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Moolah Row

I have to tell you- it's refreshing to see humor come from all the LuLaDrama. It's rare, but when it does, I think it brings a much needed lighthearted twist to the mix. I was contacted by a group of individuals at a blog page called Moolah Row to share their videos. I have to say, they are pretty funny. From "Designer Patrice" and her video on how the Moolah inspiration happens to the step by step on how to wear your Moolah in creative, new, and super cute ways- this lighthearted duo makes mommy giggle. It also lends perspective to other former consultants' feelings now that they have exited- in a more humorous tone than other "Why I left LuLa" type of publications in blogs and YouTube. I asked the cheeky chicks at Moolah Row to give me a synopsis of who they are and why they are making these videos. Here's what they provided me: Due to a series of unfortunate events, we found ourselves with an entire room of merchandise to peddle to the world- and the market completing tanking. We finally stepped away from the Kool-Aid and realized we joined a nasty cult. Exit left stage! We begged, pleaded, and dropped prices. After four long months, we cleared the house of inventory, wrote a short “we’re out” parting email, and embarked on starting our own tongue-in-cheek YouTube channel. We boldly go where others fear to tread and view situations with an offbeat sense of humor. Never again to buy into any pyramid schemes, we’ve created our own pyramid of fun, laughter, and truth. We always give credit where credit is due (and the credits have hidden meanings). Our goal is to shed light onto dark crevices. We have no desire to be minions following a corrupt leader. We want people to question versus blindly following the crowd. From poking fun of online customers who merely “like” things versus purchasing them, to calling out trolls, Moolah Row calls it like we see it. Just consider us miserable cows, laughing and having the time of our lives as we continually challenge the drinker of the mystic Kool-Aid worldwide. We’d like to offer a moment of silence and a word of thanks for our dearly departed Dad and Grandpa, Logan Kelsey, as we all inherited our wacky world views from him. Mom: Mom aka Psychic Sue is a rebel, always preferring to beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission. She spent the first 50 + years of her life trying to please others. Now she spends her days wandering aimlessly on the beach, often muttering to herself, and chauffeuring the Moolah crew, still muttering to herself, or the spirits with whom she communicates, we’re never sure which. E: E, the youngest of a plethora of children, is always on the hunt for her next adventure. She’s a Libra and what some would call a geek, nerd, introvert with extrovert tendencies, and whatever else intelligent people are called. She has an obsession with all things tea. She even wants to start a tea garden. One of her aspirations in life is to be a barista. She can be seen often annoying her mother’s other spawn. E tries to live life as uniquely as possible. Becca: Every family needs a rule follower, a purveyor of wisdom, and a caregiver. Becca fills these roles and so much more. She’s got a heart of gold, loves animals, adventures, and swimming in the ocean. She remains stuck in the heartland, working an actual job and being a sensible citizen. Until she visits us in the land of the mouse. Then, well then she becomes a woman on a mission. Want to visit four major parks in one day? Tag along with her (if you dare) and experience all the mouse offers. From dawn to dusk she keeps moving, her eyes always on the prize. On the flip side, she can chill at dusk to dawn drive-in movies, tears streaming down her cheeks as she laughs and cries at the big screen antics. Carolyn: As a child her brother asked her if she wanted to take out the trash or get hit by him, she choose “or.” While it took a bit for him to realize she’d just played him via semantics, it took her mere seconds to realize the power of words and a quick mind. Taking these lessons to heart, Timmy no longer plays games with his younger sister and Carolyn has developed her gifts into amazing life skills in which she quietly observes and patiently waits for the perfect moment to pounce. This elevates her to “high priestess” in the eyes of the feline who claims her as his mom. It truly is a match made in heaven, Scampers (the feline) allows her to care for him and occasionally allows her to touch his fluffy being to keep mere peasants at bay. Born with wanderlust Carolyn is always exploring new places, cultures, and trends. With little patience for dull, unkind people she would prefer the presence of furry kittens to mean-spirited humans. She leads our merry band and can often be found shaking her head (and occasionally her finger) at the tomfoolery of her ratchet family. Timmy: Using the cloak of invisibility to his advantage Timmy observes and manipulates his world. While he usually wins any and all physical contests he enters, he meets his matches in games of jocularity, banter, and satire with other family members. Never one to back down from a challenge, he works tirelessly to achieve goals. Best known for wearing a dress and hopping like a bunny to help sell poorly designed clothes, Timmy is always there when needed by family. And there you have it. A wordy, silly, and lighthearted explanation of those involved in the next greatest- or at least funniest pyramid scheme to not take your money. One thing is for certain, if you've seen LuLa, Moolah might make you chuckle. Mommy says to watch a few videos and have a glass of wine. It's cute. I suppose I should also include the disclaimer that Moolah Row and MommyGyver are not related in any way and the views expressed on MommyGyver and Moolah Row are independant of each other. By sharing the page, I am simply sharing something I found to be humorous. So, lawyer Bill... chill. :* Check out their special brand of tomfoolery HERE.

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