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In some leaked screenshots sent to MommyGyver today- from a mentor's group, some consultants express concern over the company's communication, or lack thereof. I've elected to not share these screenshots to protect the consultants referenced here from any backlash, as I know how difficult it is to have concerns addressed by the upline team- let alone not be banned or orphaned from your upline for voicing concern. In this particular set of screenshots, a couple consultants reference my blog. They express dissatisfaction with the company's level of communication when a blogger, and customers of theirs, receive information on a product launch before they do. Even the consultant that shared the info with me said the same thing. Lots of hype over a groundbreaking announcement on a conference call- just to hear a bunch of fluff and nothing really relevant to the how, the when, and more importantly- the how much. My response to these consultants may surprise you all. You're right. I shouldn't have access to this information before you do. Your customers should be surprised by YOU. But all pipes begin to leak after their integrity is compromised. There are many people that just hold out a bowl to collect it all for me to sort through. I need to remind you of something again. I'm not here to "take LuLaRoe down". I'm here to demand a change. For YOU. Now, if they go down in the process because they refuse to change, that's a reality I am comfortable with, but I simply can not sit idly by and watch them take your money over and over again and offer you none of the following: -Transparency -Clear direction -Training -Support (within a reasonable amount of time) -Credit/Refund in a timely fashion -Security -TRUTH Ask yourself: -Aside from the pep talk posts from my upline and mentor (who make money off your orders)- how much training on actually SELLING this product have I had? -How much has the company invested in discussing long term plans for the growth and sustainability of LLR? -How much notice am I getting before the company is making "game changing" decisions like the Happiness Policy and this Disney launch. -How clear are the answers I'm getting? -When calling home office, how long must you wait for someone to answer? -When emailing home office, how long must you wait before getting a reply? -How consistent are the replies you have received as compared to the replies that others have received? All of these things are red flags. Do you find it interesting that right at the peak of all these lawsuits and negative press, LuLaRoe launched a "collaboration" with Disney? Disney, the most beloved American born company ever... riddled with flocked and fuzzy lovable little cartoon creatures that melt the hearts of even the most stoic adult. Does anyone else find the timing of that suspect? "We are being sued from here to Yonkers for everything from breach of contract to copyright infringement, to defective merchandise. Let's ignore these issues some more- because clearly, if we do, they will go away- and not multiply... ...and instead, let's launch a line of adorable little cartoon character bespeckled fabric- of the same quality that we're being sued over, and hope that they forgive us for the issues... because Mickey Mouse is on them." Huh? Maybe you aren't seeing it yet. Maybe it's just me, lost in my own world of cynicism wondering why Forbes released an article about this magical co-op but NO ONE IS DEMANDING LULAROE HIRE A TEAM OF TEXTILE EXPERTS TO ADDRESS THE FABRIC ISSUES. Why LuLaRoe hasn't released a financial statement yet. Why LuLaRoe continues to onboard even though scores of reps are flocking for the door. Want to know what I think? I think they don't give a shit about you. I think they take your money, tell you what you can't do, but don't really invest much else into helping you do what they want you to. Their directions are cloudy at best. By adding Disney into the mix, they have managed to muck up the waters even further by adding another company's set of rules and guidelines into the whole fiasco. Expecting the average consultant (no offense) to understand legalese and abide by it, is not only reckless, it's just plain stupid. To add insult to the magical injury, LuLaRoe has yet to really address all of the questions that surround this "partnership". IE: How much do we need to order? When can we order it? How does this need to be sold? In home only or online too? Can I sell it with other pieces of LuLaRoe? Can I reorder specific prints? How long is this partnership going on? Why are leaders able to have this before me? How does this level the playing field for me? WHY CAN I BUY THESE ON EBAY ALREADY BUT NOT AT WHOLESALE FOR MY OWN CUSTOMERS TO PURCHASE? LuLaRoe wonders how the rumor mill turns so much, but yet can't put out an official home office direction to clarify. Consultants are left guessing, others see the guess, think it's plausible, and run with the idea. After a little while, mentors get bent out of shape and chastise them for speculating. More amusing still is- half the rumors that start are started by the misinformation from the mentors. SO, if the rumors are starting at the very top of the pyramid, how can anyone below expect any clarity when it finally trickles down the walls to the bottom? By then, it's a river of grime that consultants are wading in while waiting for corporate to send a raft. Ridiculous. You all need to be asking these questions. You all need to be demanding answers. At some point, you're going to arrive at the mentality of "So what if they block me from my mentor group? She's full of shit anyway." Look, my position here stands. I'm going to bring you the information as it comes in. If that happens to be before your mentors give it to you, then maybe the question you should be asking yourself is- Why are they so afraid of blogs like this, when the blog is demanding answers FOR YOUR BENEFIT? The only reason I'm here is because these questions need to be addressed- and no one is deleting my posts from anywhere- because I own the page. If your mentor doesn't like that I called her an idiot- maybe she shouldn't be an idiot. As for you, consultant- I'm here to help you find those answers you seek. And it starts with demanding more clarity. Your mentors don't like this blog because they don't get to delete my comments. They don't get to hush me, and they don't get to remove me from their groups for being that loudmouth in the back that isn't going to follow the flock right off the edge of the cliff. Start demanding answers. Hold them accountable personally for the answers they provide- you'll be shocked at how little they actually say. Meanwhile, if you're cruising for a Disney fix, I am curating a blog with some cute things that may or may not be on my wish list. I'll invite you to take a look when it's posted. (Will be linked once completed)

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