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Lust for Youth

It was just over two decades ago when KC was 14 years old. She was an aspiring actress and dreamed of being on a TV show like the X-Files one day. She watched it religiously and felt that maybe she could land a part on the show at some point. It was all she dreamed about. In the meantime, she performed eagerly in her school theater productions and talent shows. She was a born actress, she thought. "One day... one day... maybe I'll make it." On her way to living her dream, she'd continue to practice her acting and singing talents, hopefully honing the craft by the time her big break came. And of course she'd continue to watch the X-Files religiously. It was her favorite show, after all. Early in 1996, one of her dear friends was able to go to a convention and meet some of the cast of the X-Files- including the actor that played Tooms on the show- Doug Hutchison. KC was jealous- she wanted to go too but was unable. Instead, she'd just live vicariously through her friend as she told her everything about the day and her exchange with Doug. I need to digress for a moment to lend a little more information and a back story about Doug Hutchison and his alleged penchant for young women: You may recall from the not-so-distant past that Mr. Hutchison made headlines in 2011 for marrying Courtney Stodden- a beautiful 16 year-old aspiring actress from Washington State. In a July, 2011 interview with ABC news, Hutchison explained that the couple met on the internet after Stodden sent him an email about an acting workshop he was hosting. (Source: ABC NEWS) He had been divorced twice prior and battling alcoholism when Stodden sent the inquiry. He stated that Stodden made the first move by "being very flirtatious" and he had assumed she was in her twenties when he saw her images online- but he had "already started falling for her" even after learning that she was 15 at the time of their interactions. The interview goes on to explain that Doug asked Courtney's parents for their consent to marry the then 16 year old, reportedly "very Christian" young woman, and because the parents "felt the couple's love in their souls" they consented to the union of their little girl to the 51 year old. Doug was 35 years Courtney's senior on their wedding day. Once the parents consented, Doug flew up to meet Courtney in person FOR THE FIRST TIME, got on one knee, and proposed marriage to her right then and there. Doug and Courtney talked in their 2011 interview with ABC about the public backlash on the internet over their marriage. Doug was quoted in this interview saying: "If [people] need to feel this way … it's OK. I've been called worse than a pedophile in my life." Indeed. I wonder if Doug is prepared for what he's about to be called in THIS article.

KC High School Age

After KC's friend met Doug at the convention, she reported that they had a friendly exchange. Doug gave the friend his mailing address to keep in touch. (The friend was also a young teen girl) When her friend excitedly told her about the address- KC was in disbelief and copied it down herself. She would then send her own letter to Doug along with a demo tape of her singing voice including some songs as- "Let Me Entertain You" and "I'll Stand By You". To her surprise and sheer joy- Doug wrote back and told her that she should "wholeheartedly pursue her dream of singing if that's where her heart (and vocal chords) should take her". KC was ablaze with hope and pride. This person, this actor had made it- and he thought she could too. She eagerly wrote him back again, and again, and again. The letters continued between the two of them. KC dreamed that maybe this actor would be willing to help her break into the industry- even asking Doug if he thought the casting director would consider her for a role on the X-Files. Doug responded that he could submit her photo to the director for consideration, but that he couldn't help her by submitting a script reading for her. She'd have to do that part on her own. Just send him a picture and he'd make sure the casting director saw it. KC sent her photo, as he suggested. If Doug gave it to the director, she'd never know. The letters between the two continued on for many months. KC's parents were aware of the exchanges between the two, but believed them to be innocent. Even KC or Kat, as he as he called her in the letters, felt that Doug really saw true potential in her, and was only wanting to help an aspiring singer and actress make her mark in Hollywood. Some of the letters are attached here. They do seem quite innocent. By now KC was 15, and was about to perform a song from the hit Broadway show, Cats, on stage at her high school talent show. Unbeknownst to her, a friend had written a letter to Doug informing him of the upcoming show and inviting him to attend. Her friend thought he would be interested in coming because he had been taking the time to write the girls back and offer tips and advice on how to break into the business. Neither of them actually expected him to show up. The night of the talent show had arrived, and KC and her friend were getting ready to go on stage when a short man, dressed in a leather coat and boots, wearing a bandana on his head with sunglasses covering his eyes walked past the door to the room the two were prepping in. The girls noticed him go by but didn't recognize him. Even when he entered their room and asked where the talent show was being held, neither realized that it was Doug Hutchison standing with them until later. When KC saw him again, it was outside the girl's bathroom. It was there that he introduced himself to her and that he told her he had come to watch her perform.

