More Options For GOOBers
After I posted about Leave the Woe, my inbox blew up with other group admins that wanted to share their opportunity for GOOB sellers to...

Consultant Confessions V.1
My LuLaRoe Story I’m a curvy woman who had zero interest in clothes until I found LuLaRoe. I dressed in yoga pants and tank tops because...

LLR Breach: Houston We Have A Problem
Houston, we have a problem. "Sometimes the best hiding place is the one that's in plain sight." ~Stephenie Meyer If you are LuLaRoe,...

Say What?
I was sitting here, minding my own business, writing up a fantastic independent retailer that offers products that are a great...

LuLaRoe Alternative- The Legging Lair
Ok, the ONLY thing Mommy loves better than a sale- is a small independent business. So, when the Kerry, the owner of The Legging Lair...

In some leaked screenshots sent to MommyGyver today- from a mentor's group, some consultants express concern over the company's...

Deciphering the Disney/LLR Limited License
**Caveat** I am not an attorney. I'm just skimming through this agreement and I see some points that are interesting in comparison to...

Some information was supposedly leaked indicating that this huge LLR announcement is in fact a Disney licensing agreement. I call this...

See No Evil
The direction from LLR has always been for consultants to never speak poorly about the company. Especially not publicly. The issue...

The Myth of The Level Playing Field
~~The Myth of the Level Playing Field~~ Emotions are running high after explosive blog posts by Christina regarding possible corruption...