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This seems to be the word of the night. Fuckery. If you're offended by a bad word, you most certainly found the wrong blogger. I blog so I can say things like fuckery when the situation calls for it. Otherwise, I'd be hitting up Huff Post for a job. (Hey, I mean... I can not curse too, fellas. Starving artist? Maybe? Cool... I'll keep blogging.) So I talk often about the lack of transparency coming directly from Home Office. All manner of messages and directions trickle down the inbred chain of telephone for the hard of hearing. I swear, DeAnne could say- "We're making denim leggings" and by the time it got down to one of the little Indians, you'd have heard- "We're faking random slayings".

There's all this buzz and speculation about this "game changer" product release from the company half of you love, and the other half love to hate. Speculation suggests a license agreement with Disney. I have to admit, the thought of Belle print stretched over my bedonkadonk isn't enough to make me squeal, throw some Stitch on those things and I'll buy them holes and all. But remember how I told you about favoritism allegations? That trainers and uplines get preferential treatment? It's rational to think that volume would induce favoritism, right? I mean in my primary work industry, it's common for a supplier to offer certain perks to the outlet that moved the most inventory time and time again, but not begrudge the product totally from the little retailers. That's new. Yet, here we stand:

And lest we forget the mantra- order, order, order. Hello FTC? Where the fuck are you guys...? FTC, FTC, FTC!!! I guess it doesn't work like Beetlejuice... Call him 3 times and POOF! He's there... but getting rid of him afterward is a bigger P.I.T.A. than anything else... At some point, they have to come, right? I guess we'll just keep mortgaging our houses and wait for government agency in shining armor to pay attention. Next, touching back on my previous post about returns for GOOB, let's go back to the fuckery in the returns for defects department and how lining up stripes is bad for biz- oh- but discount it. Can every single rep that has been reprimanded or "fired" for discounting please stand up?

This pisses me off like woah. Because... well... that blog's coming.

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