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Deal With Deanne

Right before the consultant came forward with her story about Alex (Deanne's son and former warehouse manager) supposedly selling her hot merchandise from the warehouse- thousands of dollars at a time (to later recant the entire story- even though much of it had been confirmed to me by Alex himself- knowing the girl, owing her money, and "trying to help whomever I could whenever I could") I had been attempting to secure an interview with Deanne's controversial nephew, Sam Schultz. Sam was originally what I would call the "LuLaRoe Cheerleader". He is a musician that preaches love and a sort of utopian approach to life. Live, love, and you attract what you put out. He was LuLaRoe's hype man- going everywhere and riling people up about the LuLaRoe "message". And he did it very well. Most consultants loved Sam early on. He was a source of positivity and encouragement. The original LuLaBro- Sam made it cool to be a dude in a legging brand. The cult-like following that traipsed around LuLaRoe often spilled over onto Sam. Many LuLaBabies began to follow his band, Culture Crew. Sam was in the public eye and I don't think for a second that he didn't love it. It worked for him because it is Sam. A showman, an entertainer. He likes the spotlight. However, the spotlight did Sam quite a disservice at one point. Being a single guy- Sam was finding himself with quite a bit of attention from the ladies involved with LuLaRoe- both single and married. One can speculate all day about what he should and shouldn't have done, but one thing in particular struck Sam so hard that it haunts him to this day. Sam had been on a trip to Germany when he received a heads up that LuLaRoe had intended to terminate their relationship with him. Not a concerned phone call from his aunt. Not an email. Sam received a warning from a friend that it was going to happen. Then he got a cease and desist letter. Not a very friendly way to end a business relationship with a family member, you would think. What could Sam have done to deserve an excommunication of this magnitude? Several rumors exist. Some talk about Sam sending inappropriate pictures to various consultants. The degree to which it supposedly happened varies by what source you ask. When I had asked Sam about it, he denied it at first, (I'm not sure anyone WOULD admit to it) but then made a good point- "Am I not a single guy? Why would I not be allowed to be a single guy in 2017 if this was something I had done? Those things happen sometimes when you're seeing people." He makes a point- if you agree with the idea of sending sexually explicit photos or not- no one ever really accused him of sending UNWANTED photos, if he had in fact done that. But we're all adults here- pic swaps happen. The rumor is that it happened, but the rumor isn't that it was unwanted. Do we really care what he does with his peepee in his personal life if it wasn't forced on someone? Another rumor we heard was that Sam was having inappropriate relations with married consultants. Sam, you're a playboy... how DO you find the time? Several angry LuLaLoyal have contacted me to expose Sam for what he was. A pig, a participant in adultery and so on. One husband of a consultant advised me that shedding any positive light on Sam would tarnish my own name and I should steer clear of him all together. I wanted to interview him. I wanted to know his side. Over the course of the last several months, Sam and I spoke often. Our conversations were always friendly though until my actual interview with Sam happened, I was not allowed to share that he was a source of some of the information provided to me within the articles I have written. One thing remained constant through our communication- Sam was very conflicted about what to do about the position he was in. He felt that lies were being spread about him and being facilitated by his aunt Deanne. He was angry- really angry that he was cut off, kicked out, and tossed aside like he meant nothing to the company and to his own family. He felt used. Then Sam explained that he felt that he is supposed to forgive and forget. That's what he preaches, and even LDS teaches to forgive- but he was having a really hard time with it because it hurt so much. And last, he knew the company was doing no good. Sam was getting phone calls from his friends- women that he met along the way asking him what to do with their involvement in the company. Do they stay or do they go? Sam says they called scared and very worried. Their lives were built around these checks- checks that until recently were built off of the orders of their downlines. Orders that have all but stopped. Often in commentary about Sam, I read that he's not innocent himself. Sam never really expressed to me in any of our communications that he was without flaw or error. The most important thing with regard to his innocence that he expressed to me was that he was let go for a reason that didn't take place, according