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Today's LLR Webinar

Today's LuLaRoe webinar had me seeing red. So much so that I've gone ahead and pasted the thing in its entirety here. Along with my commentary. In RED. Below: LuLaRoe update webinar Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Transcriptionist: Stacie Valle for CaptionAccess Transcript provided by Linguabee {Note to readers: I am not able to communicate in any way with the leaders for this meeting, nor can they see any comments you post here. I am also not an employee of LLR. I have been hired solely to transcribe this meeting and thus can not answer any questions for you.} >>DeAnne: Good morning! I am excited and we are ready to start! I want you to see my outfit - I am wearing Disney today. I even have on cute red shoes! It is such a dilemma to figure out what to wear and how to style it. (Is that because you aren't allowed to showcase Disney with any other LLR product, or because the patterns are so awful lately, even you think they can't possibly match?) I want to excuse Mark, he is at the dentist with a tooth emergency. But you have me and I am excited. My back is doing really good and I am progressing. There are ups and downs but I am excited for the ups. It is like this business and how we choose to think about it - are we half full or half empty? I will tell you that the beauty of LuLaRoe is that you get me, with 29 years of experience. (29 years of experience in WHAT? Weren't you in financial trouble and working MLMs before LLR? LLR is only 4 years old, and there are a LOT of issues that can speak volumes about your experience.) Not to brag, but I want you to know I understand and get you. (No, you don't.) I am real. (No, you aren't. "More money buys better friends", "If it doesn't serve you, don't do it." "Ignorance is bliss") I had some horrible down and depressing moments. Feelings of not being able to juggle everything and it is a fine line between making choices. (Maybe hire some actual experts and listen to them?) We don't need choices, we can do it all. You can do it all and not feel guilty. (Except raise my kids or clean my house, because that gets in the way of LLR-ing, right?)There are times you will feel you are neglecting your family, but we will teach you how to work smarter, not harder. (Aaaahahaha. Sorry. No.) I created this business for you to have a way to eliminate financial stress. (Ahem. Pretty sure you created this business to eliminate YOUR financial stress. If you cared about their stress, you'd limit onboarding, change pattern selection, and take a second, third, and fourth look at quality control, among other things.) What does that mean to you? I don't know. (Certainly not any less financial stress.) But embrace the good. People quitting the business, I just wonder why? (Have you been in a bubble the last year, or do you just pathologically not listen?) You already own the merchandise and you should be debt free. (How's that? Buy more to sell more! Go all in!) But, you can send it back and we will take care of it. We talked yesterday at corporate about being more efficient so we can take care of you. (As long as you accept it- but offer no guidelines for why you wouldn't accept a product, decline certain items at your own discretion, and then choose not to return those items to their rightful owners if you DO decline them.) That is our goal. We don't know things until we hear back from all of you, but we are doing all we can. (REALLY??? I'm pretty sure you read this blog. Your attorneys certainly do. HIIIII Bill!) We are still onboarding a small amount. We want to keep the queue moving. We want them to know we care for them and take care of them too. We are a selling company. We get out and produce and sell our items. We aren't a recruiting company, but we do recruit. People love LuLaRoe. There are people that want to be involved in something that can help lift themselves and others. (We sure do! Where's that?) If you are on that path of staying focused as to why you started LuLaRoe - not why do you do LuLaRoe - but many of you got to see what I did last night and I will talk about that in a second. We are social retailers. Not direct sales or an MLM. (Um, you can call a turd a flower, but it's still a turd. You are an MLM. You use social media and social selling as a channel to benefit your MLM structure.) But social retailers. (MLM. Stop making words up.) We go to the social world and have styling sessions, talk to people, invite them to your house and doing pop ups, creating a social atmosphere. If you started this business to bring in a little money and that was your goal, then why leave LuLaRoe? (Um, because it's a clusterfuck of lies and half-information, saddled with power hungry uber bitches that tell you things like how to kite credit cards?) Get out and do what you do because you love it and it is fun. You see all these things and the Disney collection, and some other items through the year. I want to challenge you all to get out there and do your business. You should be doing 2 hours a day on your business and 2 hours working your business by sales. So 4 hours a day. That is a part time thing. You can do it from your home. