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Rabid Refund Loop

(See below for 5/8/17 update) (Stops the car abruptly and looks menacingly into the rearview mirror) Directing my disappointment to LuLaRoe, in the child seat, I say- "I thought I made it clear that you have been misbehaving too much. I JUST told you I needed 5 minutes without any drama! And what did you just do? We are going HOME, young company. No T.V. and no dinner. Straight to bed!" I went to bed around 2 a.m. after penning the story about the former consultant whose phone has been ringing madly for returns. Because LuLaRoe needed yet another blemish on its lunar surface-esque reputation, there appears to be a malicious "Return Loop" circulating facebook. Two of the women on the loop, and a third with a friend speaking for her because she is out of the country and unable to defend herself claim they were added to this facebook post, and it's circulating facebook like wildfire. Except- they didn't agree to this. It appears to be targeting consultants that are 'doing well'. The hashtags at the bottom clearly express someone but their bitch pants on when they decided to mess with these women. One consultant told me that she's been up for several hours doing damage control, changing her group links after receiving more than 40 return requests already. It would appear that pro hostesses and consultants are spreading these women's information around the internet as a way to retaliate against those who spoke up against GOOB sales. The hashtag #ThanksLindseyCowels is because Lindsey had made a post in her group about GOOBs hurting her business. Some sisterhood.


5/8/17 UPDATE! As this blog post was making its rounds through the interwebs, several young women reached out to me to correct the information provided to me with regard to this refund loop. The loop reported on above showed what seemed to be a malicious attack on consultants who were 'doing well' or better than other consultants. As it turns out, where this loop was in fact malicious in nature, the reason for it is much different. It has been reported to MommyGyver that the posts were a retaliation. The consultants listed in the loop posts that were reported to be accepting any and all returns are accused by the loop creators of being consultants who actively report other consultants. Several screenshots were sent to me showing examples of a few of these women boasting or encouraging consultants to be reported. The Lindsey hashtag as it were- was because of the following shots (among several others)

Where the loop is still mean in nature, it's interesting to see the flip side. This cannibalistic attitude that has been happening with consultants seems to be expressed more and more. The outpouring of empathy for Lindsay and her post about how she doesn't know why this has happened to her seems a little silly to me. When you brag about reporting people, you make yourself a target for retaliation. If I agree with the tactics shown here or not, it seems LLR isn't a level playing field for anyone to begin with. You want Mommy's advice? Sell your shit however you want to. If these women are going to bully you and report you, you probably don't want to associate with them anyway.

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