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Sage Advice

My inbox fills up every day- it's just a thing that happens when you're the only what was it? "Nameless blogger" talking about something that's hot. First of all, catty bitch: You know my name. All of them. You know my blogger name, MommyGyver- and you know who I am- so go back to teeth sucking, smacking your gums, and hair flipping like a good lil cave dweller. Sometimes I think we should be happy some of your kind can walk upright, maybe we're hoping for too much when we have to interact with you and think you might not maw your tongue or smack your gums in between an... statement. (Hair flip) Jesus Christ, Mowgli. Just time the hell out. I do feel like there's a Deadpool reference here when Ajax (Francis! Hee hee) says to Deadpool- "What's my name?!?!" And DP (see what I did there?) says- "Oooh, I'mma spell it out for ya..." And then proceeds to spell out Francis with the corpses of Ajax' henchman.

So anyhoo... My inbox is full with a lot of questions that sound like a Clash song. "Should I stay or should I go?" Honey, first of all, if you need to ask me- you already know the answer to that. In the great scheme of Direct Sales and which company to work with if you must, you aren't going to get a solid endorsement from me on this. I can tell you that I had a relatively negative experience with LLR, and I personally, could not give you an unbiased opinion on that, if you're asking me as me. If you're asking for MommyGyver, the voice of reason, the level headed, truth seeking middle ground- you're going to get "I see a lot of bad. A lot of questionable, but there are those that claim there is good. If you're one that's seeing good, you feel good, then be good with it." If you have a doubt, time to check out. This isn't magic, this isn't a secret formula. LISTEN to your gut.

If all else fails, then of course you could take my new favorite phrase straight to heart:

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