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Intel Inside Investigation and Pending Class Action

Have you bought ANY kind of computer in the last 4 years? If the answer is yes, keep reading. If you've been living under a rock for the last week or so or don't generally follow tech news- you may have missed the latest news that could literally have some repercussion on almost every computer on the planet. (maybe it's not THAT bad, but still... it's pretty bad) it appears that Intel chips might have massive vulnerabilities that leave users' computers and data wide open to snooping. Patches and updates have been released, but experts claim they might not be enough or could seriously slow down performance. I'm not a tech writer, so I'll just drop a link HERE to an article that explains this better than I can. But what I CAN tell you about is a class action starting for alllllll those people that may have been exposed. Here's the LINK If you read the page- you need to scan your receipt and send it to these guys to get you in queue for the action forming against Intel. In case you can't click the link:

Send the following to:

Name of person

Street address,

city, state and zip


Copy of the receipt

Consent to be contacted by Mike or Steph at for a 2 min interview And that's it. Please share. <3

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