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Get In Good With the Warehouse

5/12/17 Update below Full disclosure: When this information came to me today, I didn't believe it. I would like to think that I check out my sources and I validate information always. This one made me do a double and triple take. I get emails all the time. All day, every day. I don't know why this particular one got my attention right from the first few lines, but I read it, and I almost fainted. As a writer, a blogger, a journalist- this story is a dream. But I'm the equivalent of a 5 year old in the field of journalism, and it scares me a little. I'd like to be the bold woman I always am and just run with it, but the allegations that have come to light in my modest little inbox, and the subsequent evidence presented to me to back up the consultant's story prompted me to not only report it here- but report it to the FBI as well. I ask, as a private citizen to other private citizens that if you know more of this topic, to please report it. The allegations this woman makes are very strong. What she participated in is wrong, and theft, and she claims she stepped forward because she's been living with a guilty conscience once she realized what was really happening. I have her permission to copy and paste our email communications here, so that I do not mince her words accidentally. It begins below: "I have been keeping some shit about LLR super quiet for a long time and want to tell about it but want to make sure I won't be named when doing so... Cause it involves me personally." I can do that. "But all of this is true. I'm ashamed in my part I had but truth needs to come out. So when I first started LLR it was late January 2016. When I picked up my inventory, Alex Brady (DeAnne's son - warehouse supervisor) brought my stuff out to my car. He was super chatty and met with me and my husband. He stood there talking to us for about an hour and gave my husband his phone #. Can't remember exactly why at the time but he said to call him if we ever had any questions. So as I begin my journey and if we had any questions about shipping times, we would text Alex and he would give us updates, tell us when Audrey was back up, what time re-stocks were happening, etc. Fine, cool. Well Alex was getting into some financial troubles (living beyond his means I would say). He wanted to sell his car and he was having trouble finding a buyer. I told him I'd gladly put it on Craigslist for him cause he didn't know how to. So I posted his car for him on Craigslist and it sold within a week. He was so stoked and we became closer friends. Alex told my husband and I that he needed more money so he could get his own apartment cause his roommate had his gf move in so it was time he had his own place. He said he needed side money to do that and asked if we would be interested in a business deal. He said if we paid him $1500 per week, he would send me 8-9 boxes full of LLR various styles. I asked him how I was supposed to do this. And this was before the automated lines went in... there's more to that part later. So Alex said he has an account with Bank of America and gave me all of his bank information and every week I would go into my local branch and deposit $1500 cash into his acct and every Wednesday he would send me 8-9 boxes full of LLR. 4 of those boxes would be nothing but leggings. 2 OS and 2 TC, even when the great TC legging shortage happened, you guessed it, I still had them coming in strong. Alex was collecting the money from me and then paying some dude he called "Danny-Oh" in his phone who was a line worker at the warehouse. "Danny-Oh" was pulling these fake orders for Alex and shipping them to me. Sometimes I would even end up with someone else's orders. Packing slips with all their info on it. I even have a "check list paper" this "Danny Oh" accidentally left in a box, just for proof of this happening. Once Alex and I did this for several months, I set him up as a bill pay in my checking acct and then wire transferred him the money each week, I still have him set up actually, just for proof it happened. How much $$ did I end up giving him? Well let's just say that within a 4 mo period, I had given Alex enough money for him to put down a nice deposit on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle. Alex one day called my husband freaking out. He had crashed on his motorcycle one evening. He said that he took the corner too sharp and smacked into a light pole and his bike was done. He said that he needed $5k to pay off the remaining amount between his loan and insurance deductible. He said that he had borrowed the $5k from his old drug dealer in San Diego and was supposed to pay him back that previous week. Alex didn't have the money and the drug dealer was threatening to "break his legs" and hurt his entire family. Alex didn't want his mom to find out that he borrowed money from this guy cause he said she would disown him again. Alex used to be homeless and bad on drugs. He didn't want her to think this was happening again. So he BEGGED my husband and I for $5k. I was SUPER hesitant to give him $5k for this reason. See we had to pry that out of him, he was trying to feed us some bullshit story at first that he was having migraines and needed the $5k for an X-Ray and MRI. My profession has been Medical Insurance and so once I started telling him ways for his MRI to be paid for and that I wasn't falling for that excuse, is when he finally fessed up why he needed the money. We agreed to loan it to him. He said that he wasn't going to be able to pay me back right away but would be willing to do something else for me. He said that he would send me $5k worth of inventory. A whole initial investment again. Business was picking up from summer again so fuck it let's do it.. $1000 I had sent him already that previous Tuesday went towards it, I had $3000 in cash that I went to his bank and deposited as cash Monday morning, Sunday after we talked I sent him $1000. For a grand total of $5k. Alex never sent me any product nor has he paid me back the $5k he was loaned. See I had a group of almost 8k people and within the 10 months I sold LLR, I made over $280k - so if anyone else is saying that they make $20-40k a month and has racks of inventory all the time, I can PROMISE you that they are being sold the same deal I was. Alex even admitted that there A LOT of high sellers they do this for. Once they switched over to automated lines, my weekly packages still came. Alex said it was going to be difficult but that he'd find a way to make it work, and he did. I am not sure exactly how, but my weekly boxes kept coming. After Alex failed to give me the inventory or pay me back the $5k, I cut off all communication with him and ultimately shut down my LLR business. wanted to stop our business deal for some time but then a bill would come up and the extra money was so nice to have. Halloween capsule, I paid Alex $1500 and he sent my 4 boxes of it. 2 TC and 2 OS. When those sold out, I paid him that next week $1500 more and got 4 more boxes of them. He told me I didn't have to fight with everyone through Audrey cause he would take care of me the way I take care of him financially. Alex and I used to talk on a regular basis, almost daily. He even told me a lot of family drama. The most notable one: His mother, DeAnne, stole LLR from her twin sister. DeAnne was working on a pant suit project and his aunt Dianne was doing the maxi skirts. Dianne was making them for her daughter to wear and selling them to her friends. DeAnne was upset that her pant suit never took off and one day Mark & DeAnne slapped a bunch of cash in front of Dianne and told her they were taking LLR and it was no longer hers. They left her with only cash and took her business, the LLR logo, the name, and the starting styles. Mark had quit his business to follow DeAnne. Dianne had to start from scratch and started Honey & Lace. That is why the 2 sisters do not talk. LLR was built on lies from DeAnne. The reason the automated lines went in, a member of the family embezzled LOTS of money. DeAnne had him arrested and since that happened the automated lines went up and armed security guards worked each line shift. Alex said that at Thanksgiving, DeAnne addressed the entire family and told them that they are not above her and she isn't afraid to take any of them down for crossing her." And so, I asked her for evidence. And she provided it. The screenshot of the phone number has been validated. This is Alex's phone number.

