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LuLaRoe Webinar 7/18/17

LuLaRoe Tuesday, July 18, 2017 Transcriptionist: Stacie Valle for CaptionAccess Transcript provided by Linguabee 12:03 PM CST - standing by for meeting to begin >>Male Speaker: Thank you all for your patience. We will get started in a couple of minutes - hang tight! 12:07 PM >>Jordan: Good morning everyone! We will get started in the next 5 minutes. Please be patient. Thanks. 12:08 PM. _>>DeAnne: Good morning! Today is a bright and cheery day and we are excited for those joining us today! I hope you are all busy packing and planning outfits for convention. We have great things on the books for today so listen through to the end. After us, it will go to Patrick and then we will go back to convention and everything else. If you aren't coming to convention, it is OK. We understand there is a time and a place for everyone. But know we think about you and want to help you be your best in your business and to make sure you get the tools you need. We won't be doing live videos but there are a ton of amazing retailers that will do that for you. And we will be video taping so you can go and watch it later when you have an opportunity. The beauty of having it recorded is that you can watch it again and again. We have made amazing decisions about who are talking and training, over 48 retailers from 3 months in the business up to the long time leaders from the beginning. It is the only time that we as a company try to offer how-tos. Some of your retailers will have a different color than you and that is OK. They will hear a different retailer talk about the same thing, but with unique information. So it will be offered in 4 different rooms and we will go through that. More details will be told after Patrick shares. I am excited that Mark is back in town. You were out at the economic summit. Tell about that. Mark: I went to the Rocky Mountain economic summit. But first, know that I watched Deanne go through submissions for hundreds of speakers for convention and she really had to work to figure out who would get a spot. If you submitted thank you for being bold and courageous and willing to share. >>DeAnne: My desire would be to put all these videos up on fashion fun. It could give everyone an idea of people they could maybe speak with if they have a struggle. Mark: So last week I was at the summit. It was a thrill. I am a big fan of numbers and how things work and how to understand that. I spent a couple days with the worlds top economists and presidents of the federal reserve banks, and heads of Wells Fargo, and places like that. I got to listen to how they look at what is going on. I also had an opportunity to sit on a board of CEOs on a panel and discuss the challenges for today's CEO. For me, the thing I talked most about was finding good people and hanging on to them. The labor market is very constricted and we have over 2500 employees. We want them to feel valued and important beyond just being a place to get a paycheck. We have a banner at our warehouses that say "delivering hopes and dreams." The people working there understand they are in support of your business. Not just them having a job, but supporting you. I am excited about our business. As we look at the trends in retail, things are going down. Patrick sent an article about 4000 retail stores slated for closure right now. The stores weren't responding to what people needed in service or price or quality. I want you to know we are excited because we continue to grow. Because of you. Because of the efforts on our side, Patrick and his team, and the incredible artwork. We have over 50 different fabrics that Patrick has designed for our products. He starts with the yarn content and determines what it will look like. I just want to brag about the great job his team does as they design for the weight, feel, stretch, modesty, etc. of the fabric. The other day we were at the Disney Expo with all the Disney vendors there ... by the way, we had the longest line they had ever seen for a vendor of people waiting to see our booth. The Disney people in charge of the event had to create a looping line for people to get to our booth! Meanwhile, Brian, our art director was there with a wall of a collage of our Disney arts. He asked people what their favorites were, and he said it was interesting because no one picked the same ones. Everyone had their own favorites. We have a wide variety and it is exciting. The warehouse team is working hard. We sold through our Disney launch and within 2 days they were back to shipping same day. That's huge. In May over 73,000 of our retailers had sales through Possum. [sp?] It means you are all doing this. I want you to know that we stand in awe of the sacrifice you all make. I want to share with you something I shared with leadership last week. People think I can be harsh, but I want you to know that what I expect of you is nothing. It is about what you expect of yourself. We have created this opportunity and we hope you will see the value and it will make a difference in your lives. But if we come across as having expectations it is because we know