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA, is that because we have hired someone to photograph all the SHIT we have to order as it comes in? If you get a shipment a week, you're working well over part time hours. If you do 3 pop ups a week, you're working well over part time hours. Do you not know how working works?) If you are creating things, like the 72 hour game plan, posting on social media, and being present. You can choose which two hours. That is working your business. The rest of your time at the beach or the pool. (Doesn't this contradict like... everything you've ever said about you get what you put in, and if you aren't earning enough, you aren't working hard enough? Maybe LuLaRoe should make pool toys? Then you could be by the pool more.) But don't let your business lag. If you do your customers feel abandoned by you so they are shopping online from other people. I need you to think about owning a business and being present. If you are on vacation you can still post and be present. (That's still working, idiot.) I loved when we were in Hawaii last week and a couple coaches there got a box of merchandise and they took it with them and they went on FB live and sold items from the box. (That is also WORKING, and I maintain my previous idiot statement.) If you have got a following because you are on social media every day, you are looking at other peoples FB and getting- then people will know you care. I get on your pages sometimes and I will make comments. I want you to know I care. Yesterday I had an amazing experience. But first, an assignment. In this industry of direct selling (didn't you JUST say this isn't Direct Sales?) we have a Memory Jogger. People you know in the business will ask, is this saturated. Some of you feel you can't do much business in your city because of other sellers. But I challenge you to think outside your zip code. Be creative and find a way for more business. For me, I would drive 10 hours to Utah and book 3-4 parties a day, and then come home. (That counts as travel time, aka working, mileage...) Restock, do a trip to Arizona, come home, again then out to Vegas. I was willing to travel. I could do that. You can pack up your family and go to see family in other areas and take your merchandise with you. (So now the direction is for all retailers to be Leggings Roadshow to survive? Didn't you JUST say work 4 hours a day and go to the pool? Is that before or after the 10 hour drive to Utah?) It requires some effort. This is a business. You aren't having to dig ditches but there is work to do. There can be frustrations and struggles, but the easier you make it the less stress. Be yourself, have fun with it, compliment people, and your business will grow and get better. Memory Joggers - what are you doing in your community to fill up your calendar? How are you extending to 1-2 more events a week? There are 140 million Americans in the US (WHAT???? When did you check the US Census last? 1945? There are over 325 million here now!) and we have not sold to them all. I want to give you things in your brain for ideas. I love this swivel chair. (I love lamp.) I keep moving around! Fundraisers. Events. What are you doing to be involved? Going to the grocery store and seeing fliers about someone that is ill and needs help, or a 90th birthday party? Salons. Real estate offices. Hospitals. Dental offices. Go to these places for a quick sale over lunch. Ask which styles they want to see and bring just those. We don't have a large following of Asians, or south American's or Eastern Europeans. We are the melting pot of the world in America and we aren't in those communities. Go be involved. A couple years ago there was a Polynesian culture event and you could go eat their food and they had Polynesian music playing and it was a festival they moved around the state and thousands of people would go there to congregate together. We human beings love to gather. Go where they are. (You now want us to crash cultural events to hawk leggings?) Many cities have street fairs and people go to sell brand new items. Go set up at places like that. Your goal doesn't have to be to sell, but to meet people that can follow you. You can book events from there. (So I can't sell on a website because that cheapens the brand, but being a street vendor ala Aladdin's Agrabah... that's ok? Churros! Tacos! Canned vegetables! Holey Leggings!) Are you involved in your Deaf communities? Autism? Down Syndrome? So many places you can be involved with and offer to do fundraisers. The humane society. So many options to do this summer and stay connected. Yesterday I did a Facebook live that started Saturday. I had flown to Boise, Idaho and found out that this woman I know has cancer and she designed my early fliers. I felt it was important for me to fulfill a need now for her. So my niece opened her garage and knew she couldn't sell all her clothes and asked her why she hadn't sent it back yet. She had been overwhelmed and felt it had been a failure. My niece asked if she could bring some of the items to be and sell with me over the weekend. I said of course. I knew I could sell! (Shouldn't you have just bought back the ill woman's clothing?) I didn't have that confidence back in the beginning. But I never gave up because I knew there would be good events as well as the bad ones. The positive outweighed the negative. It is all a mindset to keep working and knowing you can do it and that we believe in you. I will tell you, Saturday was proof to this. Many of you watched and saw I didn't have the right lighting. It wasn't organized. That's how I do things. (You admit you are disorganized and ill prepared? Well admitting is the first step to recovery.) I like to keep people engaged in effort. When I had dress parties everything was mixed up. Nothing was kept by size. It made it harder