DeAnne wears too much makeup. (I was there for this one. I saw it happen first hand.)

So, you can offend several races of people and get flowers, but DeAnne is off limits?


I offend thousands of people every day. No one sent me flowers. I protest and object! Heartedly. (Ok but not really)

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