what you have inside you. We know you have potential. We are getting older and we can see the opportunities we have squandered. But that we all have the potential to be better than we currently are. So that is the challenge. Step up and see what you want to accomplish in your life. So if we challenge you, it is because we see the greatness in you and we know you can do and be more. Then you will have more. Things like freedom and opportunity. As you conquer the dragons in front of you, and you overcome them, it builds your confidence. Things you thought were impossible will be done and you will see it was easy. No one ever goes out to run and race and hopes to do less than the last time. You are looking to make your time better. So when we challenge it is from a place of love and to see you succeed. That is our greatest desire for you and the purpose of this business. >>DeAnne: OK, now we are going to Patrick, but we have surprises for you so don't leave after that! We'll be back! Patrick: Thank you Mark and Deanne. A couple things for today - first I want to explain curating. When we curate in our warehouse we want to give you variety. I got an email that someone got the same print, in the same week, in a style of Amelia. That is bound to happen. It is likely. You get duplicates, not because we don't have enough prints, but when we curate we try to give you a solid, a floral, an Aztec, etc. But if we only need 1000 florals, the rest wait to the side until the next time we need more florals. So getting a print that you saw maybe 4 or 5 months ago, doesn't mean we have "Old" inventory. We still only made 5000 units with that fabric. We just didn't ship them all at the same time. It is still a fresh and limited product. But that is how our curating process goes. That is one of the things I am seeing a bit of questions about from you all so I just wanted to clarify. If you see something that you saw months ago, it just means we haven't curated all of that product yet. I have a quote I love - this one from my dad - to change what you are getting, change what you are giving. I love that. It is simple. That can go in your work life or personal life. I have that written on a post it on my computer and I think, if I need a different result I need to change and adapt. I can guarantee you that at LuLaRoe we are always trying to adapt and be better. Tuesday trivia: How did the Nicole dress come about? Every single style has a purpose here and the names and styles have a back story as well. The Nicole dress was a dress that a well known artist had worn. When Deanne saw it and Nicole as well, they loved it and went to Deanne and said they wanted to do a version of it. So they made a version of this dress. The Amelia dress was one that Amelia loved but it didn't fit quite right. No pockets, no zipper, etc. So the Amelia creation I did on my kitchen table. And lastly is the Irma top. We started to make leggings but didn't have a top to cover what you wanted covered. So I showed Deanne my idea for the Irma and we then made some changes. But that top I had been making my wife, Irma, for years. She had multiple versions. So we made some adjustments and called it the Irma top. Another thing to talk about is how smooth things are in production and design. I am sure many of you know the big legging drought of last March. We were expanding and using new factories and so busy. So we didn't have leggings or tall and curvy. We had certain sizes that we didn't have in stock in some of our items. We had missing sizes. So there was constant chasing trying to get product and trying to fill orders. Now, we have 99% of all our products in stock today. I think we are sold out of the 2X Jordan but overall we are all in stock. We have last years elegant and hundreds of different fabrications we have produced here at LuLaRoe. Things are really smooth on the production site. The Disney expo was amazing. Hats off to our marketing team. Why was it successful? Multiple reasons. We had a plan and it was executed. We didn't just randomly throw things on the wall, but it was laid out on how to set everything up. We had the big Mickey head and it was really cool. I am sure there were hiccups, but things were really smooth. We started planning this months ago. Hats off to marketing, you all did a fantastic job. I just wanted to show the sketch. Lastly, Vision. You have no idea what is coming and how amazing the new styles are. I am giddy with excitement about how things will look in your collection of inventory. You don't have to immediately order all the new styles. But we will have amazing new styles from our product knowledge booths, to fabric knowledge, and you will learn so much. There will be a lot of coverage if you can't make it, but thank you on behalf of design and production. Art: Thank you Patrick! We are so excited and stoked for Vision next week. We are so excited. Excuse Kenny this morning, he asked me to come to you and ask about your 30 day challenge. You should be selling 18 pieces today for that challenge. We are getting great feedback from those of you following along. We all have an opportunity to do our best and challenge