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MommyMakeup V1.

Before I start talking about some of my favorite beauty products, I want to clarify the perspective I review these items from. I love makeup. I think it's so much fun to play with and try new looks. But I am NOT the woman that will sit in front of the mirror and layer upon layer for different looks. I want to pick something, try it, know that it works, and move on. I want to spend more time with color than concealer, so the majority of my concealing choices are "hell or high water, this WILL work". I'm not romancing my concealers. I'm not going to spend time to MAKE it work. It does or it doesn't. If it doesn't, I toss it. Color and fun awaits, but the base has to be there- and it has to be flawless in about 5 seconds. I don't have a lot of skin concerns. I have dark circles that vary from barely there to raccoon-eye depending on my sleep level, stress level, and hormones. I also have some red pigmentation around my nose and mouth due to Sjogren's. The "butterfly rash" is a typical indicator of Sjogren's- but that comes and goes too. Overall, my complexion is pretty even aside from these issues and I can get away with a lot less than other people. With that in mind, I don't wear all-over foundation regularly. I've figured out a way to manage my concealer needs that work for me. My way might not work for you- but that's the beauty of makeup. It's all about unique artistry. I also like to break rules. I use foundations as concealers, and concealers as foundations. Eyeshadows become lip pigment, and old eyeshadows get used as pastels to paint with. Art has no rules. Everyone holds a brush differently, and paint flows uniquely from every hand. Makeup application is the same. Remember that because some of the best makeup artists in the world (Kevin Aucoin is my absolute favorite of all time) broke the rules to create new ones- you can too. All of that being said, I'm a mom with above average skin for my age. I have very few fine lines. I've never smoked, I drink plenty of water, and my skin is combination/oily T-zone. I don't like the feeling of cakey makeup- so you're going to hear a LOT about weight, texture, and viscosity/blendability. I'm the type of woman that won't answer the door without mascara on, but I enjoy a no-makeup or minimal makeup look. I also enjoy dark, smoky eyes and a bright red lipstick. I'm an every-look kind of girl. But it comes from the standpoint of- "I've got about 20 minutes to make myself not look like a Mombie (mom-zombie) and then I've got to run." This is not makeup advice for the "professional". This is mom makeup 101. Real world results, use, and issues. Don't come here and ask me why I should have or share an opinion- I'm "not a beauty influencer". No. I'm not. But I am a product influencer, and I'm going to talk about products and if they WORK for me. I'm hard on my makeup. It's got to hold up to the gym, the kids (my two year old often grabs my face with slobbery hands, and this shit better not smear), my dogs, running errands, and yes... I'm the asshole that's so exhausted that I fall asleep in my makeup more often than not- so I need it to be exactly where I put it when I wake up. I don't want my eye to have travelled to my cheek in my sleep. The shit I love is legit. It's earned a place on my REAL WORLD counter and I'm going to tell you all about why. I give zero fucks if "Mally" or "Melissa" the beauty influencers du jour told you to do something differently than I do. First of all, I'm old enough to be half of their mothers, and I'll tell you right now- they wear WAY too much makeup for my taste. If I'm going to conceal- I want it done in ONE product. I'm not going to conceal, color correct, highlight, strobe, pray to Zeus, rinse, repeat, powder, set, and spray. I have no fucking time for that, and I don't have the vanity to spend if I did have the time. That hour to put on a look just cost me a kid testing Darwinism and cut into my MAYBE I GET A BATH TONIGHT TIME. Kids need to be picked up from school, groceries need to be bought, a dog just shit on the floor and the baby needs his ass changed. Tell me again about how I have time to color correct with these 12 items that cost me a car payment? It's cute if you can, and you dig that look. More power to you, and I'll see you in the makeup aisle and I'll probably compliment that super sparkly shimmer shit you've got spackled on your eyes and it flaked off and fell onto your pre-baby tits. I'm just trying to keep pretty and not look like I'm trying to relive my nightclub days. If you can't vibe that, then hit up Youtube and Instagram. Google the makeup guru girl that asks "Do dogs have souls"... I'll see you when you're done. So, from a real world perspective- a mom, a 37 year old with no time, and admittedly is "too old for that shit", you're going to get my opinions. Hopefully I can help you find some things that won't waste your hard earned money or even more scarce... your time.

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