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Neon Sorcery

Just last week the third love in my life- just behind my hubby and kids (yeah, she's THAT good) the very talented hair stylist, Erin, lopped off over 3 inches of my naturally black mane that had been lifted into a blonde and caramel balayage for the last 16 months. My hair has been so dark for so long- only seeing color to cover the gray hairs that are multiplying like rats on my scalp. I wanted something fun and youthful while I was pregnant with my baby and I loved what she did so much, I've kept it up through the past year and some change.

I went in to see Erin to have the dry ends attacked. My hair has been in hyper-recovery mode since I changed my diet a few months ago to battle this autoimmune drama from the inside out. I'm lucky that I don't need medication... yet. So I'm fighting to keep it that way. My hair has been growing back healthier and thicker ever since. But between the baby and the bleach and the disease, I was sporting some really abused tresses. After the hair fairy chopped the pathetic and stringy frizz from my head, I mourned the fallen soldiers for about 13 seconds- or until I had enough time to run my fingers through the ends and NOT scratch myself with the dried, grassy ends for the first time in a few years. It was glorious! Then, Ipsy sent me a little bottle of Neon & Co. treatment oil to try out. It's like they KNEW. This tiny little bottle of what smells like liquid skittles is light and pleasant. I rubbed a nickel sized amount between my palms and into my dry hair- just to feel how heavy the oil is. Not only did it not weigh my hair down or feel greasy, I feel like my hair AND skin soaked it up like a sponge. Almost immediately the oil dried on my hands to a sweet-scented powdery finish, and the ends of my hair felt soft and silky. The light oil is a blend of macadamia, kakadu plum oil, and grape seed oil- all hair and skin healthy oils that are rife with antioxidants and nutritious goodness. I've tried (and will review) many hair oils- and this one is my favorite so far. This little sample size 30 ml bottle is actually a LOT of product- and as soon as it is gone, I will be buying more. In FACT, the $25 bottle of oil has a special offer for first time buyers. 25% off using promo code NEON25. (This isn't an affiliate link- just me hooking you up with a little love) Just click HERE to view their products. (Also NOT an affiliate link) My only complaint with this product is the bottle. I'd really like to see Neon & Co. put this into a spray bottle to distribute into my hair and brush through evenly. Maybe if they do, they'll let me know. <3 This one is going to be a permanent staple in my hair care until something better knocks it off my shelf. i hope you love it as much as I do! Want to try out Ipsy's Glam Bag? (this is an affiliate link) Click HERE! My favorite thing about Ipsy is I get to try out little versions of products and not be married to anything I might hate. I find so many things I love with only spending $10 a month. Check it out!

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