ourselves daily. Deanne mentioned some classes during Vision. We have amazing topics from the retailers, leaders, trainers, etc. that have something great to share and are excited about. You will hear from a number of different speakers. Here is a preview of a few: Creating social media and how to engage, basics of in home pop ups, how to do a great live sale, personal styling appointments, going mobile, setting expectations for yourself, overcoming personal challenges, time management, etc. We are going to have 8 speakers in all of these categories. Many of you haven't heard from them before. So own your experience in life. You have resources around you that can help. You have wonderful leaders in this company and they are ready to stand and help you in your business. Those of you coming, we are excited. If you aren't we will miss you, but you have tremendous resources around you to help you with your goals. Justin: Many of you have received your registration boxes. They are all in the mail at this point if you registered before June 22. If you registered after the 22nd you can pick yours up at convention. Bring your credentials with you. Without credentials you won't be allowed in the events or spaces. If you forget them, you will pay a reprint fee and then you can carry on. There are 8 different wristbands. There will be an email coming out to clarify the different colors. The fuschia and pink are similar but we will clarify which is which. On some of your shipments there was some incorrect terminology used between the pink and fuschia. We will clarify all that. Don't forget your swag bag ticket. As you come to get your swag bag have your ticket to pick it up. Your friends can pick yours up for you, if they have your ticket. Supply store. There is a pamphlet in here about Vision. Some of the information is incorrect. This was printed before we had everything set in stone. But if you go to Fashionfun you can see the actual times. And there will be updates in the events app. So just be aware it actually ends in 4, not at 5. Transportation. There are still tickets for parking and buses for things. Again, you can find all the Vision information on fashionfun. And there could be some giveaways and new products at Vision. So be there if you can. There are so many incredible stories of people here at LuLaRoe. You are all making cool things happen and goals are being accomplished. Whatever you are seeking from LuLaRoe we are here for you. If you want to reach for the stars and the cruise, great. If not, its all good. We are here to help you achieve your goals I can't wait for you all to be here and for us all to hear from Mark and Deanne and learn how we can achieve our goals. Another fun announcement, we are going to be able to accommodate tours of the Fontana warehouse on Wednesday and Thursday. You can register for a tour, even if not coming to convention. There isn't transportation for that, you are on your own there, but Wednesday 8-3, and Thursday 9-5, you can come and take a complementary tour. But you have to register. Also on Thursday the experiences hall will be open 8-4. You have an experiences time slot assigned on Friday or Saturday but you can come Thursday and check out a lot of amazing things. The attention to detail is amazing. If you want to come to Vision come and we can help you get registered. We have so many coming and I am excited to see you all there. One last note, from Rules for a Knight by Ethan Hawke. It says "in the field of battle you will perform as you practice so practice hard. That builds the road to accomplish your goals " If you think about it, confidence comes from experience. Like learning to write. You write the same letter over and over and over and repetition gives you confidence to do it. Your life is your responsibility and you can choose to do your best and bring happiness. Be resolute in your beliefs. Friends may ask you to be weak but all anyone wants is for you to be strong. Now, time over to Kenny. Kenny: Not just me. But we have Jordan too. If you know my brother, he was the cruise director and the one annoying us on the cruise. >>Jordan: Some of you did not like me. I was loud on the announcements. KennY: So we get the pleasure of being the MC's for the gala happening at Vision to help NDSS. National Down Syndrome Society. This is going to be amazing. We have some amazing things that you are going to be able to buy and contribute for this great cause. We have our Scarlett named after our niece with DS and she is so cute. So you get to have us MC this event. >>Jordan: Can I wear a tuxedo and talk with a British accent? Or maybe a southern drawl? Kenny: You can decide that! [[Laughter.]] This is the time for you to come and give back and that is what LuLaRoe is about. The more you give the more you get. We have learned those principles here. So come with excitement and get dressed up and be excited. We will go around and interview some of you, we have some skits maybe, it is going to be fun. So get excited for Vision and next week and the gala and it will be fantastic. See you soon. [End of meeting]

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