to him and the way in which it was done had made him feel worthless. Media was pawing at him for information. Why shouldn't they? He was the easiest target to open up and spill. He was wronged by the company and he had begun to be very vocal about it. A few months ago, Sam made a very public post on his Facebook page essentially calling out his aunt. He claimed he had a recorded phone conversation with her that exonerated him of the rumors and accusations flying around about him at LuLaRoe. In this call, Sam attempts to make a deal with his aunt. He tells her that MommyGyver wants to talk to him- he can come to me and tell me whatever she wants him to, and he is happy to do so- if she will clear up the rumors about him. She agrees to do so, and claims that she had no part in them and that they were just rumors- essentially confirming that Sam is in fact innocent. She also makes several disparaging comments about MommyGyver- stating she doesn't trust me, and I am "unclean". One is left to think why a woman who engaged in an extramarital affair with her now current husband would ever have the audacity to point her filthy finger at anyone else. Judge lest ye be judged and all. One would also venture to ask why Deanne would think I wanted her to trust me. After all, I've been calling her a liar for some time now. No, Deanne. Do not trust me. I am not your friend. I have always said I'm here to gain transparency for the consultants. TRUTH for the consultants. If I wanted to help you, I'd have put in a restructuring proposal and a solid business plan. Why didn't I? I don't like dirty money. But I digress... I asked Sam why he supposedly recorded this call. He said to me that he did it for two reasons: 1. Right before he began recording her call to him, she had made a comment about being extremely high. The context was in regard to the back pain she was having after surgery and the prescription pain pills she had been taking. He wanted to catch her talking about drug use. 2. Sam felt that this was his only opportunity to get her to admit the rumors about him were false. He felt he needed to catch her. He did. I have the audio. Some important points in the recording to mention: -Sam tells Deanne that he's trying to help people through music. -He will call MommyGyver, tell me that he loves his aunt, LuLaRoe, and dissolve any rumors. -Deanne states that the topics MommyGyver discusses are just rumors. (Oh really? Still your story?) -She has complete faith in Sam. Saw what he's doing, so happy that he's doing it. What a great blessing. -LuLaRoe donated $192k to NDSS -Sam learned to be and do good at LuLaRoe. -Deanne is proud of Sam. -The thing that hurt him the most is that he didn't hear from Deanne. Sam should apologize, would be willing to, but what is he to apologize for? All he wants is something that says that they love Sam. -Deanne asks how she can deliver that message. -Sam says that she says good and bad and stupid things on her webinars, but a webinar would be amazing. -He was worried about MommyGyver shedding him in a negative light along with LuLaRoe, and felt that her addressing him would help to do some sort of damage control for him. -She then talks about being in pain and waiting a couple of days. -There is a fear of supporting Sam. -She says that they have NEVER said a negative thing. Sam was set free to do what he needs to do to create Culture Crew. -Sam's termination has been a blessing in disguise for him because he was able to do other things that he wants to do. -Deanne offers to take back all the merchandise he ordered. She will send and pay for UPS to take it back. (It was about $40k worth) Camille, the "black girl with the big fluffy hair" will handle it. They will cut him a check for exactly what it was. -Does she want him to call MommyGyver? She's afraid of MommyGyver, and motives are very unclean. -She's worried about the damage to Honey and Lace and Agnes and Dora because they are all linked. -Deanne says Dianne at Honey and Lace doesn't have the confidence to "do this" and Deanne becoming the protective "mama" over the companies, and is sad H+L is not all Dianne's anymore. -People were dropping rocks on MommyGyver's front door and (she's confusing me with Katie May Mooney here) threatening to kill my/her baby. Then the post was retracted. (I can't follow this. I didn't retract a post. I did tell people not to threaten KMM though.) -She doesn't know anything about MommyGyver other than what "they" tell her. She can't figure out why I'm so hateful toward her- LuLaRoe did nothing to me. -Sam outlines the topics I wanted to discuss with him. -Deanne again states the things said about Sam are rumors. -Deanne apologizes to Sam for not communicating. -She felt like he lied to herabout drinking. Sam didn't think he had a problem to lie about. He doesn't think it was anyone's business. -He wants to be able to go out and clear the air with LuLaroe, and vice versa. -She agrees to do it. -Sam states that leaders are fearful to even go