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Trolling the Trolls

When I started writing about LuLaRoe, so many women began coming forward with their stories. They were so happy to have someone who was "safe" to talk to about what was going on in their lives. Someone that wouldn't blame them. Someone who would validate how they feel from a similar perspective... Someone to say- "It's not your fault". The hits on the page keep coming organically, and the reader base grows. It's pretty standard to get people that don't like you. I'm ok with that. You don't have to like me, internet stranger. You're entitled to think I'm overly cocky. You're entitled to not "get" my sense of humor. But what you aren't entitled to do is harass people. So the more that I publish on this topic, the more information is sent my way. More and more women- afraid of being targeted again by past internet bullies are coming forward to share their stories, their screenshots, videos, recordings, etc. They are starting to not be afraid anymore and I'm starting to build a hell of a file on this. I don't spend my day trolling the trolls. I'm a mother, a crafter, a writer. I'm good with doing product reviews and waiting for the next LuLaGossip to break. But if you feel I must cover another topic- then I must oblige. I choose YOU, cyber bully. I choose you. If you cower in fear, you are a wuss, a bitch, a this, a that, according to them. If you fight them back with their own medicine, you're a stalker. I simply don't have the time to stalk you. I don't care enough about you to do so- but I WILL expose you. Day after day, these packs of hyena-esque women circle one or two leaders and follow them. It's all fun and games for you until someone's life is destroyed, isn't that right? These women call family members and harass them. They create fake facebook profiles with the pictures of their targets on them. They call jobs, they file fake business complaints- trying to force someone offline, out of business, and into hiding. No. Just no. Not here, not today, not ever. If you don't want ME talking about this- then the best and fastest way to get it to stop- is to stop. Stop harassing people, stop bullying them, and find a new hobby. This one simply isn't worth losing your freedom over. I've got time here. I can and will dedicate more of it advocating for victims of this nonsense. I will help them defend themselves, and I will help push legislation to come down harder on people like you. Today, I got a screenshot of chatter in yet another newly formed group where the admin requested that everyone acknowledge the post by typing their full name. The post did say that doxxing and the like was not allowed- so, for the moment, I'm going to give that admin the benefit of the doubt. But I have enough to prove that she (and her many aliases online) have participated in some pretty aggressive cyber bullying. So I'm really hoping her lesson is learned. Only time will tell. That same group claimed that this post of the rules is essentially an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) within the group- wherein they agree that they will not only comply by the new rules, but will also not share information from within the group. I'm curious... If a group of people chose to cyber bully someone and it could be traced back to this group, and someone were to share the screenshots with a friend, or an officer of the law, or a no name blogger like myself- what would be the recourse against that individual? Would the admins of said group then seek remedy by law for the breach? "In the case of Jane Doe and XYZ Bully Group on Facebook versus Sally Smith, Ms. Doe alleges breach of confidentiality agreement to herein referenced parties, causing the authorities to get involved and hence caused Ms. Doe irreparable harm. Sharing the horrible, awful things that Ms. Doe does not deny doing in effort to harm another person or person(s) has caused Ms. Doe harm, and as such, feels entitled to ABC damages plus attorney's fees." Ummm, no. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. Lemme help you, sugars. When an individual participates in cyber crimes, or any crimes for that matter, an NDA does not supercede the law of the land. Meaning- the police will wipe their ass with your agreement. If the crimes are serious enough, they could seek to charge anyone else involved in covering it up. Listen, if you're just being little shits online, I really could not care any less. But when you're fucking with people, threatening them, and publishing their info in hopes to create strife within their lives, it's illegal. There are no laws about publishing your bullshit chatter and conspiring so every single one of your potential targets can know your game. One of them said it right the other day- "Listen, you're not weeding out moles in this group- someone's talking to her. If you're in a conversation with one other person, that person could be a mole." You're right. So now they know that I know. They don't know how much I know- or what I'm planning on publishing- but they should know that I have no issue publishing EVERYTHING that I do have. That doesn't make me a stalker, oh disgruntled troll. It makes me the wrong bear to poke. I've seen things in my life that would make the hair on the fake person in your sock account's hair curl. Calling me a bitch online doesn't scare me. But you want to go in real life? You think you won't get caught? Just remember- while you're breaking laws over there, you don't know who is watching and how. Not me. I'm going to sit here and eat this mother-effingly good salad I just made, watch some Thomas The Tank Engine, do some dishes, and then make a little soap or something. Whatever finds its way into my inbox has nothing to do with me- unless it does. (Waves at'cha, blue eyes- Christina-ly.) So I encourage anyone and everyone that has been a subject of cyberbullying to speak up- and loud. Save it all. Put it away on a happy little thumb drive or a dropbox account. Keep it neat, organized, and ready for the day they decide they want to try you again.

They rely on fear crippling you. You rely on it to motivate you instead. The more people speak up and out about this, the more things change. Laws will change... This age is an age where too much information is available to too many unstable people. Fight back- and do it better. Do it legally. Do not back down. And so I say it with intent: Should the behavior continue, I will publish a piece of information every single time. I have hundreds of documents linking several individuals to many, many cyberstalking acts involving others, not just myself. It'll be a cold day in hell before I back down in fear of some internet ninnies off their meds. Try my hand. See if I'm bluffing. Your moms, bosses, and parole officers just might be subscribers of mine. Wouldn't that be a bitch?

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