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As Promised

Last year I had a really tough talk with compliance at Modere about the misrepresentations the company had been making to participants- and how those misrepresentations affected me and those that were on my team. Some of you may not know that I had enrolled with Modere last year. Many do and they question why. It's funny, looking back at all the criticism about how I could fight against MLM and quietly join another... You all either don't watch enough t.v. or you really are jaded. No one can just wait and see anymore, always so quick to judge people and attack. Time.the.fuck.out, bossbabe. Take a breath, and hang on to your bunched up panties while I explain what I was up to. I was courted by an individual leader to join Modere- a company that was represented to me then as the Anti-MLM MLM. In this courtship, they attempted to hire me to attack LuLaRoe's business and recruit members of LuLaRoe. Did you read that right? The LEADERSHIP attempted to hire AND PAY ME to atack LuLaRoe while recruiting for Modere. Got that? Hey LuLaLegal- this is some of the shit I was trying to offer up to you in settlement- IN LIEU of attacking little broke housewives. I figured you'd want to seek damages at the companies that were actually trying to harm you- not the women you got fat on from screwing them over and over and over again. You might not understand me, John Scholnick, so I will say it PLAINLY and really really slowly for you to soak in: Modere. The MLM that reports TWICE AS MUCH revenue as LLR. TRIED to hire me to go after your reps. I declined. But I have proof. And I tried to give you that information. You didn't want it. Do you want it now? Asshole. After giving them a year to address this as well as other problems (such as dispensing my address unlawfully) and agreeing to "for the time being" not publish what took place while I was involved with the company- it's all coming out and it's the first portion of my expose on what happens behind the scenes inside MLM. From manipulation to bribery, affairs, corporate espionage, and more... Modere is just as dirty as any other company out there. And they were foolish enough to try and bring me in. Actually, a LOT of MLMs have that idea- "Keep her close, give her just enough information to make her think we are on the up and up, make her trust us, and she will leave us alone." I absolutely love when my intelligence is insulted. And underestimation of my capacity and desire to fight back... that one's fun too. Clearly, I'm not afraid of lawsuits (ay, John?) and at the end of the day, my hands are clean. At any point, Modere (and a few others I'll share later) could have easily done right for the people that were hurt in the failed transaction of the century... but they didn't. They asked me not to publish anything, but they haven't really addressed the issues presented to them either. I'm currently on episode 11 of what went down in Modere-town on my Patreon channel. Because for fuck's sake, MLMs, you can't buy me off to recruit for you and not tell people what actually took place. For those of you scoffing at Patreon, and the paid channel, I'll remind you that if you think I'm a journalist or not- standing up to these companies has cost me greatly. It's ok for me to fight for people, right? So long as it's me that has to pay the bills when the companies come a'suing...? Don't like it, don't pay it. It's as simple as that. The truth is expensive. The cost to my family is documentable and great and I'm not interested in making millions for my work here- but I'm also not interested in becoming homeless or bankrupt for trying to expose these companies for what they really are.

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