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Burning Down the House

On the heels of Mark's controversial statements about customers and consultants being stale, I'm hearing a lot of chatter about the naysayers having a victim mentality. Why is exerting your right to say "no more", confronting the issues of this company, and refusing to sell another dollar's worth of merchandise for a man who thanks you by using diminutive language about you and your customers having a victim mentality? A victim says- "Poor me", "this bad thing happened to me", "I'm so hurt". How is telling this cultist egomaniac, his bedazzled ringleader wife, and the clown car home office to take a hike making YOU have a victim mentality? How is taking control of your situation and saying "NO" to this trainwreck anything less than championing your environment and taking control of your own life? You want to sell your product off at 50% off- you have the right to do that. You should not be manipulated into feeling bad for anyone because you are leaving the company and they are not. Walk away and let that roof burn. You don't have to douse anyone's fire. You don't owe anyone in that company anything more than you've already given them, and for someone like Mark to then insult you- but plead with you to not discount your merchandise, but please send it back to the company because they will now pay your shipping (what about the restocking fee, Marky Mark?) because you cheapen the brand- is RIDICULOUS. You want to know what cheapens the brand? Calling the women who bled to make you a billionaire stale. What else cheapens the brand? -Lack of consistency in sizing -Poor craftsmanship

-Zero to minimal product training -Direction from the company to break laws -Telling your consultants to "trust you" and then leave them completely exposed once you're standing in legal hot water -Continuously onboarding in spite of oversaturation -Continuously pointing the finger and deflecting blame onto someone else -Lying -Encouraging fat shaming Should I continue? Or do I make my point clear? You want permission to feel good about leaving this cult? Fine. You have mine. Do not let this snake oil salesman or his disgusting lack of PR or interpersonal communication skills to make you feel badly for not wanting to be abused. You don't have to be a victim. You just have to walk away. Walk away and sell that crap for whatever serves you best. Deanne told you that if it doesn't serve you to cook dinner, feed your kids spaghettio's. If it doesn't serve you to clean your house, pay someone else to do it. But what if it doesn't serve you to continuously take one for a team that does not exist? The same team that has been bred and groomed to report you to compliance at every turn? The team that allows mentors to go off on a rant over video telling you that you can't be in her group if you choose to be in another- and then sends her flowers for her bad day when the video went viral? I get asked all the time how to tell your uplines that you're done with the cult. Here's how: "It does not serve me to be concerned for any of this mess any longer. I'm done being called stale, and a pig, and a failure. I no longer wish to invest MY money in the success of a company that allows mentors to belittle and bully, consultants to shame customers, and an owner to berate everyone who bought into what this company was supposed to stand for. This company is stale. I am not bitter. I am better."

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