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Koenigsegg for the 5 Minute Man

Earlier this year, pictures of Mark Stidham pulling up to an event in his Koenigsegg Ghost had gearhead LuLaBros tingling and LuLaDefectors seething. The price tag on one of these supercars is around (and upward from) $2 million. Two.million.dollars... for a car. Well good for him, right? I'm sure not going to hate on the rolling billboard for clear compensation for cock-size or stamina. Too much? Maybe. But his own wife Deanne has been quoted for reportedly instructing the LuLaRoe minions to "be submissive to your husbands" and "get on your knees for five minutes, and he will be a slave to you all day." Five minutes? Girl... listen. You need to raise the bar there just a bit. No wonder why Mr. Speed himself is now driving "the world's fastest car." That's right, the head honcho's husband, Mark has acquired his SECOND multi-million-dollar supercar- and on 11/4/17, that baby broke the land-speed record- topping off at over 277 mph. It's enough to make a race slut moan for sure. So now the world's fastest finish just landed himself another world's fastest finish. I mean, congratulations! Because of all the hard work of your LuLaLegions, your wife not only gets to tell the countless enrollees how frequently to provide oral sex to their husbands, you get to advertise just how hard you're fucking them. Interesting to watch the video of the record being broken and see the Colonel Sanders doppelganger's smug grin popping up in the crowd, then see Justin Lyons sauntering around in what looks like a LuLaRoe patterned windbreaker holding a camera along with Deanne's oldest son, Kenny... the same people that popped up at the Monterrey Koenigsegg event just this past August. Automobile Magazine was "lucky" enough to get a quote with Mark about the record breaking car he acquired- stating that he feels like he won the Olympics- "You really only win for the day. It feels final." Could that be foreshadowing? Quick to the finish and perhaps the auction block? With lawsuits mounting against LuLaRoe, and the government presumably watching transactions like the acquisition of extremely high priced cars and properties- Mark's just building himself one hefty list of liquidatable assets for these suits to take liens against- on behalf of the "pigs" that made this snarky and condescending car enthusiast a billionaire. Man, I'd love to pop the sideview mirror off one of his cars and hand it to the woman that reported to me that she had to move into her car after losing her home because she couldn't pay back the mortgage she took to enroll in this alleged pyramid scheme. Funnier still is the team zoom call that happened last week where Deanne is reported to have confirmed that they use onboarding/capsule money (different sources report differently) to pay refunds for those consultants that have decided to leave the organization and take advantage of their buyback policy. IF she did say that, she's not just admitting the company doesn't have the money they claim to have, but that comment could help argue not just a pyramid scheme, but a Ponzi scheme. Taking money from one set of enrollees to pay others is Ponzi 101. So, where's the money at? I'd start by checking the Stidham's garage. Here's a picture pulled from Koenigsegg's own website (edited by a critic of LuLaRoe- Becca Peter, to include the names of the people in the photo- excluding Kenny, seen in all black) from the Koenigsegg event in Monterrey cited above- complete with Art McCracken sporting a LuLaMonstrosity shirt- with bathroom LuLaRoe logo. Flava-Faaaaaaaav!

Here is a link to the article and photo for the event in August. Here is a link to the article I referenced with the quote from Mark above. THIS article states that the record-breaking race was in part set up by Koenigsegg owner, Mark Stidham. If he was trying to be shy about his recent acquisition, he's going about it all wrong. At least he's consistent in his failure to do things "right".

And HERE's just one more with Mr. Minute Rice listed as the owner of the car. (Far right) It isn't that the man owns the cars that has so many upset. It's that this company admits no wrong, claims that they don't have the money to process the refunds they PROMISED to these people, but sometime between August and November, Mark was able to purchase this car. It's a slap in the face to everyone harmed by this company that the 100% buyback policy ended with no warning in August- and this guy's driving around in over $2 million of it while thousands of people wait with baited breath to get their money back- if at all. Add the IRS to the list of entities you should be blowing up daily, reps. With this short, short man driving around your refunds, I'd venture a guess this new toy might ping their radar a bit. Here's the video of the car breaking the land speed record:

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