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You're Full of Shit... Let Me Count The Ways

I can't even anymore. Can't.even. I totally just quoted my eight year old. Had to. There is no phrase in acceptable adult vernacular to grasp and define the level of utter fuckery that this company allows on a daily basis. Early this a.m., I present to you the biggest crock of bullshit from LuLaRoe in at least... 4 hours.

Where do I start? First, I feel like maybe I should be trading out my coffee for a whiskey on this one. My nerves. I can't. I have questions, AmyLee and Erin. #1. Why are you begging people not to sell under MAP? Pretty sure that's none of your business. #2. Please refer to Mark's testimony in the CMS case, where under oath, he states:

#3. I give you the contract and P+P with the pertinent information highlighted for your convenience:

#4. So LLR encourages consultants to not ADVERTISE product at less than the suggested RETAIL PRICES... Please explain to me how participating in a GOOB or below map sale if they haven't advertised a price breaks the rules. There's nothing that says they can't participate- in FACT this document specifically states that they can sell for whatever they want to- they just can't advertise below suggested retail. Which is a price RANGE. Allow me to show you:

According to the P+P, Suzy LeggingLover can sell that Sarah for anything she wants. Can't advertise below Map. LLR SUGGESTS she sell it between $60-$70. Now explain to me how the company has the right to tell the consultant she can't do what she is contractually allowed to do, provided she does so as afforded by the contract. And where in this document, does it say that LLR retains the right to terminate her contract and pull back her order for doing exactly what she's allowed to. Here's what I think should happen. I think you should just publish your attorney's name below every single one of these bullshit posts, and when LLR gets sued for breach of contract, poor business practice, etc., you can be named as a defendant as well. You guys are so hard up on these consultants exercising their right to sell this crap for whatever price they want, that you're willing to pull complete and utter rubbish out of thin air in effort to scare someone into complying, you're starting to look really desperate, and really foolish. Hey sellers in the LuLaWorld- if your contract gets pulled because you sold a product under MAP (and didn't break the contract guidelines when you did) I want to hear from you. I promise you I will hand deliver your claim to every news outlet I know, and to every single consumer protection agency there is. At some point, they need to start playing by their own rules already or face the music.

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