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When I decided to take on the issues in LLR, I did it knowing there would be a risk. Lots of risks actually. Putting yourself out there, your REAL self out there at any level and for anyone to view, opens up the world of opinion. Generally speaking, I am not much phased by anyone's opinion of me if they are not someone I know, respect, or assign value to in my life. I care what my children think of me. My husband. I care about what the people I talk to think of me. I care about those that are mentoring me and what their opinions of me are. I want to do right by them. Many people take a risk to some extent by talking to me about LuLaRoe. They open themselves up to potential litigation and backlash from others within the company, should their information not be protected entirely. I take this very seriously and because of that, I have opened myself up to potential litigation with LuLaRoe. I am entirely fine with that risk. LuLaRoe is banking on the idea that I can not afford to litigate, and the truth is not shocking. I can't afford to take on a "billion dollar company". But as always, LLR underestimates me- and the allies I have established should a case become reality. I am a speaker of truth. What's right. Sometimes, that comes at great cost. People who are not interested in "right" will call you wrong. They will fight you, attack you, and besmirch you. My skin is thick- thicker than anyone else I know. But I am not without feelings or faults. A fault of mine is that I want to right the wrongs that all have felt. If you were to ask my lifelong friends, they all assumed I'd grow up and become a litigator. I was a firm believer in "fair" and "right". Yes, I was the kid that screamed- "THAT'S NOT FAIR!" With age, I have learned that life is in fact not fair. I was going to become an attorney. It was my dream to help people in some way- but I lost much faith in the legal system as I got more involved and watched cases turned away because of monetary value to the firm. I translated for a short time at a Miami firm. I was talking to a woman whose baby had died when a semi truck took a corner too tightly and the baby buggy and baby were snatched by the tires from the street corner and ground to pieces. Mom was left alive to watch her infant shredded in front of her. The firm I was translating for- the attorney involved was a partner. He listened to me go back and forth between them, and then he told me to thank her for her time and send her on her way. When she asked if he would take the case, he said no. She asked why. I was then tasked with translating to a mother that this man just told me to tell her that her baby didn't have the monetary value to substantiate litigation fees. Essentially, it wasn't worth it to the firm to take her case. There wasn't enough money for them. I did not tell her that. I told her to keep looking for help- this was not the firm for her. She thanked me tearfully, hugged me, and walked out. I stayed just long enough to stare him down, and I walked out. When he called to ask what happened, my response was- "She lost her child. The right thing to do was take the case. I can't be involved with telling a mother her child isn't WORTH IT." I hung up the phone, decided law was not always about justice as it was a paycheck. I walked away from becoming an attorney forever after that. This is how passionate I am about fairness. But I understand and appreciate that fair to me may not be fair to you. So I need to be careful. I think one of my mistakes is that I take all the wrongs you all may be experiencing to heart. Let me give you an example: It's not fair or nice if one GOOB group is warring with another. If you're helping, then everyone should be able to help everyone. There are no rules in helping. GO HELP. But the one contacts me and asks me to put the other on blast because she claims the enemy had her pages shut down. I reach out and get the other side of the story. The original person loses their mind because I contacted the other party. The other party emails me and says she's just tired of hearing "I'm telling MommyGyver". I don't blame her! I would be too! Somewhere, people decided that I was here to fight their personal battles. If I'm going to write a story, I'm going to look for more information. So when you saw posts requesting info on nasty pro-hos, I was looking for more examples than the two in front of me to establish if there was a widespread issue, or if it was simply two girls being total assholes to each other. I didn't write the article, so you can figure out the "official" MommyGyver position on it. I assume this will lead some to go back to the story about Alex. A reporter's job is to report. A woman accused Alex of wrongdoing to such a degree, I felt that it should be published. What person in their right mind would incriminate themselves in essentially hundreds of thousands of dollars (potentially) in crimes just to scare someone into giving them back $5,000. I called Alex. I can't publish what he said because he did not give me permission to do so. I can confirm he acknowledged knowing her, and I can confirm he acknowledged owing her money. The amount was unclear. Once that article went public, people recognized the screenshots because the woman had