to keep them engaged. I needed them looking through everything. So we did that with LuLaRoe also. We mixed things up. (Hint: Being disorganized is NOT helping anyone at LuLaRoe be successful. I promise.) And people were shopping and buying and grabbing and I didn't need to worry about organizing. The more organized I was, I became frustrated instead of just letting it be. So on Saturday there was no organizing. She pulled things out and I sold. We first reached out to Kristy's people in Germany, her customers. (Didn't your customer service rep I wrote about just decline a return because there are no international sales? And because you don't sell internationally, you can not return anything sold internationally?) And that night we sold about 150 pieces. But she had probably 1300 pieces so we decided to do another sale, people were requesting we do more. I put outfits together, most not in my size, and I put on Madison's that were 3XL. They looked great! (Ok, just stop.) I made it all work. With the Jill's I rolled the elastic. People were buying things because it was cute. We have to train our customers that it isn't about the size, but the fit. So I give you permission not to worry. (Gee thanks. I give you permission to not be such a fucking narcissist to think anyone needs your permission to do SHIT.) If you give your kids permission that everything will be OK. If you give life permission to be what it is, you will be OK. I hated disappointment so much and that things weren't going the way I wanted them to. (This one must burn your ass then, huh?) Guys, you are doing awesome, but us women tend to stress about things like self esteem and comparison. I want to give you permission that you have this and you are amazing at what you do. That said we have great things in store. We have 4 events left next week on the 28 and 29th. Kenny and Art will tell you about that. That is the last of the Beyond Purpose tour. It is different than leadership. More intimate. We give you challenges and teach expectations. It gets you out of your comfort zone. We are going to go back to why you started LuLaRoe. Think about that first a-ha moment of why you are doing this. To teach your children how to grow in confidence. How to have good customer service. To talk in front of other people. I could give you 1000 reasons. Go to the beyond purpose tours. You need to get trained. Last, I want to talk about convention. We have many retailers worried about getting registered and they registered 3-5 times. A team went through and figured out that we have a good handful of spots left. So get in there and dig deep. If you are in the dental or insurance field, you would be making sure you go yearly for your training. If you want to build this business, you get to convention. If you were to ask me about placing an order or going to convention, I would say convention. (Because you don't want to get stuck footing the bill on that one, I'm sure.) You will hear from over 50 amazing people that will teach you the keys of success and you will hear from retailers and their classes. They will be taught by different leaders with the same 12 subjects. These people have learned so much in 4 years and are worth listening to. They have been through so much and they have seen it all. So this is July 27-29. This is open until tomorrow night. We are taking all forms of payment for convention. (Can I pay in leggings?) Justin has the details for you. If you have a team and you are building them, this is a sure fire way to eliminate a lot of teaching, because it is taught there. And you get to say you were there and know what you learned and reach out to people under you and get the information taught to those that aren't there. We need to reach out to them and get the information to the end of the road. The easiest way is to get your people there. Encouraging your teams to go. You can all stay in one room. Years ago 4-5 of us crammed into one hotel room for a different company I was with, and we stayed up late and talked and laughed and we road tripped and it was an awesome experience. (Was that the one that you met Mark at? I'm sure his now ex wife looooooved that.) Now to Kenny and Art. Kenny: Oh my goodness! Deanne just gave you so much information. I hope you wrote things down and feel energized. (More like my IQ dropped a few points. Thanks for asking.) I feel energized from her daily, lucky to be her son! She mentioned the last beyond purpose dates. The 28th is in S.D. and LA California. And the 29th is Las Vegas and Tucson. We have never been to Tucson before! Right now in LuLaRoe, this is the best time! The best time to be here and be on purpose and making things happen. What got us to this place? Thinking back on the inspire tours we used to do and what we did to lay a foundation. You heard us talk about commitment and Simon Sinek and starting with a Why, your purpose and cause and belief. We challenged you at the Inspire event to bring your favorite item and we watched a video about lollipop moments. Creating moments to create someone's day. Be a day maker. Those are the roots and foundation of LuLaRoe. You have a chance daily to make someone's day. Get out of your house into your community and make a day. Take your favorite piece and just give it to someone and make their day. See the surprise on their face and listen to them and tell your why. Think about the feeling you get when you gave away something. Surprise someone. You don't know what that can do for someone and they aren't even expecting this