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Lularoe Income Claims

If you haven't yet seen the videos I posted a while ago with Stacy Kristina (mentor) telling her downline that HO told mentorship that sharing income statements and claims was illegal, you should. I'll post them again at the end of this blog. In the video, she clearly admits that this is illegal, admits that she, herself has done it- and then tells you that you can and should continue to do it- but privately. In person, private messages, etc. A direction from a mentor to continue to break the law, just do it quietly. (Truth in advertising) just released a report on LuLaRoe with evidence of income claims. The report shows a large number of income claims from various members of the LuLaCult. But I was prompted to dig a little deeper. After all, somehow missed Stacy's video. What else could be out there? A quick google image search found many images of bonus checks. Here are just few:

And then I asked my readers. What I got back was overwhelming.

For LuLaRoe to represent the income claim portion of the consultant contract as scripture, stating it is against policy to share it, then directing mentors to do so privately is pretty shady. Couple that with all these examples of income sharing and misrepresentation, I'm going to go ahead and call bullshit. LuLaRoe wants you to entice people to sign up. And if you think about the strategy behind building a downline, it doesn't take you very long to realize that once you hit a certain level, you don't have to do anything at all. The 5%, 3%, and 1% on your downline pays you a commission and will pay off your minimums to stay active- and you could literally give your order away and never, ever have to sell a piece of clothing again- and still make thousands upon thousands of dollars a month- off the sweat and tears of your downline. If that's legal, it's still shitty. How can you bait a single mother, a young mother, a stay at home mother and promise her the sun, moon, and stars and not have any type of restriction on consultant saturation? Giving her dreams of those checks every month, but then the most recent income disclosure estimates an average of $86 in bonus is made annually. Eighty-six dollars.

But that's not what any of this says:

Not enough? How about a comparison to many other companies?

Because using the published average income from other companies to prove how awesome yours is- without using your own published data is totally kosher. I anticipate I'll be adding much more to this article once it's published, so check back often.

Here are Stacy's videos:

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