Here is a screenshot of her bank account still set up to wire transfer funds between the accounts.

She says- "I have everything. Even my bank statements showing these transfers that match his acct info. I closed that acct when I quit LLR but printed my entire bank history before doing so." Here are a few examples (from many she sent me)

Sitting there, stunned, I thanked her for sharing it with me. Dare I ask her to provide anything else to me? "I can send the fake packing slip that "Danny-Oh" wrote on too."

And so she did. She sent it all. Money orders (a few of many photos she sent):

Deposit slips:

As if allegations and documentation of theft, bribery, and embezzlement weren't enough to give this humble blogger a run or two to the porcelain throne, she then adds that she was terminated from LuLaRoe for refusing to use the Audrey system. Mark testified in court that the P+P are guidelines. Yet, the contract specifically states Audrey as a mandate, and here, in the pile of screen shots she sent me- its right there in black and white. Audrey is mandated.

She alleges all of this, and understands that if in fact, other people do come forward and say that they had the same experience with the with the warehouse, this may be something real. She, in total gave somewhere around $25k to Alex, she claims. With many rumors swirling about crooked onboarding reps and crooked warehouse deals being done, this is the first official one on record that was ready to come forward. I've got documents showing claims that certain girls skipped the queue. That was bad enough. But this is the first time an allegation of a potentially serious crime- completely wrapped with a bow- has been presented to anyone for reporting. I'm honored that she chose me to tell you, and horrified at what will come from this. 5/12/17 Before this story went live, I did speak to Alex. There were parts of her claims that he admitted to, and others- including the theft in exchange for goods that he denies. Alex claims he has not worked for LLR for a "little while". When asked about the $5k loan, he accused me of being a debt collector, then said- "You do you, booboo." and hung up the phone on me. Also, several sources have come forward to confirm that they were aware of who this consultant is, and confirm her 'boasting about getting duplicate orders' and specifically provided me a private conversation between two other individuals from that time period discussing her 'extra inventory' as coming from a 'local consultant who was selling them off' and their feeling that she had lied about where they were acquired. Two sources close to the family confirm the claim that LLR was founded on Dianne's ideas, not DeAnne's. They claim Dianne was wronged entirely by DeAnne.

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