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Speak Up

Every single day, at least 5 people reach out via email to either this page, my personal facebook, or the MommyGyver facebook page to share a part of their stories with me. The resonating theme is the same- either they got out or are getting out- but not fast enough. They thank me for being their voice. While we wait for the next portion of LuLaDrama to unfold, I'm going to ask the women (and a surprising number of husbands who contact me) to let me take it a step further. Let me share what you've told me. I will not reveal your identity, your location, or anything that would identify you- because you tell the story. There is confidentiality with me. I do not have to disclose who you are to anyone. But if you feel comfortable enough to tell me what happened, then why not share it with everyone else if you're protected? The only way we can save others from making the same mistakes is if we share the truth. If your truth is not sunshine and sparkles, then the eager consultant wanna be needs to know that. I also want to hear stories that admit fault. "I had a downline and I lied to them. I did it because..." I know they exist- because they exist in my mailboxes. It's time to step up and own it. Sources are starting to report private conversations from mentors bashing and belittling the downlines. Would your fear change if you knew your name was in one of those communications? How would you feel if you knew your mentor or coach was badmouthing you in a leader chat? Or were you one of the leaders that did it? Tell.Me. The only way to show the truth is to tell the truth. All of it. You've already paid your dues to LLR- now let's work together to make sure no one else goes into this blindly. All sides to be shown first- good, bad, and rainbow. Speak up!

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