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Took a little time off...

Hey everybody! Sorry for the (mostly) silence on this website for the last couple of months. As most of you are aware, I'm in litigation with LuLaRoe still. They still want my sources, and I'm still not giving them up. I thought a lot about if I wanted to continue on with this portion of the blog, thinking about the financial cost to me, the invasion of privacy, and just the overall drama in general. Stepping up and standing up for a cause isn't always met with screaming applause. Everyone is a critic, and everyone can do it better. But I've been going at this for over a year- and I haven't seen anyone else step up in this way. It's great to woulda shoulda coulda other people's actions, it's wonderful to boast about what you'd do if you were me. It's really fun to sit behind your screen and wish harm and hate on people that chose to speak up for other people- people that lack the voice to speak up for themselves. Sniveling cowards that thrive on others hurting. It's like flies on shit in the MLM world. If there's one thing this LuLaRoe drama has taught me, it's that there are some spineless internet trolls out there with a whole lot of time on their hands wasted on hating people that strive to help those that need it most. I don't claim to be P.C. and frankly I'm not really interested in catering to everyone's sensitivity. I'm not going to trigger warning before I say the word "rape" and I'm not going to read pushback if I call myself "fat". This is my world, and you can be here, or you can not be. The message is the same no matter if you like the way I say it or not: People are getting hurt in MLM. People, and primarily women, are being targeted, manipulated, and harmed... and enough is enough. For the last year, I have danced the line of being neutral to MLM in order to gain access to MLM leaders, owners, companies, and inside the programs. I've been recruited by the slimiest of the slime and you know what? I'm tired. I've spent a year playing in the dirt with them and it's just time to let it all out. I've been taking notes, playing the game, pretending to be sympathetic to the plight of the "Great MLM Misunderstanding". You know what I'm talking about- the "It's every other MLM, but not ours." Yes, Becky... it's yours too. I am not neutral. I am not pro-MLM. I fucking hate them. I hate what they breed, I hate what they do to families, and I hate the drama that follows them everywhere. It's time to speak up even louder and say what we're all thinking- FUCK MLMs. If you want to buy that lipstick and love your friend that's selling it- tell her to quit the MLM and buy the lipstick from the girl getting out. Get it at a discount, help her get one more piece of overpriced inventory out of her house, and then STOP supporting the cycle. If you're buying from your buddy, you're keeping her inside. Help her get out. You're being manipulated. Robbed. Lied to. It's all the same thing... same wolf, just a different colored sheep's coat. Stop being stupid and open your eyes. Stop hearing what you WANT the truth to be, and start seeing it for what it is. Stop comparing yourself to "Becky", thinking if that girl can do xyz, then surely you can too. So many factors are outside of your control from before you ever step foot into the program- it's a deck stacked against you. Unless you're walking in at the very top and building underneath you, you will not make money. And if you are that girl at the top- can you honestly look yourself in the mirror knowing you're making YOUR mortgage off the blood on the backs of all the women beneath you? Does that really make you a "leader" or a user, manipulator, and a liar? It's a farce designed to reward the ignorant dreamer with a bullshit title of a bullshit accomplishment so you can continue to bullshit more people into selling more bullshit to more future bullshitters. Just.Stop. No, I'm not going to stop writing. I'm going to write more. I've opened a Patreon channel, another Facebook group, and I'm diving head first back into this- and we're going to go from company to company. On my Patreon, I'm walking my subscribers through the last year of total BULLSHIT I've had to sit through "in the name of improving the MLM channel". These fuckers have hired me, tried to bribe me, begged for endorsements, promised me up to $50k a month to peddle their lies to YOU. To tell you that they are different, they want to be better, they are improving the world of MLM. And here's a hint: It isn't improving. They are finding more and more ways to bait and switch you. Newer, more clever ways to play the flute and lead all the rodents (that's you) off the proverbial cliff to your doom. One way or another, you'll learn that unless you're one of only a few- a few that jump from one company to the next, taking their teams with them- you aren't going to get far- statistically. The model is corrupt, it is a perfect place to launder money, claim losses, make a quick buck and then fold up shop. In every conversation I've had with every owner or GM of every MLM I have ever spoken with, I've said the same phrase and NEVER heard a challenge. "At the end of the day, you're here to make money, it's a business." This isn't about empowering you. It's about empowering THEM. If you're living your dream selling MLM, truly, then you need to dream bigger because all you're doing is buying more Mark Stidhams more million dollar cars while you worry about how you'll pay your $200 car payment. Think about that. Think hard, then buckle up, buttercup- and get the hell out of MLM for good. It's good to be back. Fuck you, LuLaRoe- and all of your slimy friends too.

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