She was starstruck, KC explained to me, along with how she was in total disbelief that this famous man would take time from his busy schedule to attend her little talent show. But here he was, right in front of her eyes. It was a dream come true- and it solidified for KC that Doug really, TRULY saw something special in her. Why else would he come all this way to watch her perform? She went on stage and sang. Sang like she never had before- and dedicated the song "Memory", to Doug who was seated in the audience, watching her. During intermission, Doug accompanied KC and her friends backstage and explained that he had to go but that he loved her performance. She understood, and offered to escort him to the parking lot. On the way out, they engaged in discussion about her aspirations and dreams- with Doug asking her about her intentions once she graduated high school. She was so excited and nervous to share all of this with him- her biggest dreams, her fears. And he was here with her, right now telling her he absolutely loved her performance and wanting to know more about her. He was going to tell his agent all about her, he said. And just as he told her that, Doug grabbed hold of her backside- firmly and aggressively. She froze. It could only be Doug, it was just them there. She was startled. Shocked. KC told me that he was watching her face as he touched her- watching her expressions for a reaction. He pushed her firmly up against the wall of the school and continued to fondle her. She said she was confused as to why he thought her facial expression of surprise and confusion indicated to him that he should continue on, but yet, he did. Reaching up with his other hand he was now grabbing firmly onto her breast, and rubbing. She said it felt like he was grabbing it in a way to measure it with his hand. She was an early developer- at the time of this incident, KC was very uncomfortably a 36 F. While he groped her breast, the hand that had been grabbing her behind was now sliding up her mint green dress. She remembers the dress clearly. It was special to her because her mom let her borrow it to perform in. He was breathing heavily into her face and neck, his aggressive behavior tore her panites and scratched her thigh. She was starting to panic and cry. She was about to yell out as his hand slowly made its way into her underwear- he was now touching her there softly, but then he stopped abruptly. She saw a couple walking past them and used the distraction from the two of them as her moment to run away. She ran as quickly as she could back to the safety of the theater room and didn't speak a word about it to anyone else that night. She was in shock, she said. She had reached the feeling of total disbelief for the second time in one night. Oh, how she wished she had not gone to the parking lot with him- it would have stayed a dream come true for her indefinitely, instead of the nightmare the night had evolved into. A few days passed and her friend that was supposed to be attending the talent show came to KC to discuss something that took place that night. Her friend told her about how she had met Doug in the same girl's bathroom where KC had also met him. She then went on to explain how Doug had forced himself on her, then attacked and molested her- just a short time before he did the very same thing to KC. Her friend had been so scared and mortified by what took place she never left the bathroom the night of the talent show until it was time for her to perform. KC tried to coax her friend to give her more details- if Doug had actually raped her or not- but her friend wasn't willing to discuss it in any more detail other than to explain that she had tried to walk past him in the bathroom, startled to see a man in the ladies' room. She said he grabbed her and forced her into a stall. She was hurting and terrified, just the same as KC was. Her face was red from crying as she told KC all of this, and she blamed herself- her costume for the talent show was a bikini type top and a short skirt. She was performing a Tahitian dance number that night, maybe she 'asked for it' by dressing in a way that could be construed as provocative? KC felt lost and reached out to another friend for support and guidance. Expecting him to advise her to seek help, she was shocked when he told her to keep quiet and use the connection to Doug to propel herself into the world she so wanted to be a part of. Use Doug to land an acting career. He said that some guys were just like that, and to be flattered that someone with celebrity status would find her attractive and pay attention to her in that way. KC felt odd that she didn't interpret Doug's advances that way, but reluctantly tried to put the incident behind her. She felt violated but followed her friend's advice, writing letters to Doug a couple more times, avoiding discussing the interaction between the two of them altogether. She couldn't keep up the facade for long. Her dreams of becoming an actress were fading. She didn't want it like this. She wanted to forget Doug, forget that night, and forget about singing and acting- forever. If this is how she was going to be treated by those she sought to get help from, who could she trust? Who was safe? After that exchange, KC put her dreams of stardom behind her. She went to college and pursued a degree in sign language and became a sign language interpreter and writer. She could not bring herself to write her story out- she explained the level of anxiety to me that she endured while digging up the letters to give to me, and reading them again, telling me the details of that night... she had pursued sign language because she was also passionate about that- and it was far, far away from singing and acting. She wanted to put as much distance between that world and her as possible- hoping to never have to relive that night again.

