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Collagen Eye Pads

I get a lot of weird and interesting things to look at. Every week, my assistant goes to my PO Box and brings back bins and bins of products sent to me to try out, play with, and talk about with you. A lot of the stuff I get is like- What? What the hell do they think I do here? I can't use green lipstick! Needless to say, when I unpacked these weird under eye pads that looked like they were molded from Elmer's School glue, I was a little intrigued. Playing catch up on the mountains of reviews waiting to be shared with you while I have been absent (traveling for yet another review coming your way), I decided this would be the first product I talked about once I settled back in to my comfy office chair. Wilma Schumann Skincare offers these gelatinous pads that claim to reduce fine lines and puffiness under your eyes through the absorption of nutrients- including the latest in beauty buzz words- collagen. Ever the skeptic, Wilma's eye pads were gently and maybe a little begrudgingly placed under each eye right before I settled in for a nice long bath this afternoon. Directions specify to place them on clean skin and let them sit for at least 20 minutes. And so I did just that. On they went, head went back, my eyes closed and when I was done with my soak, I peeled those gooey babies off from under my eyes and promptly flung them at the mirror. They stuck. Wheeee! At the very least, my kids would have a ton of fun sticking these things to EVERYTHING.

I am lucky enough to not have lines under my eyes to speak of. (Yet.) But I do suffer from under eye puffiness every darn day. Allergies, sleepiness, and let's not forget the fact that a puppy commercial or a cute look from one of the kids will send me into leaky-eyed mommy syndrome. Puffy happens. After the pads were in their new temporary home- one stuck to the mirror and the other one sliding down my wall, as I giggled to myself- I happened to grab a glance of myself in the mirror. Puffiness gone. Gone. Like completely gone. Not maybe a little reduction, not visibly reduced. Totally gone. Dear God, Wilma, do you make full body wraps??? All joking aside, the card that came with the sample set told me that a set of 5 pair was $18 and I thought that was pretty pricey. Now I'm second guessing my snap judgement. It's over 12 hours later, and I'm still not puffy. With 5 pair in hand, that's one a week and an extra one just in case I need a little something before we go out or I have to be on camera or God knows what. They come in little individually wrapped foil packs as well, so they are easy to travel with, and water tight. No clumsy jars to carry around that can leak all over... The pads were jelly-like and cooling. I thought much about the potential to put other things onto the pads in spite of the warning not to reuse them. Some mint for sinus issues? Lavender to soothe a tired and stressed mind? The pads stick so nicely to the skin without being sticky, I found myself wanting to save them and find another use for them outside my inner child's desire to stick them to the ceiling and watch them fall on an unsuspecting passerby. The outcome of all of this? I ordered some. These companies must see me coming a mile away. I'm reviewing the stuff they send me- and I end up becoming their customer too. These pads are going to make themselves at home in my bathroom, my purse, and my travel bag. I'll never travel without them. Thank you, Wilma. You ROCK. Get some for yourself HERE. Before I buy them all and hoard them. Forever.

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