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Deadpool 2- Pre-Release Teaser

"Holy Shitballs. Hoooooleeeeeeey shit balls." Calm down, you puritan bitches. It's a quote. DaddyGyver and I were lucky enough to be invited to the Deadpool 2 press pre-screening event yesterday in downtown Chi-town. A select group of oh-so-privileged pool fans and the press got to know all the things about the much anticipated Deadpool sequel before the rest of you. Nyeah-nyeah! So, the bummer is- we're sworn to secrecy. Can't spill the beans about the fact that Deadpool dies. Oh... shit. Sorry. But what I can tell you is this is a helluva sequel. Ryan Reynolds was extra Ryan Reynoldsy this time around. And he dies too. A couple times. The sequel screams "We're rated R and trying to earn it!" There may be cake and sodomy. There may be a few jokes about Mother Russia, and lots of people die. Including Ryan Reynolds. Damn it. I did it again! Vanessa's back. Fat Gandalf is back. Love is in the air and you are sure to get some satisfaction from this self-proclaimed "family film". Dopender discovers his true calling, and Deapool gets a 9 to 5 job. Shit gets real...real funny. I give it a two natural thumbs and one regenerated leg up. This is a definite see again, and again, and again. And when the final credits roll, stick around a bit. ;) Full review coming after my blood oath has expired on opening day. Go see Deadpool 2.

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