attempted to out this story before. No amount of confidentiality would have protected her from that. Afterward, several people contacted me claiming her story was true. From mentors and uplines always getting preferential treatment it seemed, to giving me actual screen shots of conversation with the accuser bragging about getting extra boxes of shipment. She called them "accidental" and often bragged about getting good stuff because she has friends in the warehouse. An insider to LLR also advised me in a phone conversation that a lot of the back order and out of stocks were simply because Alex could not locate the whereabouts to items and would not fulfill the orders. They advised me it was mostly because at that time, LLR was having issues with storage space, and often he'd forget where they stuck something! I didn't feel there needed to be much follow up on that article because as I originally stated: If it's true, LLR needs to know. If it's not, LLR needs to know. I can't imagine LLR as a company would be happy with theft and conspiracy from within their warehouse, and I'm sure mama bear DeAnne wouldn't want some cranky ex-consultant accusing her baby boy of crimes such as this. I didn't express my opinion on the matter until now. I don't believe she was telling the truth either time. I believe she embellished where she could to make her story look good, and not realizing how it implicated her, she retracted it as fast as possible with whatever hair brained excuse she could come up with. Which, as I stated above, was she implicated herself in multiple felonies to recoup $5,000. Makes zero sense to me. But LuLaRoe is so hell bent on going after everyone that questions them, I thought it would be nice to throw them a bone. I didn't retract my story, because it wasn't my story. It was hers. I'm confident there is some level of truth there because of the rest of the information that came my way during the fiasco. I don't have to disclose every bit of evidence I get. I'm able to sit and keep it for a rainy day. And as a reader, you don't have to believe me. Not one word of what I say. But I am risking my well being by doing this- so for whatever that's worth, keep that in mind. Going back to the reasons I do this now, I want to help. I want people to understand that they should not have to be afraid of a company. If you know that there is something happening and don't want to sit idly by while you and those you care about are getting hurt, you should speak up. I am saying from the bottom of my heart and the core of my guts that I am not afraid of LuLaRoe. I was hoping by now, others that wish to speak up would come out of the shadows and scream their stories from the mountaintops, but many still come and share with me privately in fear of retaliation. Just today I received an email that talked about being afraid of certain mentors that lived close to this individual because of the money they make and their communication and actions that led her to believe they would stop at nothing to protect that income. So here I am. I admit my feelings are hurt. I must have a couple left. A drama that spawned from trying to help someone I considered a friend- who runs a group with several other women that are friends- had a mission to help people escape malicious MLMs. It was a simple thing... and not one that I'm going to spend any time going into because I just won't stoop to the levels they have. I will defend myself when needed but I'm not of the opinion that I need to answer for my position to any single person. The friendship with one is done, and I feel sheepish for not heeding warnings from others. What saddens me about this is that women need these groups as an outlet- and they are now torn and should not be. The relationships with the others that were in that group are preserved as I was an outsider watching the issues unfold- and essentially their decision to take the original message from that group and start their own thing. There was an ad paid for by the original group, and I will roll those fees over to the new group and hope that the endorsement I gave this group initially also rolls over to the newly formed group- as these are the individuals that truly have my endorsement. I created a GOOB sale page, as you may be aware of. Simply put, it's just another option for GOOBers. I'm not in competition with anyone as I have maintained from day 1. I don't wish to compete because I know my attention is spread elsewhere and it would not get the dedication it deserves from me making it into a monster group. There are other admins there outside of myself and we are all committed to helping in a friendly, zero drama or abuse laden environment. These GOOBers have been abused already. There is no sense in continuing a circle of cruelty. These GOOBs are free. More information will follow. Next, and probably the topic you are looking for is what happens to my role with exposing LLR? I will continue. I thought long and hard about it after my frustration with being beaten down by the very women I am trying to help passed. I've decided that I still wish to help them- even if they are ungrateful currently. I really don't ask you for anything but respect. If you aren't in a position to give it to me at the moment, that's fine too. But I am not going to walk away from my