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Internet Stalkers Volume 1

A few days ago, a would be internet stalker decided to try and go IRL (in real life) on me by sending a threat via email. In that threat, they included information that was sensitive, but public record. Some of the information included was incorrect, some was reported out of context- indicating that this person/people are relatively novice and don't have much internet prowess, as is the case with most stalkers. A facebook group that I admin for had removed several trolls after an altercation on a sensitive post was discovered to be provoked. Apparently, this group of trolls likes to go after people that they don't like- and take it into real life. After the altercation took place, over 25 people contacted me and other admins directly to warn us that they had recognized the names of the trolls. Several sent recorded phone conversations, others sent private messages showing intent to troll and stalk other people- in effort to warn us that we were next. We were warned not to remove them from our group- that this is "what they do" and if you let it all quiet down, they should go away. Most of them don't go to the lengths that they do. Others, well... let's just say that they have nothing better to do. So, one admin, while removing sock accounts (multiple accounts from the same name) happened to remove the ringleader. Within minutes, screenshots of the person claiming that I specifically targeted and removed her began to roll in. The admin really wasn't targeting her, and was not aware that this particular person was a person of interest. But, the damage was done- and in minutes following the removal, this message came in- in conjunction with screenshots of posts and messages where she specifically says she's going to doxx me. Subsequent to that, she began to message me (without having any rational reason to believe that I suspected her. I made no reference to her, but just to a non-specific group that operates to troll people specifically targeting racial conversations in order to create controversy and perpetuate more hate. They claim that they are acting for Social Justice, but they aren't. The irony of the situation is- most of these women are white. Some have an interesting background themselves. You would think that once you've been to jail- you wouldn't want to go back. But here we are. Not to say at all that white people shouldn't fight for black equality, respect, etc. Because they should. But this isn't fighting FOR rights and acceptance and equality. It's diluting a message delivered by those that care to repair and grow- to heal. Heckling someone into a corner and calling them names doesn't advocate for change. It closes minds, hardens hearts, and tells the person that was wrong that they are right to think the way they do. You want racial equality, you start by closing the divide. Opening minds. But they get in there, and they take words, and they twist them. Manipulate them. And when they have no ammo left, they fall back on name calling. A racist doesn't care if you call them a racist. But these trolls know that people that do care don't want to be accused of that. So they use it whenever they can. So this woman says to me- "Are you going to publish me in your blog?" I said no. But now I'm thinking I should. I mean, why not, right? Part of the power a troll or stalker uses is fear. So what if you took that power away? What if you trolled a troll? I woke up this morning to find that my facebook page had been blocked from posting- because someone had reported a post. (shakes head) I still hadn't accused anyone. I told the person that contacted me, pleading for me to believe she's being set up- "the authorities will sort it out". And I meant it. Also, several fake profiles attached to my life had been created. Yeah, set up, huh? Set up. But continues to discuss online how she's going to "show me". And show me she does. So at this point, I'm turning over all information collected on this group to the proper authorities. I know a lot of them have lots to lose. One is an attorney. Clearly that must mean something. Or maybe it doesn't. Wouldn't that be sad? Losing your freedom or livelihood because of someone taking things too far? And you might not even be involved directly. That would really suck. One of the group was shown to have said- "I go online and stir shit up because it's fun and amuses me." Another said- "I'm just commenting all night that they are racist." When asked why, she replied- "Maybe some keyboard warrior will come kill me." What's sad is- they think they are invincible. I pity the day the police come knocking. But moreso, I worry for their reality coming crashing down if someone were to expose them all- publicly- and let the true warriors for racial equality sort it all out. I'm certain that racial baiting isn't in the dossier of a true activist for racial equality. 800+ women, the majority of the instigators NOT African American. The ring leader, white as snow- hiding behind a profile photo of a black man. Instigating race wars online... Ready to be exposed for their participation in the stalking and harassment of many individuals. Doxxing is the publishing of sensitive information in order to scare or intimidate a person. What is it called when you publish all the chatter and threats that they make? Hundreds and hundreds of pages, recordings, and more... I think that's called comeuppance. I welcome contact from any law enforcement agency as well as any media that would love a story on cyber bullying of this magnitude and would like a very VERY detailed look into the way the pack mentality works in cases like this. Also, Facebook... really? Someone send this to Mr. Zuckerberg and tell him to call me.

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