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Shawn is humble. How do I know that? Well, when a small business owner asks to get on the MommyGyver site, I ask them to provide a little rundown about themselves, their business, and the 'why' they started their business. Shawn's response to me was something like- "Well, I don't know how interesting this will be for the masses, but..." and then she went on to tell me that she's not only a mom to two little girls, but also a Navy veteran. Shawn is also a nurse for the last 19 years- and dual certified. I don't know about you, but that's pretty damn interesting- and selfless. First, Shawn- thank you for your service- in the military and in the medical field. Often we overlook and take for granted those that have chosen to live a life in the service of others. Not here. Thank you for everything you do. This page is hard core for the support of vets- if you've been here for more than 15 seconds, you will learn quickly that there is no such thing as not being grateful for our military here. Further, if you know me- you know how much nurses mean to me. Through my own personal loss- my son that was born very ill and the AMAZING NICU nurses that fought with us to keep him alive and comfortable until he passed away; and then the nurses that cared for ME while I struggled to have my second son- it was the nurses that kept me sane in weekly treatments that were agonizing to say the least. I made some lifelong friends of women that were nothing short of everyday saints. And today, I met another one. Shawn's life of service continues into her store- right now, she only has a Facebook page and a VIP group- but even there, she asks if you will join and help her make the environment happy for all. She's kind and caring- and her store tagline embraces all- ", comfortable clothes for EVERY body." Also a former LuLa rep, she struggled hard with limited selection to provide what she described to be her "deserving customers". She didn't feel that it was fair for them to miss out on things that she simply wasn't able to get for them the way the company was run. And there, it was out of her control. She stressed that she didn't want to diss LuLa here- because it gave her the idea to do it herself- but better- for her customers' sakes. And better, she is. Shawn rocks some super comfy and trendy clothing in all sizes- and based on the interaction I'm seeing in her group- her customers are loving her AND the clothing. Way to go, Shawn. Some of my favorite items are below:

Shoppe. is building an ecommerce site- and when it's up and running, we will re-release this article so you have everything you need to Shoppe. with Shawn. I think what I liked learning most about Shawn and her why she began all of this was simply that oce she went out there and started seeing what was available to give her customers- she was able to do so without fear. She knew what they wanted- and she knew she could do this- for THEM. So many posts from customers in her group- and every single one of them is smiling. That says something to me, and I'm sure you're going to be happy to support her in her new endeavor! Follow Shoppe. here: FACEBOOK VIP GROUP WEBSITE Website is now live!

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