It wasn't until she spoke to her husband about the current accusations flying around Hollywood regarding rape and molestations that he encouraged her lovingly to speak up for herself and her friend- in hopes that any other victims of the same behavior- OR WORSE would find the courage to stand up and say- #MeToo. Too often, women are told they should be flattered by this type of behavior from men. That we should be grateful for the attention, or be honored that someone finds us sexually attractive- even as a young girl or young woman, we are groomed to accept treatment such as abuse, assault, molestation, and rape. Our rape culture has told us that we are to blame for what happens to us. Surely if KC hadn't gone to the parking lot with Doug, she wouldn't have "asked for it", right? Just as her friend performing the Tahitian dance had asked for it too. This is what our society tell us. This is why they have remained silent for so long. But even if KC HAD asked for it, when do we hold the 30-something year old man (at the time of the alleged incident) accountable for HIS behavior? I'm not certain that I would be willing to excuse the behavior of a twice-her senior-grown man who chose to sexually assault a young girl- even if she had been writhing in heat on the ground in front of him. There simply must be a standard of behavior that is acceptable as well as a voice for these children who need to be heard. At the age of 14 and 15, young men and women are in turmoil. Not yet adults and no longer children, they are coming into themselves. It's a very confusing time for a person, and a prime age for predators to exploit the still young but old enough to fight back a little... maybe even for sport of it. As it were, Doug Hutchison was a guest on VH1's show- "Couple's Therapy" with his almost a baby bride, Courtney- where the resident shrink, Jenn Berman stated- “He’s not a predator. He’s not someone, who if Courtney left him, would be trolling the Internet or high schools for underage girls. That’s not his m.o.,” (Source: ACCESS HOLLYWOOD)

In light of the allegations KC has just levelled against Doug Hutchison, I'm going to ask Dr. Bermann to revisit that deduction and diagnosis. She stated in the same interview cited above that she had hesitations about working with Doug and Courtney, citing that she felt he was some kind of pedophile at first. But, after speaking to Courtney's mother and hearing that Doug had been nothing but kind to her daughter, somehow that changed the doctor's opinion of Doug. I wonder if Dr. Bermann has children... teenage daughters, perhaps, and if she'd be comfortable leaving them alone with Doug now that he and Courtney are no longer going to be a couple. As of January, 2017 the couple announced a separation, though still trying to remain amicable- the couple has grown apart with Courtney stating in several media sources that she has grown in the past 6 years into a completely different person. You mean... into a woman... from a child? Imagine that. Yet that didn't stop Doug from courting and wedding her. He is quoted in the above cited ABC interview that "Courtney was 16 going on 36" and he was "51 going on 21". Newsflash for you, Doug... 21 and 36 is still illegal and disgusting- and for good reason- because the reality is 16 and 51, no matter how hard you squint and try to see it otherwise.

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