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Preferential Treatment

Rumors have been swirling about LuLaRoe's secret preferential treatment of certain consultants since it began. In the past week alone, gossip about shipment boxes to special consultants labeled "VIP" laden with coveted unicorn prints have been brought to my attention as well as a couple of women who claim to have jumped the cue- because of a dirty onboarding representative who supposedly took bribes from uplines to bump quebies up the list. Secret conference calls with DeAnne herself, onboards walking in as trainers with an instant team below them... the accusations fly. None of those claims have been substantiated sufficiently yet, but adding to this list is the most recent document sent my way. Supposedly this small capture (I have the full list) is of an Excel spreadsheet with the names and contact information of 285 consultants with preferential treatment from Home Office. The informant claims that this list is the who's who of the consultants that comply with HO and for their efforts, get preferential treatment and she suspects their returns are somehow compensated differently than the rest of the consultants. The attached screenshot also provides that this list is common knowledge among the uplines- and that these folks can get things done that the 'average' consultant can not. Citing the screenshot of the facebook post, the (corrected) former consultant that posted, calls the HO response to average consultant inquiries- a "runaround"- claiming that this magical list can help with returns others may not be able to afford to take, as they are more financially fit to do so. This list of people are reported to be able to get to the powers that be to get answers faster, and get what they want done before anyone else in the company can. As for the other claims, I have spoken to two women so far that claim to have been on the same secret call that got them walked into LuLaRoe- skipping the entire queue, and swear themselves to secrecy about the call ever having taken place. **THIS IS NOT THE FULL LIST** I have the full copy.

UPDATE: I was contacted by a woman on this list who claims that this information is incorrect. I spoke to the consultant that was responsible for making this list, and she claims that coaches and trainers are discussed in the team pages. That she was told often that these people could get things done others could not. She claims that SHE generated this list herself- pulling information from the February Field Report LLR distributed. No further response from the woman who claimed this document came from her mentor.

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