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I Hope Your Daughter Starves to Death

Amanda is a former LLR trainer. She was with LuLaRoe for a little over a year and built herself a downline of about 80 consultants. She did well and was well liked by her customers and downline. She also co-owns a LLR multi consultant group formerly called Mega Closet- now Mega Discount Closet.

Just around two weeks or so ago, Amanda resigned from her position as trainer, and left the LuLaLegion forever. That was when the group converted to a discount page. The first discount sale was held this past Thursday, October 5th, 2017. Amanda claims that the decision to switch to a discount group wasn't hers to make, as she relinquished most of the control of the direction of her page to her partner, whom I did not speak with to get permission from them to release their name in this story. However, Amanda claims this was public knowledge announced on the page, and a decision she didn't align with. She claims she apologized to her friends and other consultants once it switched... but clearly it fell on many deaf ears.

On the morning the group was set to have its first discount sale, Amanda claims she was approached by the husband of a current LuLaRoe consultant, Samantha. She says he was interested in buying the group of over 61,000 members from her- but before any offer could be made, she shut him down. The message from him is here, below.

She claims she received several other offers- one as high as $5,000. She also declined. Shortly after Amanda declined, she began getting aggressive and hateful messages like the two below. After MommyGyver was tagged in a post discussing the original hateful message, I shared the image on the MG business Facebook page, shortly after, she received the second message. Accused of being a cohort of "MommyGiver" as I was called... ahhhh phonetics... how you fail the ignorant.

The issue with these messages is they are sent from sock accounts. Once she reported the first, Facebook shut it down. In a normal situation, she might not have known who would have sent such hateful messages. But remember... she's well liked. Someone was bound to tell her. Amanda also was dealing with some issues beyond LuLaRoe- several of her friends were at the concert in Las Vegas, the night of the horrible mass shooting. She lost a friend, and several others were injured... and yet, in spite of dealing with some extremely painful news in her life- she got no mercy from those that were upset with her group becoming a discount sale. So much so, she had to address it with another post:

Amanda, I know that I speak for thousands of people when I tell you that we are very sorry for your loss, and our hearts and prayers are with the family of your deceased friend as well as with those that were injured in this horrible tragedy. I'll present the questions that a lot of the mothers who are reading this are undoubtedly asking right now: 1. It's leggings. Why are we taking this so seriously? 2. What kind of person, or what kind of MOTHER wishes a slow, agonizing pain on another person's child? 3. If this is how a bunch of legging cultists act over a discount group, what can be said about the social climate of our world? I'm sure you, not unlike me, are shaking your head in utter disgust. To answer some of these questions, I will present to you below- screen shots from what is believed to be Kelly Read Arensman's team page. Based on the information on Kelly's social media accounts, she is a current trainer for LLR. In the screenshots below provided by an anonymous source, the team members discuss infiltrating Amanda's group page- and acquiring admin status (Often in multi-sales, ownership grants temporary admin status to sellers so that they may post and edit albums for their sale) to then remove people from the page. Kelly is seen in these screenshots giving the participants direction on how to report the page to have it shut down.

The women then go so far as tagging their husbands to participate in the sabotage as well- with one hashtagging "I will explain it to you when the kids go to bed". Clever. Coincidence? Maybe... except, here he is... a loyal hubby tagged in the provided screenshots- trying to gain access to the group. Needless to say, he was declined. Probably not the first time or the last that a woman told him no.

We may not know which of these upstanding examples of the true sisterhood of LuLaRoe were the one(s) to create the sock accounts wishing death on Amanda's daughter, but Amanda claims that nothing like this had ever happened before she rejected the offers to sell her page. So if they can't buy her out, they will stalk and harass her out. I see futures in big business mergers and acquisitions for these clever folks. Surely mom and pop legging shops are far too domestic for this level of madness. So what's the motivation here? Who cares about a discount group when facebook is brimming with discount sales, going out of business sales, and just blatant- "I don't give a fuck, I do what I want" sales? 61,000 people is a serious number for one of these multis. I'm sure that's a part of it. Maybe they have a personal vendetta? Kelly didn't respond to my private message, and neither did one of the page owners, Wendy. I don't know what their motivation for any of this could be. In a time when women should be helping each other to exit gracefully, current sellers struggling to stay relevant are becoming desperate. I can understand the desire to want to stay in and stay afloat, but even me- if I like the consultant, I will still support her full priced sales. Maybe the issues these ladies are having are coming from within, and not so much what others are doing externally. There are just so many exiting this dumpster fire of a business, why pick this one to target? And why such hate? As a victim of attacks on my own Facebook pages, I can tell you that the false reports to shut down accounts and pages are annoying- and a temporary affront to the efforts being made to get these experiences out there. But even my trolls quickly learned that MommyGyver is one writer- but there are many of us here, supporting the efforts of this blog and our social media accounts. When one admin account goes down, we bring on two more admins. This is relevant because it seems that every time a current retailer acts this way, several drop off- citing they don't align with the culture of this company anymore. Kelly and pals might not think they are damaging LuLaRoe, but they are. After all, if it weren't for people like this, I would have never written about it in my very first article about LLR: "LuLaLies and Consultant Cannibalism". This organization is filled to the brim with schoolyard bullies that never graduated into "how adults act"... accidentally acquiring a false sense of power... over their legging "business". You know the saying- "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Indeed. I prefer the saying- "With great power comes great responsibility". The world is watching LuLaRoe right now- and this is who is speaking for them? Yet, LuLaRoe would rather sue bloggers than bitch slap the cruel cunts that wish death on someone's children. Nah, LuLaRoe... Nothing to see here, move along, right? If LuLaRoe wanted to clean up their act and shush writers like me- critics of their ethics, practices, and CULTure, they'd start by policing shit like this. Amanda told me that within the first sale, 5 of her sellers were reported to compliance. Why??? Because they are trying to do what's best for their own families- without reaching out to others and bidding death on their offspring? With all the issues this company has, I'd venture to say that the base of it comes from sheer greed and stupidity. Just as Deanne and Mark can't see a week ahead to what could happen based on their brainless and knee-jerk reactions to really, really big problems, these consultants think they are just as smart and they won't get caught or held responsible for this type of behavior. Just as long as the money keeps coming in, right? After all, that's what both ownership and idiotship are in this for. No one is watching... Hola, bitches. You've got my attention now. Why is LuLaRoe failing? Because I'm talking about it? Nahhh.... It's failing because the ownership isn't qualified to run a trash compactor, let alone a billion dollar business and it's proven by the side show act of these overprivileged, spandex spackled carnies calling themselves business owners. Not my circus... I'm just here to point out the monkeys. How soon do you bet these "women empowering women" to be trolls and troublemakers get forced to GOOB and end up begging for help selling off their groups- just. like. this one. Oh the irony. I've seen it before, and I predict to see several of these names pop up. I only hope someone out there reminds them of their lack of mercy when they expect a little.

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