moment. These are the foundations of LuLaRoe. We are a community of day makers and givers. (When are you going to GIVE me my credit back in a refund check? It's seriously only $19.00) I want to challenge you today to that. Get out and give something away. Make a day. And I want you to tag me and tell me about it and what it felt like to you. Get back to that feeling of making someone's day. (TAG, Kenny: I just bought a shit ton of clothing from a woman going out of business. I made the FUCK out of her day, and I feel GREAT! Thanks!) Art: It is so crucial to be yourself. We focus a lot of personal development and one of the things I have been thinking about lately is how do we show up every day? How are we being our best self? When we get stressed and scared and fearful and we aren't confident - or we see a roadblock, how do we handle those emotions? We learn about how we react to these circumstances. Assuming innocence as a principle. (Is this before or after you don't give us our refunds properly? Is that before or after you lied to us about credit checks?) Are we practicing and putting these things into play? Maybe we need to just reset and check how we are acting and thinking about it and realizing we need to pause and do it different. What does your best self look like? This is a place of personal development and growth and progression. With that, Justin has exciting stuff to bring to us. Justin: I have a fun visitor here today! Come say hi to my friends! This is Monroe - the "roe" in LuLaRoe. My cute daughter. A little sneak peak for vision there! LuLaRoe came from the first 3 granddaughters of Deanne and Mark. This my friends is a simple business. Building communities is what it is about. (Where is the compliance part of community? When you turn someone in for not following the "guidelines" of P+P? That's really "community centric") I want to thank you for well wishes from last week - my allergies had gotten the best of me. (Bless you) I am sounded better today but I feel amazing. Vision plans are going great. The last day to register is tomorrow at midnight. Get yourself and your teams there. People have asked about ways to stream it for those of you that can't attend, but I will tell you, being at Coachella is different than streaming it. Coming to vision is so different. You will learn things and there is so much instruction. We are starting with a beach party at Huntington Beach. 20,000 people on the beach. A great way to connect and make new friends. Friday and Saturday we have over 50 speakers planned. People that will share with you and that can inspire you and give you knowledge. Also, we are ending vision with an insane closing party at the stadium where the Angels play. It is going to be awesome and you will want to be there. We would love to have you there and you will make friends and be inspired. At LuLaRoe we can't always be with you out in the field where you are but you can make friends that can support you and inspire you and encourage each other. It is the friendships that make the magic of LuLaRoe. It is the relationships that are at the core. Thank you for all you do as retailers. It is awesome to have such incredible people to work alongside. There is a quote I love from a book by Ethan Hawke, "love is the end goal. The music of our loves. No obstacle enough love can not move." So as you are out there, be loving and serving and kind. (Before or after reporting EVERY.LAST.PERSON we see?) I would love for every interaction we hear about from LuLaRoe to be that they felt loved and encouraged. (You're going to have to fire a bunch of people.) I would hope no one ever says they didn't like the retailer or their experience with them wasn't good. Love makes the world go round. I can't wait to see you at vision and to have you there. Tomorrow is the deadline. I sent out an email about the cancellation policy and we appreciate the feedback. I apologize for the misinformation, but we have another day, tomorrow, to register. So come be inspired and make friends. >>DeAnne: The other thing with convention is you get to be the first to see the new styles. You just saw a peak at one of them. We always introduce new styles - sometimes at leadership. But you will have first to have access to all these things at convention and you can see it and take pictures. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and tell you that I want to update on yesterdays event. Hang tight, and then I will have the update about the record we broke. I am emotional and full of gratitude. I want you to learn from and glean from this experience and think about how you can benefit from this. Please stay tuned after Patrick. Patrick: (Patrick, I am so sorry that this is your job. You're so much better than this shit show.) Thank you Deanne. I love the vibe of this call. There is something I want to touch on today. We all need a reminder sometimes that the work is the boss. You will hear me say that many times, but we need to be reminded. If we want hobby results, we put in hobby effort. For a true business, we need to treat it as a business. (From poolside, yes?) What if in production we just worked a little here and there? We wouldn't have the products and art and fabrics we have. We put in a lot of effort. There needs to be a balance. Not work 28 hours a day, but the work will tell you what you need to do. If you have 5000 items in your inventory and not income coming in, those items want to be sold and moved. Something else brought up by John West, he has been getting