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It's Not Me, It's You

For anyone looking to break up with this company, here's your farewell letter, compiled from a list of consultant complaints: Dear LuLaRoe, I feel like this is a long time coming. I've wanted to tell you in not so many words for so long that I can't continue my relationship with you. I'm going to outline the reasons why- just so you know- should you find yourself in this position again, maybe you will learn something from what happened with us. You've made me a lot of promises you haven't kept. Always talking about trust and assumption of innocence... I feel like that was your way of deflecting my suspicions and turning them into guilt. You made me feel bad for questioning your motives.

You tell me I'm playing the victim every time I point out an issue with our relationship. You tell me I need to be a day maker- but when did you ever make my day? You make me feel like I can never be enough. Not for myself, not for my home, family OR the business. You push me to constantly spend money I don't have in hopes you might reciprocate some love my way. Give more to get more. When does the get more check come in, and when I cash it, will it bounce? The quality of our relationship is questionable. There are things about you that I love and enjoy, but other things seem like they are falling apart at the seams. There are holes in our relationship, and it doesn't matter how well I take care of you, everything seems to crumble and disintegrate unexpectedly. You have a horrible reputation that grows more and more grim by the day. How can I fight for you when you don't do yourself any favors? How can you expect me to fight your battles for you day in and day out and you give me no tangible ammunition to do so? I'm set up to fail in a battle I didn't sign up for! I feel like you leave me exposed in many ways- literally in the physical sense, financially, and legally. You swore you'd always have my back, but I didn't think it was to potentially stick a knife in it! Your family, this "sisterhood" you sold me on- is nothing but petty, catty, mean women. I feel like I can't even enjoy my relationship with you without having to watch for a sister who might want to tattle on me for doing something she thinks is wrong. How can I ever be comfortable with you if this is the climate of our relationship? You have a strong and loyal family, no doubt. But I feel very removed from it at times. I see other sisters becoming orphaned when they speak up or challenge your decision making. It's scary and seems unfair. Please understand that I think we could have had a really good thing, but as you always say- "If it doesn't serve you, don't do it. Let someone else who enjoys it do the work." I'm not going to denounce you to anyone that may want this responsibility, but I just can't participate in a one-sided relationship anymore. It really isn't about me. It's all about you. And that just won't work for me anymore. It's been real. Really disappointing. -Me

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