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Goliath vs. David

This morning at 6 a.m., my doorbell began to ring furiously. An overzealous process server by the name of "Norman" from a totally legit company called "Hardball" (You can't make this stuff up, folks) decided to start my morning off dramatically. I was sick in bed with a fever and a toddler with a fever as well. After 15 minutes of non-stop ringing, the police arrived and told the man that "This isn't how you get service on a person. There's a line that you cross into trespassing and harassment." Then they asked Norman to leave. Instead, he parked out in front of my home- and stand outside of his car and stare at my house. At one point, he gave up, walked up to my door again, and threw his delivery on my doorstep. Yeah, I'm going to call improper service here, bub. But that's ok. Let's just move forward. In this document, LuLaRoe appears to have hired some pretty impressive legal names to come show up in in my rural county to ask the court to compel me to disclose my sources for some of the issues I've written about. I'm not going to go into my own defense here, but I will say this much-

The things I've written about have been shared all over the internet- not just here with me. Many of these documents have been publicly shared in various groups for disgruntled consultants and customers. Knowing that you're IN those groups, and still choose to harass me legally says a lot about what this document really says. LuLaRoe's counsel makes statements in this 50 page front and pack printed (That's 100 pages, you guys) temper tantrum about what makes a journalist. Their PR diva- Holly Baird claims LuLaRoe's intention isn't to sue me. In fact, LuLaRoe states in the document that they may seek to sue someone- potentially the now thousands of retailers past and present that have reached out to share their stories with me. Instead of processing refunds, they'd much rather spend your dime on what looks like a SLAPP suit in the making in attempt to harass and intimidate me and the other hundreds of people that are now speaking up- and LOUDLY. I'm curious if LuLaRoe intends on going after the video bloggers that still work for the company that are talking about the issues within LLR that they see. Are they going to pursue other bloggers like Slap Dash Mom and Scary Mommy for speaking about the issues with LuLaRoe? Of course not. They are trying to make an example out of me. And what of major media's sudden interest in the shortcomings of this company? Are we ignoring the (how many now?) consultants that have spoken up against the company? Seems like LuLaroe needs to look for the issues hiding right in plain sight. Regardless, I intend to see them in court and stand my ground. You all chose to speak to me. You felt safe with me. I shared your stories, and I have not broken your trust. I'm not starting now. If this company really wants to sue or intimidate me or any of the disgruntled retailers that have been speaking up against their shady practices, I fear it won't bode well for them. If they accept it or not- these people have a right to speak up and speak out- and so do I. I'm not sure what the rest of the journalism world will say about this either. If they like my style or not, journalists are fervent defenders of the laws in place to protect them- and their sources. Sad is the day that a company thinks they can scare one single person into submission with legal proceedings. I have faith in the judicial system. I have faith in my first amendment rights, as well as every single one of yours. If you have an issue- do not be afraid to speak up. There is strength in numbers and you will be heard. Stand up against corporate bullies. Stand up against the wrongdoings of this company, (and ANY company) and stand up for your rights as citizens, as victims, and as whistleblowers. There is also a petition circulating that asks for a signature. This was created by one loyal reader, and has over 1700 signatures in just the first few hours. It asks if you view MommyGyver as a source of news to please sign the petition. You can find it posted on my Facebook MommyGyver page. As always, I appreciate the love and support. I promise you I will not go anywhere until a court tells me I have to- or until this company changes its ways. At the end of the day, all any of us wanted was for them to just do right by the working folks that made them billionaires. See you guys after court. I won't be talking about this again until then. As for everything else... fair game. #wearemommygyver

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