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Pink Zebra- Another DScent Company

Re-posted with updates: Jenny B. is a Pink Zebra independent sales rep. I have to tell you I can not keep up with all the titles of "sales rep" in the DS/MLM world, so I don't really know if they're "reps", "sales diva, director, leader, etc." or if they are the new trend in MLM-titledom: (insert word here) add "-ista" to the end of it. Pink Zebraista? Salesista? Bossbabeista? We will just go with "rep"... sound good? So Jenny is a PZ rep, has been for a little while now. She's got herself a cushy little team and she reached out to me one day and said- "You know, I could really see you loving our products. Review?" Sure. I like all things fragrance. I'll take a look. So she sends me off this care package that looks like Willy Wonka himself created it. These things are brightly colored, packaged in a very interesting and fun way, and they smell ahhh-mazeballs. The wax beads look like little neon candies. Some smelled like food and made me hungry. Not going to lie. She also included a warmer or as they call it, a "simmer pot" that fit perfectly with my holiday decor- had I decorated this past year. (Don't get me started about how I failed by not decorating. I would normally give Martha Stewart a run for her insider-traded money.) The warmer was cute. Typical wax warmer- electric, plug-in, removable wax cup. Burgundy with two cups- one burgundy, one red and green plaid. Cool. The cups all have the Pink Zebra logo embossed into it. Nice touch, though excessive. Maybe it's to ensure you don't commingle your non-PZ warmer pieces? I wonder if a black hole opens dare you cross a PZ warmer cup with a Scentsy one. Is it like fragrance wax gang wars? I have so many questions. Whatever the need for the extra branding, the warmer was cute and worked well. Still does, in fact. These

things aren't a joke. Without mincing words, they get hot as fuck! Don't try to drop a Yankee Candle plastic wax cup in there without that ceramic dish, it will melt. Yes, I know this from experience. Is the value of the warmer there? Meh. For $32? I mean, all of these companies have unique warmers- that's really where you should make your decision. I've had equally good results with an electric warmer (I have one in almost every room of my house. I love fragrance, I tell you!) that I picked up at Walmart for $8 as well. So you really should love the way it LOOKS if you're buying it at that price. Because it works great- but so do the cheaper versions you can get elsewhere. I don't think I'd take issue buying one at that price if it wooed me in some way. Browsing their site at the time, I didn't find anything that screamed "you must buy me" and I really loved the look of the $8 jobber from Wally World. As I say- affordability is relative to your situation. I can justify it, but it is pricey for a wax melter. Now, let's talk smelly stuffs. Jenny sent me so many samples, it took me this long to get through them all. There are so many absolutely delicious scents, I could live in mango-beach-linen-coconut air for-evahhhhh. But as they say- "This shit ain't cheap!" I use a 6-cube pack of wax every two days. I have discovered really heavily scented options out there for 97 cents that get it done for me in a big way. But there's no ritual in any of it- and that, my friends is what you're paying for here. The scent beads come in cute little clear jars or cardboard ice cream cartons. You get a little scooper, and you're immediately transferred back, back, back to your childhood... think Barbie's Ice Cream Shoppe or making little fun useless things with the Play-Doh presses... it's so girly and pink, and well... excessive...which isn't a bad thing if you like the feeling of indulging a little bit. When I make a cup of tea, I have loose leaf that I spoon into a strainer while the water is warming. I select the honey or sugar that I want to use with it, if any. (Honey snob here!) I have my special tea spoon, my special tea cup.. .it's a ritual. I enjoy it, and I see much of that transferred here in their packaging and marketing- which is pretty cool. They also add to that feeling by pitching you that with these tiny little "sprinkles" wax beads, you can blend your own custom fragrance. Just ask your local Zebra-ista for some recipes! Personally, I'm not about the whole ordeal with wax, but some women really get into this, and good on them. It's fun.

The little jar is $9, and the big ice cream carton is $28. Doing the math on it, it's not insanely expensive for the amount you get. The fragrance lasts about the same as any other comparable product on the market- at least as compared to Scentsy. I find two days pass with any of them, and I need to replace the wax. Three days, it smells burned when you approach the warmer. The value vs. cost will really be how much you use, and how frequently. I'm pretty sure I could keep Jenny in business myself with the amount of scented wax I purchase. So I think the cost is ok for my needs- especially if I go for the tub o'wax. Jenny? She's good people. On a personal note, she was there for me in a big way when my son passed away. It was then that we grew closer. When my rainbow baby happened, she was one of a few women I chatted with almost daily. She's caring, fun, and a little quirky. Just a good lady all around. She's not pushy, and I don't find her to be the 'typical' MLM-er. She's not super kool-aid and she's not constantly sending me updates. I think at this point, I've scared away a big part of the die hard-ista's in my world, so if she's still here, she's the real deal. What to do with the burnt out wax? If you have dryer lint and little paper sampling cups, I pop dryer lint into a solo cup and pour the wax over it. I then toss it after it's solid in a box in the garage, and it becomes the best fire starter. Just light the paper cup. The wax melts all over your wood, and presto! You've got no waste and one of the best ways I've found to start a campfire, or a wood burning fireplace. Anyway,= overall, Pink Zebra- I can dig it. It seems to stay pretty far off of my MLM scandal radar too, so that's always a plus. Here's Jenny's shopping link: CLICK HERE (updated 6/16 with new party link) 6/16/18- I looked through the current catalog and did find a few cute things that I'd add to my "I'd spend it on that" list: -OCEAN SIMMER POT $28 -TURQUOISE SIMMERING LIGHT- $28

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