to his shows for fear of retaliation. -Deanne asks him (then asks if he was drinking) why he called them "effers"- Sam says that that must have been about Justin and they don't get along. - She says we are all still learning. -Deanne says Jason Dunaway is "super toxic". Sold everything walked away... selling for Agnes and Dora. He built a team... wait... "I don't know anything." -Sam thanks her for letting him remember who he was. (Not sure she realized that he was basically saying thanks for screwing me to remind me I don't want to be like you.) So here's my takeaway and maybe a bit of clarification as I'm sure "they" will tell Deanne about this article. I think it's immediately apparent that Sam at one point is baiting her. He's very much interested in clearing his name, and at this juncture is almost willing to lie to anyone looking to hear his story just to get his name cleared. Take it for what it's worth, I don't think the "I'll trade you" approach shed the best light on Sam, but he's willing to take that blowback. It's not apparent what reason Deanne thinks she should be mama bear over the other companies because from what we all understand- from my own conversation with Dianne Ingram, there is no relationship between the companies to speak of for her to be worried about. As for my relationship to them, and any damage to them, I have very happily reviewed several products from two of the ones she mentioned, and where I state that I will never, ever endorse joining a company where front loading is required, I can appreciate much of the clothing. I can also testify that my conversations with Dianne Ingram, owner of Honey and Lace- as well as with Buffy of Agnes and Dora- have always been pleasant, cordial, and to the point. Neither of them have expressed a concern for my pushback on LuLaRoe damaging their business, but it absolutely erases the speculation I had heard that LuLaRoe thinks I am somehow employed by the other companies to steal people away. I'm not sure why Deanne thinks that she should ever trust me. Like I have already said, I'm here to shed light on the lies she and her cronies spread. Over and over again, this woman lies to people and I have no interest in protecting her or her image. She preaches morality and compassion and family, then calls my motives "unclean" all while saying she knows nothing about me. My motives, Deanne- so you can read it and let it soak into your skull are and have always been- to point out the issues this company has. It was an effort to bring you to a 180 degree turnaround and address the continuous failures you have handed your consultants, and to help protect them from lies upon lies. The last insult to them was abruptly removing the 100% money back POLICY (and oh yes, it is referred to as a policy, and I have in writing that there was no end date to the policy) out from under the folks that submitted their resignations under the pretense and understanding that they were getting one thing, only to be told they are out of luck and get another. The change in policy isn't an issue. It's the method of delivery and the disregard for those who followed procedure and are now being pushed down shit's creek without so much as an oar to paddle with. So if you're still confused about why I'm irritated, now you know. I also find much humor in anyone of her caliber referring to anyone else- EVER, as unclean. Because damn. Does anyone have a mirror? More important than her issues with me, however, is her claim that she said nothing to anyone about Sam or why he suddenly departed LuLaRoe. There are several witnesses that have stated to me that they were told by Deanne, or involved in a phone call that outlined the set up of Sam and his removal from the company. Some have commented that he was removed because too many bigger earners were afraid of his upcoming nationwide tour where he was taking his RV full of LuLaRoe clothing- and his music across the country. There is another claim that there was a couple that planned to start the rumor that he was or had been sleeping with the married woman, and they would then use it to propel themselves up the chain at LuLaRoe. That it didn't matter if he was hurt in the process. He just simply had to go.

Most importantly here, is Deanne's willingness to clear the air for Sam, (of the married allegations and the supposed dick picks) should he agree not to talk to the media in any way. He offers repeatedly that he will call and lie to me- if she will clear his name. And she agrees to all of it. Morality- 0 Opportunity- 1 While Deanne continues to dismiss the mounting pile of issues being told by more and more disgruntled representatives, and more and more media becomes involved, it's hard to deny a call happened when it's recorded, and provided to you here. You decide. As Sam says the following- "If there is this type of public disregard for their own family, what kind of feelings do they have about all of you privately?"

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