mission of helping bring change to a company that so desperately needs it. I have no dog in that fight anymore. But I made promises to a lot of women, and I intend to fulfill them. HOWEVER, I think the information I accept with regard to the issues with LuLaRoe will have to be limited to actions of the company and their consultants only. No more "this girl hurt me, mommy" messages will be addressed by me. Surely you must know I care. But there has to be a boundary for some form of self preservation. Sending information to me for consideration needs to be genuine in motive. I simply will not address personal vendettas and I will no longer respond to requests for assistance with those. If you have been wronged by a big guy, I'm the little guy that wants to help. Not for money or fame or recognition, but more because everyone can congregate to complain, but I waited to see who would stand up, and I found myself standing alone. So in my little bubble of hurt feelings last night, many of you emailed me. I saw them on facebook even though I am unable to reply to my inbox at the moment. I saw them in my MommyGyver page inbox. I saw them in my website inbox. Thank you for your words of love and encouragement. I'm here for you. I'm still fighting, and I won't be silenced by a single troll OR a billion dollar company full of trolls. I will, however, change the amount of interaction and availability I have for those wanting to use my blog as a personal call out forum. I'm not someone that says "I told you so" in any serious fashion. But I might sit on my ability to use that in the coming months- just in case. In the interim, I anticipate I should be able to resume normal functions on facebook tomorrow. I also assume that some troll will shut me down again. Either way... I'm done feeling sorry for myself, and I'm done feeling like maybe a few of you walked right into whatever it was you were trying to have me protect you from, but decided to try and burn me along the way. I don't feel sorry for you anymore and I refuse to become you. The people that read this blog have a duty to themselves to question facts. A lot of you got into the messes you did with LLR because you blindly followed someone's advice without looking deeper for yourself. If you blindly followed everything I said, I'd worry for you. I invite questions and conversation about what I publish. I do not invite verbal abuse or heckling. If you feel that I have "silenced your opinions" on my page, the only advice I can give you is to learn how to communicate peacefully and intelligently, and your comments would never be removed.

My forums are for respectful conversation amongst each other. If you can't be respectful, yes, you will be removed. You don't get to be a bully and then be upset if you're banned. There simply isn't enough time in the world for this mommy to try and rectify your issues for you. If that's somehow a violation of your rights, I invite you to return to sophomore year political science class to review that portion of the textbook. So that's that. Here I am. You know- in the midst of all of this, three conversations stuck out to me to make my decision to stay on to fight. 1. A person who by all rights should be my enemy. I challenge just about everything that this person has built their career from, and yet they offer me guidance, motivation, and help. 2. A leader in LLR who started off hating me as well, but she and I have grown to be friends. She left for the same reasons I speak up. If I was wrong about this, I feel like she wouldn't exist. 3. A message from a friend incognito, sharing a supposed clip of a leadership talk where DeAnne supposedly said- "If you quote me, I won't sign your check." I immediately thought- "That wouldn't be fair!" And then I laughed at myself- because surely I couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity to respond with- "If you sue me, you can kiss my ass." Anyway, when addressing the legions of reps, LuLaRoe uses the term "love" too frequently and it means nothing- because it's empty. They love your money. I can say that these top two individuals above- though we began as foes- have my appreciation and my love for them as leaders. They may not be on the front line, but they are at the sideline for when I need a little break and the most unlikely cheering squad ever. The third is my comic relief. I truly love them for the roles they play in my life while in this saga. Thanks for the pep talk, you misfits! The truth will come out. I'm burdened with the wealth of more information than I can legally share. It eats my guts all day, every day. But I believe in patience, even if it means some of you beat me up for having to wait. To the nasties: I don't owe you anything. I don't need to show you my life in screenshots if I do not choose to. I do not need to defend myself to you- and going forward, I won't be. We are at a crossroads here with the direction this journey is taking. I would be a liar if I didn't admit I enjoy my box seats to the MLM mindfuck of the century. It is my humble opinion that LuLaRoe will surpass Herbalife in issues with lawsuits. It is my opinion that the government will catch up soon. It is my pleasure to report it to you- if you like me, agree with me, or not.

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