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Product Review- Beetnik Paleo

Having been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, among other autoimmune issues, I have changed my diet pretty extensively. I generally don't eat a lot of processed food, but let's be real- I cheat now and again. Being able to cheat with a product that is supposed to hold my diet needs in mind is kind of awesome. And so, I was seduced by a microwave meal product called Beetnik Paleo. I selected the Organic Lemon Chicken with Cauliflower Rice. Where to begin? The image on the package shows exactly what the name indicated. However, remove that cardboard wrapper and the product revealed inside was a texture and color marriage of dog vomit and Stroganoff. It was not a happy yellow, brown, and white palette at all. Not even close. It was at least five shades of gray, the cauliflower was closer to needing to be hacked with an axe versus "riced", and the water content was so high, this bordered on being a soup or a stew.

The flavor didn't sing "lemons" to me in the least. There was a spice that took the forefront of the dish- and I'd have to say it was black pepper- followed by thyme. But that was about it. It was a $5 bowl of gray dog vomit soup. I believe the existence of products like this are the reason so many people snub their noses at "healthier fast meal options". All of the items listed in this product are abundant in unique flavor. I'm confused as to why the only thing that was really flavor identifiable was the pepper. What of that green sprinkling of what looked to be parsley in the photo? That wasn't in my dish at all. Sad when Lean Cuisine's photos match the product inside much more realistically than a product intended to be marketed to a healthier lifestyle group. How do you flub cauliflower? My verdict? For the $5 and some change this product cost, you can easily make this yourself, and make it more appealing. Essentially, the main ingredients break down like this:

1 cup riced cauliflower (chop the cauliflower into rice sized pieces, steam or microwave until tender) 1/4 cup sliced mushrooms 1/2 cup cubed chicken breast That's it. The spices added are negligible and easily found in an average kitchen. Save your money, make a batch of this yourself and freeze it. I'll be doing just that. Beat it, Beetnik.

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