emails and inquires about certain items retailers are getting that are "old." Rest assured, it is not old. We have multiple countries and factories producing for us, so we are rolling out a standardized bag for all countries, but that is a huge undertaking. We have 100 million garments that have to be changed before they are in the new bags. So different areas have different bags. If you get a bag with a Ziploc top it is 3 times more expensive than one that is taped. If you get one with the Ziploc bag, keep that bag. (Or a retailer going out of business went and bought Ziplocs because she was afraid you wouldn't return it if it wasn't bagged!) In the beginning you all wanted that bag, but now you are worried we are repackaging stuff into those in our facility. No, we aren't. It was from a local factory and they were glad not to use that bag anymore. So I want you to know if you get a Ziploc bag it doesn't mean it is old. Also we have 10s of millions of in stock. You might get something we produced 7 months ago. Not old, but not yet released. Often a certain print isn't rolled out for months. We keep things in inventory. So if you get an item that says January, it doesn't mean it is old, it just isn't into the shipping lines yet. (Should we not be getting prints seasonally?)I want you to understand how we curate and pick items for your sales. All items we produce are fresh and fun. We are always working on new fabrications to excite your customers. Another thing - I reached out to the warehouse and asked about our solid/print ratio on our tops and it is awesome. We are doing our best to make sure you are all getting solids. We are doing our best to get you a good mix. If you don't have a lot of solids, Look at your stripes and prints and move outfits that way. Your traditional retailers sell more items as outfits. So put your items in outfits and it should help. Justin [sp?] says "Be aware and be a wearer." This is a basic saying, but we don't need to complicate things. We want this business to stay simple. Monroe's necklace is not the item we are launching at convention. [[Laughter.]] But it was a good sneak peak to see what we have been creating. Now back to Deanne. >>DeAnne: I love it. Thank you. I want you to know that even yesterday when I was in the warehouse looking for sizes for me, it is so clear that it depends on the factory and what they have sewn. Just be excited that you are getting what you need and know our product is fresh. So back to yesterday. Saturday I told those at the end of sale Saturday night at 11:30 we had sold every single piece. Tween leggings. Halloween. 4th of July. She just couldn't get herself well enough to sell, but she had ordered so much. So we were selling stuff on Saturday as vintage. (So you were lying. Got it.)They were going fast. It was exciting. We sold everything. Scott Gneiting and Kristy were there. We had thought to then do another live event where us at home office each pulled 20 pieces and made outfits and then we closed it out and planned to show the warehouse. Then everyone wanted us to pick mystery items. I was frantically ripping plastic and signing every piece that was sold. Except leggings. I can't sign those. So we ordered pizza and had worked 3 hours. With your support they came in and told us that you had helped us raise 784 pieces yesterday. In 3 hours. What if you only did 1% of that? And you decided to build your business on fundraising? See a need and fill it. That is What we want you to do. Many of you are trying to get fundraisers to approved and we are working at our efficiency on that. Reach out to me or just be patient. Reach out to me if it is urgent. I don't need to be flooded for things you are just thinking about. But if it is an emergency and you have someone with an accident or an emergency or a tragedy reach out to me. (You don't respond to emails. I emailed you and URGENTLY explained how I could not risk my credit over your stupid merchant agreement. Didn't need to respond to me then?) We want them approved so we have our money set aside in the pipeline. We want to invest in you because you invest in yourself. We hope you have a great day. You have had a lot of information thrown at you today. Get out there and be involved and see your business will go and maintain through these summer months. We appreciate you and thank you and be out there present with your Disney items! Order as they are available. Patrick is a wizard at what he does with his team and he is also human, and I love the creativeness he is doing. Remember, different strokes for different folks. It doesn't matter if you get items you don't like, someone will like them. That's why we don't let you pick specific things to order. (No, you don't let us pick specific things because that would minimize the crap shoot impulse ordering. Same reason Cracker jack didn't disclose what the toy was inside the box, or why those mystery toy bags are MYSTERIES. So you keep buying them hoping you get the unicorn you wanted. Come ON, no one can be this stupid to believe this bullshit.) So get out there, register for convention and get your people registered. Don't miss this opportunity. We love you. (You love their money!) Have a great day. Bye. PS! This transcriber is grammatically challenged beyond levels of comprehension. Good gravy. Also, the convention push is probably because everyone is cancelling. Aren't they? Then why would LLR release a cancellation survey if they weren't? See?

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