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Dr. Seuss Books 5 for $5.95

My son is obsessed with books! Here a book, there a book, everywhere a book! Right now Dr. Seuss is his jam. "Mommy, lets read Dr. Seuss ABC's or One Fish Two Fish" as he calls it- can be heard approximately 43 times a day in our household. I'm not exaggerating. I was recently tagged in a Facebook share about a deal for five Dr. Seuss books for $5.95 with free

shipping and a free gift. I skimmed it and noticed "your subscription includes 3 books sent to you monthly..." and backed out of the link. I remember this one time my husband joined Disney Movie Club and locked himself into a 2 year movie subscription... If I were the one that had been managing it, it wouldn't be that bad, but he never remembers to change the movie they choose for you, then he forgot to update info when he got a new card. So I thought, yeah... we don't need another scenario like that because just yesterday, we became the proud (?#!!) owners of about $100 in Disney movies. Oh well, it's not like we're not going to watch them. Ironically, there was a little card included about the Dr. Seuss deal. So now it's in my face. On the card it claims- "No commitment, cancel anytime, free bookbag!" I imagine the excitement on my almost three year old's face when he gets the package in the mail. Damn it. You got me. I follow the address on the card, type in the code and the site reiterated "No commitment". Meh, kid loves books so I guess even if they do decide to send and charge me for more if I forget, more books for your child is never a bad thing. In 7-14 days, we will get our 5 books for $5.95 along with an activity book, stickers and a pretty cute Cat in the Hat bookbag. I can cancel at anytime and keep anything I've already paid for (including the welcome deal and free gifts). Also, once you've placed your order, you get better deals on more books if people sign up for the deal utilizing your link. I figured I'd share the deal with you guys because who wouldn't take a no-commitment option for some classic books? I'm including my own link here. Use my link and if you sign up, remember to get your own link to share with your friends if you plan to continue on. (Or use mine. Thanks in advance. LOL) Click below:

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