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There's Drugs in Them There Leggin's!

Many a LuLaRoe addict will tell you that there's just something about the "buttery softness" of LuLaRoe leggings, coupled with the mom-bod forgiving yoga style waistband that just made them want more and more. If you were lucky enough to find your favorite prints, you scooped them up post haste- God forbid someone claimed them before you could. It was often said in jest that "they must lace the threads with crack or something" because of how crazy the LLR legging fad had become. As time went on and more and more issues with the company came to light- more people that were close to the "throne" began to stray and the "golden handcuffs" loosened- causing lips to loosen as well about experiences within the company. Several months ago, the allegations started with a former LuLaBro telling me in a private conversation that he had been ON the LLR jet and witnessed ownership "popping pills" and "snorting cocaine". If those alleged activities took place in the US, in the air, or in another country, he didn't elaborate. The purpose of telling me this? I'm not sure, to be honest. Maybe gossip, maybe venting? But one thing is for sure, it would not be the last time this topic was brought up. On July 3rd, 2017, my phone rang late in the afternoon. An individual I would consider a trusted source of inside information had called me, slightly shaken because they had just been "picked up" by the FBI with regard to allegations of drug trafficking from outside of the US into the states- with the LLR jet as the supposed mode of transport. This individual was upset and asked me what I thought they should do. My advice was- "Tell them everything you know. If they really are asking you about this, they already know and probably have you involved somehow. Help them or you might find yourself in trouble too if this is a real thing." This individual told me confidentially that they were asked about details of what drugs were being brought in, by whom, and for what purpose. The informant claimed that the drugs they were aware of were all prescription painkillers acquired abroad for recreational use- and alleged that DeAnne and Mark were both users. They also commented that the couple had successfully managed to hook their sons, Jordan and Michael on the painkillers as well. I didn't write about this at the time for several reasons. 1. The sources wanted to stay confidential. 2. If the FBI were truly involved, bringing attention to this could interfere with an investigation, and 3. Who knew if it was true? At that point, it was one or two people's word against an entire organization. Last month, another individual that is very close to ownership also approached me, claiming they were physically present when LuLaRoe's busses stopped at "la pharmacia" in Guatemala, at which time they allege several members of the trip exited the bus, entered the pharmacy and proceeded to purchase various controlled prescription drugs- including but not limited to Norco and Oxycontin. The source then states when everyone got back on the bus, the drugs were being passed around "like tic tacs" and there was some level of peer pressure to "relax" and "get fucked up" with their friends. I conducted another interview around that time where this particular source made direct allegations against LuLaRoe Mentor, Danielle Russell who has a current and active pharmacist's license. They allege that they "would bet if you went to the drugstore closest to DeAnne's home, there will be pain pill prescriptions written for DeAnne by Danielle." Before you throw pitchforks at me, screaming that pharmacists can not prescribe medication- you would be wrong. Pharmacists CAN prescribe medication in 37 states in the union and are often recognized abroad as authorized to tender a prescription. Yes, even in Guatemala and Mexico. (ETA: You don't necessarily need a prescription to buy drugs in either country but if you're coming back through customs with a controlled substance, you'd better hope you didn't stockpile them and you have a prescription for them here in the states or from a prescribing entity abroad) This source claims that initially, the pain pill exchange within the company began with a simple- "Ouch, my back hurts" from DeAnne that graduated into concerned friends simply collecting and sharing their excess pain pills with her. They then claim at one of the company's several leadership conventions, DeAnne approached Danielle directly and asked if she could get her some pills for the pain. This witness claims that Danielle looked extremely hesitant and nervous, but that she's a very caring individual and felt almost obligated to help her friend, DeAnne at the time. (Based on how they were reading the interaction- body language, facial expression, etc) And eventually, Danielle allegedly agreed. This person also claimed that the famous "LuLaRoe Randy", the gentleman who the Randy shirt was named for was involved at one time as well. Alleging that Randy's significant other, Ryan is also a pharmacist, he may or may not have also written a prescription for a member or members of the Stidham clan. 12/31/17 update: this source claims that Ryan joked often about DeAnne calling him before events to try and wrangle prescription painkillers up for her and that this source witnessed these conversations and claims. All of this was conveyed to me in confidence, and without their permission to share, I felt that I should not at the time. Now, much has been shared on Facebook publicly- including a public conversation between Sam Schultz (Nephew and former LLR employee) and Courtney Harwood (former mentor) that has now traversed the internet a few times. I will not disclose the names of the individuals that shared the information with me above, but in light of the public conversations that took place (and are included herein) I felt that sharing the details of the discussions with the confidential sources would help to corroborate the discussion below. I'm in no way alleging that these participants below are my sources, for clarification. These allegations are massive and ugly. I assume that these two are aware that this information has spread through all the LuLaRoe chatter groups. Hopefully they went to the authorities before deciding to publish this on Facebook. And hopefully what they say is true- for their own sake. Either way, allegations of this magnitude are the very last thing that anyone at LuLaRoe needs. It definitely lends a bit of perspective and foundation to all of the insider tongue-in-cheek comments about DeAnne always seeming to be high or emotionally unstable. Note to participants: Opiates can make you unstable emotionally. Please write that down.

In one of the interviews I had with a customer service rep from home office, the interviewed party claims that DeAnne would come into the room sweetly, then could be heard screaming at someone in the hallway- only to return again as the sweet persona she originally was. Many of us have seen DeAnne break down into tears on home office calls. The jokes about her "always crying" are rampant. Is it possible that her seeming instability could be caused by the recreational abuse of prescription painkillers? I also hope that any and all parties that took place in these alleged activities step forward and just admit their participation. Alleging that a mentor or leader is involved is one thing. Allegations that mentors that are pharmacists taking part in breaking the law on behalf of a friend who may or may not have a pain pill addiction can ruin their lives both personally and professionally. I have no reason to personally doubt the information given to me by my sources, as everything they have provided me historically had panned out truthfully. But this is upsetting for so many reasons beginning with the lives that will undoubtedly be tarnished by this, continuing to the lives of individuals that may have been present but chose not to participate. If these allegations are true and can somehow be proven, what now? What's next for a company that so many have put their trust into that seem to be hurt at every pass. If this is all true, prescriptions can be traced and that could mean the loss of a license at the very least, and at worst- jail. It's heartbreaking to picture this transpiring- being told that the accused actually hesitated, like perhaps she thought better of doing it- until she did it. Where was her Jiminy Cricket at the time? We all have a little voice of reason... where are the voices that belong to these participants? It seems an awful waste of careers and freedom to do any of this if it's true... UPDATED TO ADD VIDEO: Mentor Jeaneane Pennell discussing wanting xanax and it being offered to her before going on stage:

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